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Surprise...Surprise - Part 2

Posted on 31 Dec 2012 @ 11:45pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Lucas Mason & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar & Lieutenant JG Reese Chance & Captain Rebecca Post & Lieutenant JG Richard Dillon

848 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: Ready Room / Coference Room
Timeline: MD-34; 1400

On getting the Admiral’s nod Lance turned to the assembled officers, a wry grin offer his face having had a hand in ambushing his CO. “ATTENTION TO ORDERS! Commodore Da`nal, front and center.â€

Da`nal wrinkled his brow curiously. Moving forward he glanced to his right. In front of the senior staff was Ayren with Garath and Ariella. Was he getting some kind of award...~possibly~, he thought to himself.

Lucas raised his eyebrows but managed to keep his smirk concealed. The same that has recently happened to him in the Captain’s Ready Room was about to happen to Da’nal, albeit it on a bit more formal and grandiose scale.

Richard kept his features schooled into non reaction, although the call to attention indicated that the CO was going to be rewarded and not punished, he really wanted to let his grin out, there was just something entertaining about watching a superior officer be bushwhacked by their own superiors.

A smile crept across his Reese's face as he nodded his approval. As he glanced around, he could see that everyone else was pleasantly surprised as well.

Rebecca instinctively snapped to attention but her mind was going over this, certainly some sort of award for the Commodore of some description, but given his service during the recent conflict it was hardly surprising.

She was able to fully move her antenna to reflect her reaction, she would have. But, a simple grin formed upon her lips. Her eyes took in what was taking place, as her body came to attention with eyes front. hands were cupped at her side.

Da`nal took his place, though at attention his eyes glanced past the Admirals to Ayren as she smiled proudly.

Hawke took the PADD handed to him by Sharr and read, “The President of the United Federation of Planet has reposed special trust and confidence in the valor, fidelity and professional excellence of Da’nal of the House of Varal. In view of these qualities and his demonstrated leadership potential and dedicated service to Starfleet, he is, therefore, promoted from Commodore to Rear Admiral and in addition to his current duties as the Commanding Officer of the USS Achilles is granted command of Task Force 47, Ninth Fleet. Effective Stardate 67557.â€

Admiral Sharr smiled at the now Rear-Admiral, “She is a fine Task Force, she will treat you well. Congratulations on your appointment.â€

Now the suppressed smile spread across her face and she stepped in to help with the shiny's proudly.

As the citation was read Da`nal's stance became even more rigid with the pride in such an honor. He was speechless and quite shocked in fact. As Ayren came forward to assist in the changing of the pips on his uniform, "Thank you Admiral, the honor is to serve."

He took each of the Admiral's hands in turn, “Admiral Sharr…I relieve you sir.†As he gripped Hawke’s he spoke; "Mine must have been the shortest stint as Commodore in the history of the fleet."

Ayren now stepped forward and stood on her toes and kissed Da'nal on his cheek. "Congratulations and Qapla', my love," she said softly. "You deserve it," she said as she now let the children congratulate their father.

Ciara grinned as she realized she had been right, she started the applause with her hand.

She knew that Da'nal would make a great admiral and she would remind him so, when the time was right. She saw him as both a good friend and leader, as well as a great warrior. But, the time felt right to begin clapping for her friend and she did so.

Rebecca smiled as the surprise was revealed. She had only known the Commodore, hell, Rear Admiral, for a short time but from what she had heard about him he deserved this promotion and would make a fantastic task force commanding officer. After stepping out of attentions she joined in the clapping.

Da`nal raised his hands to quiet the applause. “Thank you all. This was completely unexpected.†Looking to his Yeoman with a glance that assured the Senior Chief that revenge was coming. “I am honored at receiving this promotion, but more than that I honored to share this moment with all of you. That said the Achilles is now the flagship of an entire task Force and so a new standard is to be set. The ship is still in need of repair and new crewmembers to be integrated; all while you and your departments rotate through shore leave. We are now the ship that others will be looking to. We are now the crew that is to set the example. Let’s get to work.â€


Commodore...Rear-Admiral Da`nal of the House of Varal
Commanding USS Achilles

Commander Ciara Briannagh

Lieutenant Lucas Mason

Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar

Lieutenant junior Grade Reese Chance

Captain Rebecca Post

Lieutenant Junior Grade Richard Dillon

Ayren Kellan
NPC - played by Ciarra


Admiral Nathan Hawke
Admiral Myrkul Sharr


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