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Surprise...Surprise - Part 1

Posted on 31 Dec 2012 @ 11:45pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Lucas Mason & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar & Lieutenant JG Reese Chance & Captain Rebecca Post & Lieutenant JG Richard Dillon

1,307 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: Ready Room / Coference Room
Timeline: MD-34; 1400

Da`nal was not in the best of moods. While the renovations to the Achilles were nearly complete, the upper two sections both had new hull plating and a completely new layer of ablative armor. He intended to commend the station's engineering teams that had upgraded and remodeled his ship. Even though the tour of these sections had gone smoothly...great in fact, that had all soured we he inquired about the Lower Stardrive Section.

That section had been severely damaged during the final engagement with the Kzinti, losing a nacelle and most of its support pylon in the battle. The new pylon and nacelle was in place, in fact all four pylons had been re-enforced so there structural integrity was nearly doubled. The hull plating had been replaced and most of the ablative armor had been applied, however the section was plagued with power issues. "Has Oakheart taken any leave at all during the repairs?"

"Nope," Ciara said. "And I wished he had," she said before she could stop herself.

Da`nal growled. He admired the doctor's dedication but it was possible that their chief engineer had pushed himself too far and fatigue was hampering his effectiveness. Do you think that has affected his abilities to pull him off the final repairs?"


Before she could complete her reply the comm sounded =^=Commodore Da’nal. This is Admiral Nathan Hawke. Please join me in the Conference Room immediately. =^=

Da`nal wrinkled his brow questioningly. He was unfamiliar with Admiral Hawke but he was a ranking officer and orders were orders. =^=Understood Admiral, on my way=^=.

Looking to his XO; "Join me Commander, whatever this is about I'm sure it affects you as well."

She was unconvinced and had no particular desire to meet with the Admiral, but inclined her head in and acknowledgement and fell in step next to the Commodore.

Hawke stood with Sharr in the Conference Room awaiting the arrival of Commodore Da'nal. He enjoyed these occasions where two senior admirals would tag-team and scare some unsuspecting subordinate before springing a promotion on them.

“You know, Hawke, if I didn’t know you better I would be saying you are enjoying this. That little curl in the side of your mouth is such a tell.†Admiral Sharr grinned as he surveyed the room; he was being a good boy and staying sober for this.


"Nurse" Sara stated angrily while knelt down looking into a cabinet "Where is the blasted Hypo spray refiller at?

"Over by the digital Display biobed?" returned the one of the Nurse

"Why the hell is it over there?" demanding the Chief medical Officer

"The Station engineers felt it would be a better place for it there, doctor?" The same nurse replied

Cursing in both Andorian and Klingon, which to the untrained observer of the culture of the two warrior cultures, the jumble of words would sound like grumblings of a child, but to the trained, her distaste for Engineers would be know.

"Damn Engineers!" she stated as rose back up onto her feet "They always changing things..."

Sara was soon cut off from finishing her statement about engineer, when she was paged for a meeting in Conference room. The Andorian Klingon Hybrid sighed and shook her head, once the young officer finished speaking to her.

"Every well. I’ll be there shortly. Sickbay out" she ended as she looked to Nurse Hatlap "Mary."

"Ma'am" returned Hatlap

"When you get a chance too, move the refiller back to where it was" she stated as she departed to the meeting.

Upon entering the room, the Andorian Klingon hybrid eyes, shift to both side to take in all that were summoned. Most she knew, on a short term. Yet, she knew she'll get to know all of them soon enough. With a kind smile on her lips, greeting each of them with a nod, before taking her place in formation with the others.

Lucas stood lined up with the rest of the senior officers of the Achilles. He was standing easy with his hands behind his back. He kept glancing at the two four-star Admirals in the room, in particular Nathan Hawke. It has been a couple of years since he had seen his cousin at the family Christmas celebrations. Nathan and his brother David had been the golden boys of the family, but Nathan has become something of a legend. He had exceeded everyone’s wildest expectations and had become one of the younger Admirals in Starfleet history. He seemed to have a knack for being at the right place and the right time. Added to that his extensive and diverse training and he rocketed to the top of Starfleet. No one was sure how high his ambition reach, but he seemed content to serve as a member of the Joint Fleet Command of the Ninth Fleet for the present. He wondered if he would get a chance to talk to him after whatever was going on was finished.

Richard was standing at ease with the rest of the Senior Staff of the USS Achilles, and he was wondering exactly what he was doing here. He was one of the newest members of the Achilles senior staff, and as such had not had much of an interaction with the crew as of yet. So glancing around at the presence of two full Admirals he assumed he was here to witness one of three things. Either the Achilles CO was going to be reprimanded quite severely, possibly removed from his command, although he doubted that very much, he was going to be presented with an award, or he was going to be promoted. The only thing Richard could do in this situation would be to listen and observe.

Reese stood with the rest the senior officers of the Achilles awaiting the arrival of Commodore Da'nal. Outwardly, he was the picture of calm but inside his mind raced to figure out what was going on. He could tell from the body language of the two flag officers that it wasn't anything negative but what was it. Maybe it was just the Security Officer in him but he didn't like being in situations he didn't know about.

Rebecca stood, a little separate from the rest of the senior staff whom she had not really had a chance to get to know properly yet, but close enough to not feel distant. She couldn't help but wonder exactly was going on, it wasn't every day after all that two Admirals turned up on a ship at the same time, indeed in her mind it was an absolute nightmare from the point of view of protecting them. It may ultimately be a security problem, but as a Starfleet Marine she also had the traditional duty of protecting a Starfleet vessel and its personnel from attack by a hostile species. She watched the gathered personnel with a careful eye as she waited to see what was going on.

Da`nal and Ciara entered the large conference room to see not only his senior officers, but not just one but two Admirals. The last time he had encountered Admiral Hawke was during that trumped up hearing after the Battle of Yadalla, and the wheels began to turn as he wonder exactly what was going on.

Nathan turned to Commander Brannagh and said, “Commander, would you please join the rest of the senior staff.†Then he glanced at the Yeoman.

"Of course," Ciara said as she went to stand next to the view port. It smelled like a promotion or an award, but already? He had just been promoted.

Ayren stepped closer, taking the children with her, who had been prepped as well. Both were dressed in children's full armor, according to the levels they were in their training.



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