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Into the fold...Part 1

Posted on 30 Sep 2014 @ 11:50pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Commander Travis Stone & Commander Karen Myles & Lieutenant Kordah Himars & Captain Darren Bishop & Lieutenant Caleb Gray & Ensign Z'vonty Flugence

1,749 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Location: Medical Breifing Room/Sickbay

Caleb entered the briefing room and made his way around to the foot of the table where he took a seat resting his blood stained overcoat on his lap. The choice of seats was quite intentional. While the Admiral would surely take the head of the table and others would flock to sit next to him in order of rank and relevant importance to whatever this impromptu meeting was about, Caleb liked to be at the other end where he could see everyone clearly in order to observe every little twitch and twitter without having to turn his head. It made studying his situation easier. Plus the seat actually gave him a position of power on a subtle psychological level. All minor advantages in the area of tactical discussion. The disheveled man laid his arms out cross-ways on the table and leaned forward as he awaited the meeting to begin.

While everyone filed into the small room he contacted the bridge. "Da`nal to Bridge. Lt. Mason, resume course to and speed to match our initial IP and enter into the ships log that Lieutenant Commander Anastasia Lyons gave her life in the line of duty...that she died with Honor."

Kiscad had made his way to the room by this point. He said nothing and looked to nobody. He walked to the corner nearest the observation window and stared out the port. His leg was still broken, the regeneration therapy halfway complete. His limp was evident but it was silent rage behind his eyes that made it clear he did not wish to be here.

Da`nal hadn't waited for everyone to get comfortable for he had a job to do. "I am Admiral Da`nal and as you can tell we are at red alert. I already know that my people were responsible for the attack on the planet. What I need to know is who each of you are and what you do."

"Sire" Krodah addressed the Admiral "I believe the term should be our people, sire. Also, might I add, that this lose of lives on the planet and the former commander shall be taken up as a means to send those cowardly peta'Q to Gre'thor on the barge of the Damned"

Da`nal nodded and was glad to hear his words; it helped to know a fellow Klingon was against the raids. How he would react when he learned what they were about to face was a separate issue.

"My name sire is, Krodah Himars" he left it at that, for he felt when the time was right he would explain in detail to the Admiral, of his former house, his family, and who he was in general, except what was needed to know "As far as I know, sire, I put in orders a few months ago to be this ships Chief Security officer, before starfleet and my former captain sent me to help."

"I see," while he liked the idea of a fellow warrior as his security chief he had already appointed Lt. Lindert to the position. "The position for Chief of Security is current filled but this ship is in need of someone to head the Operations department. Given the situations and as you would be the ranking officer you will lead the department."

"I understand, sire" returned the Bajoran Klingon accepting the offer of Chief Operation slot "I shall do my best, sire"

"Good." Looking to the other's Da`nal continued, "and you?"

Since no one else seemed to want to speak up and take the attention off of him, Caleb sighed and wiped his eyes. It figured the Admiral would single him out before everyone else. The spook was hoping to go last. After all, last leaves the lasting impression. Well generally it does. It was obvious that the Admiral was under considerable stress, so the typical beating around the bush guessing game would have to wait until a later time. For now it would be best to just be direct and to the point. If Da'nal had questions, he could ask them himself. The agent narrowed his eyes to meet Da'nal's and said simply, "My name is Gray. Caleb Gray. I deal in information for Starfleet. As in Intelligence. My rank is lieutenant in case you are wondering."

Caleb realized after he said it that he hadn't been as simple and straightforward as he had intended to be. He somehow he still beat around the bush a bit. Old habits were difficult to break he supposed. Nature or nurture. Environment or genetics. Whatever. Still, the Admiral asked a simple question and Caleb gave a fairly simple answer in a more complicated way than necessary. He wasn't a Klingon like Krodah Himers. There was no need to discuss honor and Klingon religion and whatever other insane cultural things came with being a Klingon. Caleb had little use for honor in his profession. Nor did he care about where someone went after they died. Every race had their beliefs. Some had similarities, some were completely different. Caleb had none of those. Mostly because if he did, his job would be that much more complicated and complications were what got people like him killed in a hurry. If anything the Federation was both his honor and his religion. He had sworn his life to it and whether the choice was easy or difficult, he would follow through with protecting it no matter the cost and no matter who got hurt in the process. It may have made him a cold person, but that was just how it was. Besides, without men like him, the Federation would certainly be a different entity. Whether it would be better or worse could be left for the philosophers.

Da`nal's gazed narrowed, thinking to himself. ~Another intelligence officer...What was an intel type doing in a Reman refugee camp near the Klingon border?~ "Whatever your orders were, whatever your reason you have for being out here, Lieutenant I don't care. If the information you were sent here to gather can aid us now you will supply me with it. Report to intel and see Ltjg Madhava and combine your efforts."

Caleb closed his eyes and exhaled. It seemed a shower was going to have to wait. Standing up the agent nodded at the Klingon Admiral, "Sure thing." Caleb didn't bother watching the others as he left the room. There wasn't much point right now. He would have his opportunities to learn more about them all later. For now he just wanted to do what the Admiral asked so he could clean up and take a nap. Throwing his overcoat on, the agent began his search for the Intel department. Why don't they ever have that department listed on the deck listing?

As the man left looked to the next person. "You?"

"I am Z'vonty Flugence," realizing he was next to identify himself, "I applied for a Security position aboard this ship a few months as well." There wasn't that much of a backstory to discuss like that of Krodah or the mysteriousness of Caleb's. If there were any more questions, Ensign Flugence was prepared to answer them to the best of his ability.

~They were do to pick up several officers during their inspection~, he thought to himself. "Very well. Fortunately you survived the attack. If you are able report to Lt. Giada for assignment." Looking to the Reman standing to the side. "And what's your story?"

Kiscad knew the Klingon had spoke to him but he was here under the most faint flag of truce. His people were dead because Starfleet and the Empire had failed them. The Empire had done worse than fail them, it had betrayed them. He had heard of the other Reman that had been killed while attacking this man. His poor brother had been in a panic and killed an officer, then was killed off. It was pointless, but one more tragedy piled upon them seemed to make no difference.

"My story? Klingon... your people have killed my people. In cold blood they killed defenseless refugees. We begged for Starfleet to help, we begged, and you came weeks too late. That is my story Admiral. There are maybe thousands of us now but let me assure you, our fleets are well hidden, and when our people can get to them they will rain destruction across Klingon worlds. We buried our fleet but it will rise Admiral, count on it."

Taking several steps towards the Reman. "Be careful Reman, the Kzinti made a similar threat and now their entire system is under lock and key. The Federation cannot respond to every threat...real or perceived and why there were no defenses here, this close to the border, is a question for the Romulans to answer."

He paused for a moment. Da`nal could understand the Reman's thirst for revenge; perhaps he could use that.

"Right now this ship is on alert and if you are of no use to this ship you can sit in quarters until the matter is way or the other. You can serve and get your revenge or spend your time as a useless passenger."

Kiscad could help but to agree, the Romulans had put them there, taken 10% of them to serve in the relief efforts and left the rest to rot. To die. When Kiscad said that Klingon worlds would burn, he hadn't exempted anyone from that. His people would lay their hands on any hidden warship, and kill with bloodthirsty abandon until they were brought down.

"Admiral, I make no personal claims to murder on your people. You are right, the Romulans have much to answer for. Those of us that are left will go to the fleets we have hidden, they will deal death until their dying breath. One hatred begets another, and millions die in the interim. I will help this vessel if it is your intention to bring this matter to Justice. The only thing that will stop my people from committing a savage suicide is that sense of Justice. I intend to bring that, Are we in accord?"

"You may yet get your chance at Justice...revenge...however you want to label it. For know you will serve as liaison between Reman as well as Romulan forces if needed. You can use the diplomatic facilities or team with the Intel department if you choose."



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