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Operation Beachhead - Sleeping with the Enemy

Posted on 26 Jun 2012 @ 9:15pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Sergeant Dawn Brianna

1,337 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Planet Mercer
Timeline: Following - It's outta the bag now - Part 4

[Crash Site]

Dawn found herself laying over someone, she pushed herself off, looking at the man, it was the pilot, "Everything's going to be okay." she smiled, opening a med kit to see what she could do for him.

The bloodied pilot forced a smile at the woman; he knew she was lying.

Suddenly the shuttle was pried open and a Kzinti burst in. Scanning the interior he grabbed the wound female and dragged her out. Snapping an order to one of his team the warrior tossed in an incendiary grenade and the shuttle burst into flame...burning those still alive to death.

"Noo!" Dawn screamed, fighting the Kzinti, wanting to go back to try to rescue anyone she could, but she was hit in her stomach... right where the wound was, causing her excruciating pain. She quickly stopped, knowing there was nothing she could do now.

::In Kzinti:: "Tie her up and take take the female back to the city. Alive! She will have information we need!"

Dropping the human female to the ground she was quickly stripped of her weapons, armor, and most of her clothing...revealing the massive bruising from her wound. Heedless of her injuries she was bound and carried off by a loan Kzinti on foot as the other headed back into the fight.

"What you are doing is wrong. You're here, why? Why are you here? You have a choice, we all have a choice." Dawn talked to the Kzinti soldier.

"Silence Human! You have no right to be here. This was ours space before you were even born!"

"No." Dawn growled, "Answer my question." she stated, glaring at the Kzinti Soldier.

He ignored her as he ran, but as the sun set and the moons rose high he dropped the Human female to the ground. He hadn't forgot her ealier question. "You wanted to know why we are here...To take back what is ours."

He crouched, leaning up against a larger tree; he began to relax. The temperature had already dropped no doubt the cold night air would have an effect in the furless, tiny human.

"What's yours?" Dawn replied back, feeling the cold air flow over her body; she hated the cold, and knew this wasn't going to be good. "You can't share with other races? You have a choice to do that you know, not kill everyone in sight." she said to him softly, as a cold chill went down her back.

He didn't even look in her direction as he replied. "All of the space we retook belonged to the Kzinti long before your Federation was even formed. The Kzinti are a warrior race...we don't share." His eyes then looked in her direction. "And we didn't 'kill everyone', just our enemies."

"I understand this, but let's stay you have someone you love, and they have a best friend who is an enemy race to you, and you kill them, how would your lover feel?" Dawn asked, curious as to what he would say, or if he'd think about it.

He continued to watch her ~Friendship with an enemy...plausible, but extremely unlikely; even laughable.~ "The females of my kind are not even sentient; therefore they can't think or feel as you say. They act on instinct alone. It would take...extreme circumstances for one of my kind to befriend a human."

"Well we are in war, so why not. I mean we could find each other’s race interesting, helping each other maybe? All I'm saying is that you have a choice, in the end it is your choice and yours alone, nobody else's." Dawn replied, the air was getting cold as the sun dipped below the horizon, she began to shiver, her small body trying to build body heat.

Leaning back against a tree he didn't bother replying to her words, but his mind was mulling things over. ~Cooperation with a human...HMMMM~ He closed his eyes but his ears where alert for anything. Hours went by and the noise only was getting worse. The noise from that furless human female was beginning to drive him insane.

Opening his eyes he saw he curled u trying to use some of the foliage to cover her bare skin but it was obvious that her effort were unsuccessful. While she remained huddled shivering in the night air he rose and began collecting wood from the forest floor and from dead branches within his reach. Grumbling to himself as he worked.

Making sure to keep her within his sight or hearing even though there was nowhere for her to go. His kind had excellent hearing, not to mention that his kind were predators and had keen night vision. Returning he dropped his collection and set the base of what would be a fire against a large bolder, as a reflector, near where he had been. Setting the fire he kept it small and returned to his position. "Come human...warm yourself."

"I could stay warmer if I sat next to you too." Dawn suggested, hoping he would say yes.

He shook his head violently, shocked at the suggestion. "NO."

She looked at him silently. Her head cocked slightly.


"Please." Dawn asked softly, almost begging, "If your superiors get me back in worse condition, what will they do to you."

He now began to realize firsthand how manipulative humans could be. What made it worse was that she was right. If he brought her in any worse condition than she already was or worse if she died it was his hide on the line. Why his superiors wanted human female he didn't know but they had their orders. He groaned to himself and repositioned himself so she could lay next to him.

Dawn lay next to him, trying to stay warm, although he was the enemy; Dawn knew he wouldn't hurt her, well so she thought. "Thank you." her teeth chattered, but she was warming up, "This is a bad part of being human, is that we don't stay warm that well." she said, looking at him, with a small smile.

His only response was a grumbling growl rumbling in his throat. He still couldn't believe he was in this situation, if any of his comrades saw this...

"I understand you're uncomfortable with this and if any of your friends saw this, they would probably kill you. But you are following orders to keep me alive, so they should respect you for it." Dawn said to him, although he was her enemy, he was also the only reason she was still alive.

While a small comfort it still didn't help after all he was laying with a Human. "Sleep human, we have a long day tomorrow."

"I'm Dawn." She introduced herself. "What's your name? " she asked.

Her reply caught him by surprise. She had given him her name...why. Among his people you had to earn your name in combat, and females NEVER were given names. This human had been equipt with weapons and garments match those of the males of her kind that were warriors. "My name? I....I do not yet have a name."

"No name? What do they call you then? “Dawn asked, curious what his reply would be.

"Each male of my race must earn their name through battle, or by great deeds. Until then I am either called by my birth position or job description."

"So then what do I call you?" Dawn asked, wanting to know.

Again he couldn't believe the situation he was in. He was a Kzinti warrior, a Predator like no other and now he had a human, his prey, cuddling up next to him to keep warm. "I am the Fourth-Son of Kthaw-Rhen."

"Still didn't... answer... my question." She replied, as she finally dozed off to sleep, now that she was warm, and felt protected to a extent. This brought Sleeping with the Enemy to a whole new level.


Sgt. Dawn Brianna

Kzinti Played by Chris


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