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30 Jan 2013 @ 9:51am

Lieutenant JG Richard Dillon

Name Richard Samuel Dillon

Position Chief Intelligence Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 35
Languages Federation Standard, Vulcan, Romulan, Ferangi

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 1"
Weight 187 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Grey
Physical Description Richard is a tall relatively good looking man with sharp grey eyes and short black hair, slightly spiky. He usually sports short facial hair kept at a constant five o’clock shadow, he has a lean and muscular build developed from years of contact sport, fencing, swimming and general fitness activities. He has several scars adorning his body; the most notable is a long ropey one that winds itself from his left wrist, around his forearm up his shoulder and ending about half way up his neck, the tip appearing slightly on both his collar and the cuff of his uniform tunic. His uniform is always neat and presentable, a by-product of his strict childhood. He also has two tattoos, one on his chest above his heart, a tattoo worn by all of the members of his unit during the Dominion War, the Greek Lambda symbol with the Roman Numeral III inside its arches. The second is a Japanese snake design coiled around the upper bicep of his right arm with its head resting on his deltoid, underneath the serpent was a scroll with the word ‘Viper’ written inside it, his ‘call sign’ during the war.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Lt Commander Liam Dillon (Ret)
Mother Heather Dillon Phd
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) Clair Dillon, Ameila Fitzpatrick nee Dillon
Other Family Gunnery-Sergeant Peter Macleod (Grandfather)

Personality & Traits

General Overview A thoughtful man with an offhand confidence, he does not suffer fools gladly. Normally Richard is a bright and rather cheerful person, but behind this facade lurks a colder persona. His persona was born of two separate situations, the first was his strict upbringing at the hand of his strict, abusive father, and the second was as an Intelligence Officer during the Dominion War. As an officer though he believes in an unquestioning loyalty to his Commanding Officer and his Ship, although this has been tempered somewhat by his experiences during the war, when he heard some truly unimaginable and quite frankly stupid orders come out of the mouths of senior officers.
Strengths & Weaknesses Richard is an intelligent man with a keen analytical mind that enables him to look at a situation or problem and think of 'outside the box' answers. He is also a skilled operator able to fend for himself, often for long periods of time without assitance. He is also able to blend into most crowds, although he is a Starfleet Officer and Combat Veteren he is also not an obvious person, he can be just another face in a crowd if he wants to.

One of his main weaknesses is that he can be a bit obsessive, if there is a problem that he cannot solve everything else is pushed to the back of his mind, and sometimes he forgets to look after himself and needs someone to point out that he is only mamking the situation worse in this regard.
Ambitions When Richard entered Starfleet he wanted rapid promotion and to eventually hold a high command rank, or even flag rank as quickly as possible. The Dominion War changed that he now has much smaller ambitions, including a family one day, although he would never turn down a promotion.
Hobbies & Interests Swimming, Contact Sport, Fencing, Reading any and all genre, and watching historical epics on the holodeck

Personal History Richard was born in London to Heather and Liam Dillon, his mother was a Professor of Medieval and Renaissance History at the University of London, his father was a Lieutenant, at the time of his birth, in Starfleet Corps of Engineers. Unfortunately due to the nature of his work, Pat’s father was not around a great deal when young Pat was young; this would lead to a strained relationship with his father when his father transferred back to an Earth duty station. Liam Dillon was a mean drinking man, compile that with a poor work ethic that stunted his promotion and you get a man with a short temper with an axe to grind, and he often took that axe to his oldest son, beating him when he got in trouble, or when he didn’t perform well enough in school.

During Richard’s younger years he grew like a weed, wild and free, disdainful of authority figures, especially his school teachers, as the only subject he was especially interested in was History, all other subjects work ethic aside, if there was a history project to be done, a report to be written or a presentation to give Richard always excelled, getting very high marks. Although his efforts in subjects like mathematics and physics left something to be desired, and although when he reached his early teens and he knew that such previously disregarded subjects were essential in many career paths, he did not enjoy them at all, although he applied himself much more.

The only real bonding point that Richard had with any member of his family was with his paternal grandfather, though their shared love of Rugby Union the old man was a devotee to the sport, something that Richard could understand as he once put it that Rugby was “Thirty lads beating the hell out of each other in a field, I love it but I really understand why Grandad loves it.â€

The only real male authority figure in Richard’s life that the young rebel, as he liked to think of himself, respected was that of his maternal grandfather a retired Gunnery-Sergeant in the Starfleet Marine Corps. His grandfather was similar to Richard himself, even though he was a much older man he shared his grandsons boyish enthusiasm for most things, and his distaste for mathematics. Richard’s grandfather, Peter, also shared his grandson’s love of history, although not quite to the same degree, where Richard loves every aspect of History, the great battles, the political decisions, the ramifications of certain decisions. Whereas his grandfather just loved the stories themselves, the pair were practically inseparable during Richards younger years, and to this date the pair exchange letters whenever possible.

The other person who had an influence on Richard’s life as a child, along with being an authority figure he respected, was a Professor Eliza Roberts, a historian that worked with his mother at the University. She was kind enough the take Richard along with her when she visited some of the main historical sights of Earth, such as the Louvre in Paris, the Vatican in Rome, Stonehenge in England along with a myriad of other places. What Professor Roberts did was provide Richard with the ideal that people need to learn from history as, if they do not, then they are doomed to repeat it.

Although Richard was interested in a career in space, and even considered Starfleet as an option but his mind was not made up until he was thirteen years old, when an incident happened that almost made up his mind for him.

During a rare opportunity to get off Earth and visit his father, when he finally got posted out of the Sol system again, he was stationed on the, then nearing completion, of Deep Space 12 Richard and his mother decided to make a holiday out of the experience and took a much slower civilian transport, not spending as much time is his father’s company was an added bonus, rather than accepting the option of travelling on an outgoing Starfleet vessel. The vessel in question, the SS Torrens, about three days out from Deep Space 12, suffered catastrophic engine failure, the warp core went into overload due to several micro fractures forming under the stress of an unexpected plasma storm, as a result of this systems failed throughout the ship. The subsequent damage was too much for the civilian engineering compliment to handle so the Captain was forced to send out a desperate SOS message, he knew his ship was failing, and he needed help in order to save his crew, and his passengers.

One of the passengers that needed saving was the thirteen year old Richard Dillon, he had been playing with the children of some of the other passengers when the incident occurred, the room in which they were playing in suffered a great deal of structural damage, the two conduits in the room exploded outward bringing down a portion of the ceiling as the ships structural integrity had been weakened by the damage done to the warp core, and the plasma storm impacts, this resulted in the death of the other two children, This piece of ceiling fell in such a way that it did not completely impact with the deck plating of the room, it was held up by a part of one of the damaged consoles, and Richard’s leg.

He lay there in the dark for three hours listening to the warning klaxons going off, and the computers voice announcing the disaster and listing the damage the ship had suffered. It got to the point that even at his young age Richard thought he was going to die in that room, until he heard voices outside the door, he screamed at the top of his lungs, he didn’t really care who was out there as long as there was someone there. Soon the door was forced open and a voice cried out “Is there anyone in there.â€

Richard’s frantic yells soon attracted the attention of the man at the door and soon someone knelt down next to him, as the man came into view Richard realised he was not wearing a regular Starfleet uniform, he was actually wearing civilian clothes, but was wearing a ring with the Starfleet insignia, so Richard assumed that at some point he had been in Federation service. “Are you still in the service?†Richard asked while the man moved around trying to find something to take some of the weight of his leg, he was honestly trying to do anything to take his mind off the pain and fear.

“What gave me away?†The man asked with a smile, looking over his shoulder after picking up a large strut, he followed Richards’s eyes looking at the ring on his hand “Oh that, I used to be in Starfleet, not for a while now but I was in for a good long while. I retired as a Lieutenant Commander; I worked my way up to it though I enlisted to begin with and was a Chief Petty Officer when I eventually went to Officer Candidate School. I wasn’t in any of the regular branches I worked in Intelligence, now the stories I could tell you.â€

Richard looked up with a wince and said “I’ve got plenty of time.â€

When the rest of the Starfleet emergency responders got there they found Richard still talking to the former Intelligence Officer, whose name he’d found was Duncan Reardon, and it was that conversation that got him interested in the world of Intelligence and Intelligence operatives, and from then on he knew what he wanted to do in Starfleet.

It was after this incident that really caused a change in Richard academically, he knew what he wanted to do, he knew that he wanted to be a Marine, but in doing so he knew that he wanted to be more than a rank and file, he wanted to be an officer, like the officers that his grandfather taught him about, those that took care of their men and listened to their advice, instead of rushing in and getting good men and women killed. When he finally started High School at Saint Lysander’s, Richard threw himself into his studies, he knew he needed the best grades possible in order to apply for Starfleet Academy and his troubles in mathematics needed to be overcome, eventually they were after all his High School years, many agitated maths professors and a couple of irritated tutors, Richard Dillon finally understood maths, he still didn’t like it though.

The proudest day of his life came when the results of his final High School year examinations came, along with his acceptance to Starfleet Academy. His mother was overjoyed at the result, finally her wild son had found something to believe in, something to devote his life to, something to which he felt he could use to make a difference in the galaxy, these were the sentiments that were echoed by his grandfather, but sadly not Richard’s father. Richard’s father was disgusted that his son had gained acceptance to Starfleet Academy, but he was most unimpressed with the actual career path that his son had chosen. Liam himself had been a lifelong Engineer. He abhorred his son, still seeing the rebellious child he had been, in all that entailed, and he took the fact that his son had joined the Starfleet to go along the Intelligence career path to be a personal insult and slap in the face, which resulted in a brawl between the pair that they have barely spoken in the years since, even when Richard came back home from active service, he never stayed in the family home again, always staying with his grandfather.

Richard enjoyed his time at Starfleet academy; he majored in Terran Military History a subject that covered the expansion of the ancient Earth empires, all the way up to the based conflicts end of World War III. Richard eventually wrote his final dissertation on pre warp drive religious warfare. Young Richard also initially taking a Minor in Geography, but the fact that he kept falling asleep in the lectures indicated that he should seek a different path, specifically that of Intergalactic Political Science. However just because he was able to take courses that specifically interested him and that he wanted to learn in, he still was unable to escape mathematics, an essential for any space posting, especially for Intelligence Operatives. Throughout his four years at the academy Richard battled through endless hours of advanced calculus and algebra, something his roommate, a young Bolian cadet who had no limitations when it came to mathematical studies, found hilarious. After completing his course of study, in which he came tenth overall.

It was at the end of his third academic year that the Dominion War broke out, instead of waiting another year for his academy course to be completed Richard took the opportunity to transfer from the academic officer track straight into the enlisted ranks. He took the much quicker catch up courses to complete the remainder of his training in just a month, as the majority of the groundwork for Starfleet service had been covered in his earlier academic years, however his enlistment training allowed him to get an appreciation for the Starfleet machine from the ‘deck up’ as some of the enlisted hands termed it.

After his training was over Richard was promoted to Petty Officer Third Class due to the leadership training he had received at the academy, and the Intelligence Corps does not let any skill go to waste, he was appointed to Intelligence Unit Lambda Three as an Infiltration Specialist aboard the USS Bowden, however due to the ship and personnel the Dominion War Richard and his team were soon appointed to frontline duties aboard the Intelligence ship USS Shadow. Their mission to infiltrate behind enemy lines and provide support and intelligence for Federation forces on the ground, working closely with Marine elements and Fighter support units. In the middle of their second tour two thirds of his unit was killed in an ambush orchestrated by the sloppy use of encryption codes used by the team’s senior encryption specialist, fortunately for him he was killed in the ambush and never had to suffer at the hands of his teammates for his less than stellar work, this left a gap in the teams command structure and as a result Richard skipped a grade and was promoted to Petty Officer First Class, the team got new members one new Ensign and an newly promoted Lieutenant.

During one of the lesser known skirmishes of the war, on a barren little rock of a planet called Tricraxia Prime, Richard’s Commanding Officer, along with his second in command, was killed in action, leaving Richard to take over and assume command for the duration of the mission and indeed for the duration of the conflict. However Starfleet Command could not let a unit of Lambda Three’s size linger under the command of a Petty Officer First Class, so Richard was promoted again, earning him a great deal of good natured teasing from his teammates, he was promoted to the permanent rank of Chief Petty Officer with the battlefield commission granting him the temporary rank of Ensign, a rank he held until the end of the war and he reverted back to his previous permanent rank and billet. Once the war ended the team was heavily decorated, their efforts praised by Admirals and Dignitaries alike, but the team never spoke to anyone about what they did during the war, and only rarely to each other.

He took an extended leave of absence from Starfleet to recover from the war, the things he had seen and the friends that he had lost. He travelled around the known galaxy using the contact he had made and friends he had stationed around to help him find work when he felt like it, he even did a stint on a Klingon Mercenary ship, although how he came to this particular billet he doesn’t really speak of, and those that know think it is one of the most hilarious things they had ever heard of. His only real comment on the matter was ‘Never try to outdrink the senior noncom of a mercenary ship when a) the chap is a Klingon the size of a house b) is recruiting and c) is in the mood for a drinking contest’. He was offered the chance to return to active duty, but instead went back to Starfleet Academy to finish his final Academic year, when he graduated he served as an Intelligence Officer, and later Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer aboard the USS Providence, a position he held for several years, getting along with other officers and the Captain, Eliza O’Hara who promoted him to Lieutenant Junior Grade, and recommended him for his next post as Chief Intelligence Officer aboard the USS Janus.

After five years aboard the USS Janus he opted to transfer to a more exciting posting, the Janus only really patrolling the interior of Federation space, he wanted a posting where he would be able to see the results of his work first hand, and he was getting tired of dealing with Klingon Intelligence Agencies, who were generally typical Klingon warriors who only thought they were more subtle than their warrior brothers. He served on several ships usually for only one or two tours before applying to the USS Achilles as her Chief Intelligence Officer.
Service Record -Starfleet Academy-Cadet (Three Years, changed from Officer Track to Rapis Enlistment Training Due to War Demands)

-USS Bowden--Petty Officer Third Class: Infiltration Specialist

-USS Shadow--Petty Officer Third Class: Inflitration Specialist + Promoted to Petty Officer First Class (Skipped grade promotion approved due to War service and requirements of Intelligence Unit Lambda Three)

-USS Tiberius--Petty Officer First Class: Infiltration Specialist + Underwent In-Field Encription Training

-USS Zeus--Petty Officer First Class: Infiltration Specialist + Promoted to permanent rank of Chief Petty Officer, Field Commission promotion to the rank of Ensign appointed Commanding Officer of Intelligence Unit Lambda Three (Result of combat losses on Tricraxia Prime)

--End of Dominion War Chief Petty Officer Dillion Requested Extended Leave of Abscense....Approved--

-- Returned to Active Starfleet Service and re-enrolled in Starfleet Academy for Final Year--

-USS Providence--Ensign: Intelligence Officer + Promoted Lieutenant Junior Grade Served as Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer

-USS Janus--Lieutenant JG: Chief Intelligence Officer

-USS Vatican--Lieutenant JG: Chief Intelligence Officer

-USS Achillies--Lieutenant JG: Chief Intelligence Officer