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24 Feb 2014 @ 1:57am

Sascha Oakheart

Name Sascha Neil Oakheart

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 48

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 10"
Weight 177 lbs
Hair Color Blue
Eye Color Gray
Physical Description Appears to be more of an academic engineer than a practical one. That first impression is hard to break, even once it's clear that he's equally adept in both aspects of Engineering. Sascha doesn't bother to try and hide the fact that he's a born and bred academic, but cannot abide those that thing that the field Engineers are any more intelligent or skilled. He can stand toe to toe with and field hand, and prove to them why education is just as important as experience.

Always well groomed and well spoken. His hair is generally styled neatly and he is clean shaven. Sascha wears his personality on his sleeve; neat, orderly and extremely clean. He doesn't do well with people or species that have less strict personal hygiene or are not neat and tidy. They don't last long around him.

His appearance is otherwise plain and simple. Sascha is not the kind of man that stands out in a crowd.


Spouse Joanna Oakheart
Father Sascha Oakheart
Mother Liza Oakheart
Brother(s) Pacha Oakheart (+5 years)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Retentive to a fault. Sascha is an extremely orderly and ordered person that demands the same of the professional staff working with and for him. Engineering is a dirty place, but in Sascha's Engineering, that is something an outsider would never know. To the point of obsession.

Sascha has forgotten more about Engineering than most of his peers have ever known, but he has has enough of academia and wants to stretch his skillset in the practical realm. He believes that there is a limit to what can be learned in the lab/computer models.

Quiet for the most part, particularly in matters not related to Engineering. A man of few words otherwise, though he is well spoken, those words are generally pointed.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strength's:

- Technical knowledge. Extremely well-educated.
- Learns on the fly.
- The creative solution, even if it's never been thought of before.


- Starfleet topics outside of Engineering's scope (Flight Ops, Security, Medical).
- Chain of Command. Sascha understands but doesn't really care, he just wants the job done, doesn't care who does it; Officer or NCO.
Ambitions To continue to learn all he can of Engineering.
Hobbies & Interests Simple holodeck programs: fishing, hiking, a simple day in the park.

Personal History Sascha's childhood was nothing out of the ordinary, the youngest of two boys born to a family of educators who prized knowledge above all else. His parents encouraged both their sons to pursue their education to the fullest of their potential. His brother Pacha and him followed their parents wishes until they finished high school and his brother decided that the academic life was not for him. It had nearly put a rift in the family, but Pacha left to join a colony that was forming... a group of colonists that in time would come to be called the Maquis.

Sascha went on to college even though his brother didn't, first enrolling at Northwestern University. It was his first time really away from home but he took to it quickly. The education stimulation he was getting was everything he'd hoped it would be and he found himself taking on more and more classes to try and satiate his almost inexhaustible desire for more knowledge. He took the path less traveled at Northwestern and began studying Warp Theory. While not a undervalued course, at this particular institution it was still in it's infancy. As a result, much of his education in the subject was one on one with the professor and even more of it was done at other institutions affiliated with Northwestern. The infancy of the program resulting in an extra year of study in the course, but he graduated top of the degree class.

From Northwestern, Sascha transferred to NYU to begin his master's course in what he thought would be Warp Theory but after taking his first course of the Master's level Thermonuclear Physics, he was hooked. He quickly changed his major focus and left the Engineering department behind for Physics. As strangely dissimilar as they were, they meshed together in Sascha's mind in a way that was completely unexpected. What was even more unexpected was meeting Joanna Armstrong, a bright and enthusiastic senior who tried to convince Sascha to buy into a date night auction for a local girl's club. Sascha agreed, but only if Joanna agreed to go out with him the next night. And so started the relationship that would define them both.

Joanna graduated NYU that spring and Sasha proposed shortly thereafter. They newly married couple found a place in NY together and Sascha continued on with his studies. In time, he came close to be able to graduate with his Master's in Thermonuclear Physics but in the last course he took, he found that he had been once again stirred by a topic. Structural Engineering. It had absolutely nothing to do with Thermonuclear Physics, but he found that a great many of the prerequisite courses were similar and so he chose to extend his stay at NYU another two years so that he could pick up the additional classes he needed to finish with Master's in both. It set the tone for the next five years, where he left NYU and enrolled at Princeton to once again pull a double Master's in Warp Theory at first and then finding himself hooked on Biochemical Engineering. Once again they had nothing to do with each other, but he couldn't help himself.

With Princeton behind him, and Joanna alongside him, Sascha made the decision to make the push for one final degree and left for Notre Dame University, who's Biochemical Power System Theories Ph.D course was quickly gaining renown. They eagerly accepted a candidate for the degree who already had so many degrees to his name and he found himself at the vanguard of the research being conducted as well as the program itself. The technology that they were uncovering was being eagerly absorbed by the Federation and organizations such as Starfleet who had an unending interest in making their ships and power systems more dependent on biochemical processes than traditional power systems. But what Sascha found was a relationship between these power systems and the structural engineering theories that would allow for it's effective use; so he prepared he dissertation on that topic, much to the interest of his professors. After five years, he graduated with his Ph.D and defended it effectively to his professors. But before he left the room where they had so vigorously tested his knowledge of the field, they offered him a teaching and research position at the University. Sascha accepted without question. He may have promised his wife that he wouldn't pursue any more degrees, but he loved Academia and he wasn't eager to leave it behind... not yet.

Starfleet had come calling on Sascha after his first degree was finished, but he brushed them off politely. Life on a starship or on some distant research base didn't interest him at all. He felt he still had a lot to accomplish in the academic world and was hellbent on doing it. No organization alive could convince him otherwise. But that didn't stop him from interacting with Starfleet as needed for his own research and over the years he had published many papers and articles that not only had a direct effect on Starfleet, but had become literature of note for the Engineer's coming up through their 'Academy'; something he considered to be nothing less than a crash course in kindergarten style Engineering.

After decades of education and teaching, Sascha finally yearned for something a bit more. After several years of soul searching and discussion with his wife, they decided that what he was seeking could only be found beyond the planet Earth: in Starfleet. So after having helped with so much research and advancement, Sascha called in a few of the favors he had and joined active duty. Considering his considerable education and several advanced degrees, Starfleet waived his need for the Academy and transferred him into active duty. So began his next great adventure.