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One Ship...Two crew - Part 3

Posted on 29 Mar 2012 @ 7:59pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Lucas Mason & Sascha Oakheart

1,748 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: Observation Lounge

Taking the next padd Da`nal continued. "Dr. Sascha Oakhart."

"Yes?" Oakheart asked politely, not really sure how the most 'proper' way to respond in this situation was.

"Your expertise is needed in engineering. We are in enemy territory and we still have a job to do. During the battle to save the Dama our #3 pylon took damage and additional stresses during some radical maneuvers. I also want your input on the Kzinti computer core and station debris but your first priority is the ship."

"Already designing the necessary repair's, Captain." Doctor Oakheart replied, "If I could make a suggestion though. Can we keep the radical maneuvers to a minimum until the original stresses are repaired. They're fine now, but if one were to push them... well that might not be the best idea." he smiled, looking around and realizing that no one else found it funny. Clearing his throat, he nodded professional, brushing aside his embarrassment. "Aye sir. Repairs are underway. I will take a look at the computer core when we are finished and give you my input." he added.

Da`nal nodded with satisfaction and continued. “Lieutenant Jarva.â€

Jarva sat up straight, "Sir."

“I was informed that as you were assisting with the wounded you took charge of our sickbay and re-tasked our EMH that was filling in for our former CMO. You saw a job that needed to be done and did it. You took command of the situation and didn’t hesitate; you are to be commended. I have appointed you Chief Medical Officer of the Achilles. You will also have the Dama’s CMO and EMH to assist you and your staff.â€

"I'm honored sir. I accept the task and commendation gracefully sir. Thank you." Jarva stated.

K'tala blinked, "What the Kahless?" she muttered, they dragged her away from her work so she could watch people get staff assignments? Oh this was a great use of her time. She'd been working with Mari, the D'ama's Chief of Ops trying to get the D'ama locked down. But nooo they had to pull her away to stand here. She glared at the CO. They dammed well better have a good reason for pulling her in or she was just going to walk out and get back to work. "Stupid Meetings.." she muttered, tapping on a PADD.

Now that the crew assignments were out of the way Da`nal moved on to the more pressing matters.

"Before I fill you all in on our next objective there is a matter of internal security. We have murderer aboard ship. We thought he had him during the evacuation of the Dama but he managed to slip back aboard ship. This coward is responsible for the death of our former Chief Engineer, an attempt on my life, the murder of Commander Killian, and possible the injuries that placed our CMO in critical condition. We know this person was on one of the emergency team to beam to the Dama so that will narrow the search."

“Lt. Mackenzie, you Ayren, and Lt Cmdr Charghwl’IH will find the culprit.†His irritation that he had yet to be captured was evident.

He extended a hand in the direction of Ciara. "Commander Ciara Brannagh, correct?â€

Ciara was in her own world, not really taking notice of everything. She looked up surprised, caught out with her attention drifting. "Yes," she recovered quickly. ~How the hell does he know!?~

"Commander Brannagh, also a station survivor, conducted the autopsy on Commander Killian. Thank you Commander, I would like you to assist in the investigation.â€

Ciara nodded stiffly, it was the last thing she wanted to do. ~Pull yourself together, Ciara!~

Da`nal noticed the hesitation and attributed it to her experience on the station. Working with Ayren might help in that regard. “Good, once we are underway you, Mackenzie, Ayren, and Charghwl’IH will join me in my ready room.â€

Ayren glanced sideways to Ciara, sensing the conflict and reluctance in her. Looking back at Da'nal, she nodded. "Understood."

Ciara returned the quick glance, already slightly alarmed at the Captain's order. She also dipped her head. "Understood," she said with mixed feelings.

Sarah nodded, "yes sir"

Charg nodded at the order and was glad that he would be busy during his time would keep him occupied until they found that ship.

"With the Commanders death I will be looking for a new Executive Officer, there are several officer I am considering and I will be making my selection as soon as possible.

"Lt. Commander Patil, with the current situation we are going to be very crowded for an unknown amount of time. I don't want any incidents with the crew and those of the Dama. I want you to serve as liaison for the Dama's crew, open up the Maine's combat holodeck for their use and see to and other need they may have."

Tika nodded casually, barely making eye-contact with the Captain. More responsibility at this time seemed like it would be impossible for her to manage, but she wouldn't have anyone else knowing that. "Yes, sir." She said, flatly.

Jayne took note from her corner of the person in charge of being a liaison and made a note to introduce herself after this meeting. She was... sort of... the person on the D'ama who might be best suited to help with that, in any case. Not that she was going to be much use any other way at the moment. Jayne was a counselor. She did have some experience in diplomacy and even in command, but counselling was her area of expertise. Though the survivors of these two ships and the station could probably keep her quite busy for some time, she feltit was also her job to smooth things between these crews. As much as things could be smoothed with a Klingon/hodgepodge crew like the D'ama's anyway. There were bound to be confrontations; with any luck, a few sprains and maybe a broken bone or two would be the worst of it....

“Finally, the Kzinti ship that fled during our last engagement had managed to capture several of the Dama’s crew and our own sensors showed that there were other humanoid life signs aboard. We are going after that ship and are going to recover those people.â€

'Oh man' Ba'al stated to herself as she placed her right hand over her face for she had a sinking feeling that her lovely shuttle was going to be used for a fool hearted mission.

"I take it, we're going to go and find their missing crew members" Niemi probed and wanting answers to her thoughts

Da`nal looked to the officer. "Yes. From the information I have learned from members of the Dama’s crew those taken captive by the Kzinti are used in gruesome experiments; or worse…â€

Charg’s mind could not help but conjure images of Xea…suffering the fate Lt Soran had survived to report on.

“…and I will not let them die that way. Not when there is even the slightest chance to recover them.†He scanned the officers before him, finally spotting at Aeyrn. “And should we fail. I will not let anyone us have to endure such a fate.†He was sure that everyone here knew what he meant by that as many in the room exchanged glances.

Tika wasn't particularly patriotic and never liked the sound of one's dying for their country. It was the since of adventure that typically came with this career that she enjoyed, yet, she found this one particularly arousing. She had to stop herself, even under her current emotional circumstances, from smiling at the Captain's words.

“Mr. Lucas, once back at your station; take us out of the debris field and plot a pursuit course on the enemy vessel. They were damaged so we should have a trail to follow.â€

All eyes on him, Lucas acknowledge the order with a nod and a barely controlled, "Aye, sir."

"Captain Kretorg, once we track them down I assume your warriors will want to join in the boarding operations?â€

Kre looked at him sharply, but checked his temper. "I am not even expecting your people to take part in boarding the Kzinti ship," he said stiffly. He had spoken to Danvers and frankly it was their crew, their fight. "Unless you want to use the opportunity for recon," he continued.

Da`nal grinned slightly to himself, he understood the need for vengeance. “Captain you will find my crew more than up for the task, and if possible I want to take that ship intact, have your Tactical officer coordinate with mine."

"You heard him," he said in Klingon. Kretorg looked for the HoS'a' whom he had just spoken to. "Meet up with HoS'a', use him in the assault. Also meet with Captain Danvers, he will join you," he said.

HoS'a' waved the leg he had been chewing to attract his captain's attention. It was not something he was used to doing, since he tended to stand out, even in crowds. He nodded to Tu'rock and the Federation counterpart.

Adding to the Klingon Captains comments, "Also prepare several battle plans for consideration.â€

Sarah returned HoS'a's nod than looked back at Da'nal, "Will do sir"

“Good. You all have your assignments and you know your duty. Any Da`ma crew not specifically requested for assignment can feel free to contact the Lt. Commander Patil to assignment. †Da`nal reached down and tapped the commpanel on the corner of the table and the Captain’s voice echoed throughout the ship. “All Hands this is the Captain...Battle stations!â€

HoS'a' was on his feet in an instant the food cast aside and he ready for action. He followed the Federation Tactical officer out of the briefing lounge.

K'tala sighed she was decked out in her usual uniform of many pockets, filled it equipment, spare parts and the like. A 3lbs wrench hung at one hip like a sword and wielding goggle sat around her neck. She looked like she'd been body deep in some construction project when the meeting was called. Not having a duty station at Red Alert she went to Lt. Commander Patil and raised an eyebrow, a move she'd learned from her time on Vulcan when her mother was on diplomatic staff there. Her look simply asked, "Well where do you want me?"


USS Achilles & IKS D`ama Senior Staff


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