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Dinner with the Boss - Part 2

Posted on 29 Dec 2012 @ 4:27pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar

1,073 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: SB 80 - Flag Officers Quarters

Sara took in a deep breath to savor the flavor of the dishes that was in the air, while at the same time her stomach growled informing the world that she was hungry.

"Please, go ahead and help yourself," Ayren invited, giving warning looks to the children to allow the guest to help herself first.

Da`nal seated himself at the table with a wide grin. "No need to stand on ceremony Doctor." In typical Klingon fashion there were no utensils at the place settings, though a small pile was available if needed. Reaching out he tore meat dropping it to his platter then picking up a good portion of gagh. "and yes the gagh is live...from my own private supply."

With a nod of her head, Sara, rose up and leaned forward. She paused and looked to the children as she extended her hand to them.

"Plates" She stated bluntly. Once she gotten the plates, she dished them up some of the food. A moment later, she handed the full plates to them, then she looked to the Commodore and his mate.

"Plates, captain" she informed

Da`nal waved her off. "You are a guest here so there is no need to serve us...and I am quite capable of serving myself."

"We had this chat before and I do not want to see a fellow warrior behind a desk getting old and fat. Like so many of the Empires generals, captain" Sara returned full heartedly "Now give me your plate, so we all can eat"

Lean to the young doctor. "I am in no danger of getting fat...nor am I an old invalid. In fact, it was not so long ago that I nearly matched the current bat'leth champion...I believe you met him. Now fill your plate before this feast gets cold."

"I have meet him, briefly of course." She looked towards Ayren and took her plate as well as she gave her a kind smile as she placed items upon her plate, before handing it back to him “I see why you love him. He's thickheaded, brave, stubborn, just to name a few."

"Absolutely, wouldn’t have him any other way," Ayren said. "I can tell you that he is in no danger of gaining weight and sitting behind a desk. He is too active..." she added with a grin. "And apologies for not giving you the option of a plate, we mostly eat according to Klingon custom," Ayren said apologetically. She had assumed the doctor was familiar with the Klingon way of eating.

She laughed at her reply as she placed some food onto her plate "Indeed" she stated as she sat down and began to eat. Once she had swallowed her food she looked over to the Commodore.

"Not sure if this is the right time to say this, sir, but we need a lot of medical equipment for the Achilles before we depart the station" Sara stated "Minus the equipment that's being replaced. There's a need for more specialize equipment. Also, I'm heading planet side to do a little bit of shopping for herbs, animals, and other odds an end, just in case something goes wrong with the power in sickbay."

Washing down his latest bite with a gulp of bloodwine he nodded. "Very well. Give Commander Brannagh your list to make sure your needs are met. What 'animals' did you have in mind? I can’t have the Achilles turned into a zoo now."

With a nod, Sara arched her right brow slightly at the comment as she let a smirk form upon her lips "Well, I'm not getting lions, tigers, and bears. Oh my, no. If that was the case, sir. Then the Achilles, might be renamed, Mighty Python Flying Circus. No the beasts I need are small in nature, easily stored in a small room and small cages."

Tossing a bone on the table before him and lighting a piece of qulDIr holding the flaming morsel in his fingers a moment before popping it in his mouth. "In that case permission granted."

The evening progressed and once dinner was complete Da`nal walked into the living area, were the doctor was seated, with a bottle of bloodwine and two tankards. Handing her one he sat as he poured his own. "So tell me about yourself. How did you get into medicine?"

Sara washed down the food, which had placed into her mouth as she dwelled on what to say and what not to share in her answer back to the captain.

"Well," she started off "There isn't much to say. I am a child, born into a noble house. One of the major house that supply food stuff for the Empire, but compare to those on Qo'nos, the House is a Minor one. My mother, who's Andorian, at the time was merely a young woman assigned to the planet, in which my father lived upon. Long story short, he feel in love after a fight at a bar. How he won her over is beyond me."

Sara laughed as she shrugged her shoulders "Perhaps he did win over with his own written works and lived through the assault. Of course, not everyone in the house agreed with his choice of mates, they still don't. But, they accepted it over time. How I got into medicine is simple really. At a small age I wanted to know how animals worked. After my kills, I would cut them open and wonder. From there, I would ask for books on medicine and everything else. Once I came of age, I went to become a warrior. I passed, which was one of the hardest parts in my life. After that, The Empire's medical training, then I was off to Starfleet to become a doctor."

Talking a draw from his tankard and as he lowered his drink. "And now you are here, and having been one of the few survivors of the Kzinti attack on SB 24. You're ancestors must have guided your steps to lead you to greater glory."

Sara nodded her head "Indeed they did. More so with my cousin, sending a few of those peta'Q to Gre'thor."

"Well, warrior and healer, a definite contradiction in terms." Lifting his drink, "Here is to contradictions in terms."


Commodore Da`nal

Ayren Kelan
ACDO & Counselor
NPC - played by Ciara Brannagh

Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar


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