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Bloodsport - Whips & Chains Part 1

Posted on 05 Apr 2012 @ 9:59pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar

1,178 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: Kzinti Warship

It took longer than expected to get the Klingon to the combatant cages. Several time they had to use the shock collar, and several time they beat him mercilessly. By the time they had him on the proper deck they were dragging him by his feet while he was bloody and unconscious.

They threw him into the cell and the Vulcan males and the one remaining human moved to aid him as the door slammed shut and the bolts slammed home.

"You have the rest of today and tomorrow to get him ready for what is to come."

Looking up at the Kzinti Lieutenant Cook rushed the cage wall, but the guard saw and retracted the chain and jerked him right off his feet.

The Kzinti roared with laughter.

Through the pain in his throat and his voice hoarse. "Are you all so week that you have to beat him so your butchers won't have to face him while he's healthy!"

"Worry about your own hide HUMAN!"

While all this was going on the Vulcan had to meld with the Klingon to learn the extent of his injuries...and to reach him.

[In Kronyx's Mind]

His body ached all over but he held strong knowing he needed to save the D'ama crew and perhaps others as well. As Kronyx was on his hands and knees he felt hands being placed on his face. He looked up at the Vulcan who eyes were closed. He heard a voice in his head, at first it startled him but mentally he replied, "Yes. Yes I can hear you."

Several of the Vulcans had joined in the group meld, but only one spoke. ~You have been captured and are seriously injured. We are using our mental abilities to help heal your wounds. The Kzinti are using those of us here for combat against their young warriors in order for them to earn their names in battle. You must be ready for what is to come.~

~Relax...and let us help you.~

[Elsewhere within the Kzinti ship]

With her eye slowly opening, the warrior doctor, noticed that she wasn't in the cell, plus her nose was greeted by the smell of food, drink, the cursed smell of a few Kzinti, and most of all Blood. As she tried to figure out where she was at, she realized that her half breed cousin and X'aedell was nowhere to be found, yet, the present of the cheers was loud. Rising up slowly, the one eyed warrior, heard a voice that sounded a like a Vulcan talking to her, she didn't pay any attention to voice as she rose up. Her entire body was screaming pain, even that, she paid no attention too. She turned around to look right at a naked Vulcan female, who was breathing heavily, blood dripping from her lips, and blood upon her fist.

With a arched brow, over her good eye, the warrior known as Bel'a'Tar recalled the moments that lead up to this. She was knocked out by the collar, brought to the Kzinti's officer mess, woken up, ordered to fight the Vulcan, which as Bel gathered was a long drawn out fight, no doubt planned by the Knizti high ranking officer. Again, the Vulcan, spoke to her and Bel again didn't listen, as she turned and slowly walked up to the Vulcan.

"Time to die, peta'Q" she growled before the Vulcan woman took a swing at her.

Bel, stepped off to the side to avoid the punch, but, she grip the woman's arm, drew the woman into Bel's grasp, broke the woman's arm in doing so, then with a quick twist of her battle harden hands, broke several Vertebra in the Vulcan's neck. When the Vulcan body went limp, Bel, let a pleasure induced smile form upon her lips, as she push the lifeless corpus away. Bel heard it slap upon the metallic deck plating. The Roar of cheers rang in her ears as she looked down upon the lifeless woman, before she spitted out some of her blood that was in her mouth, onto the lifeless body.

Bel, looked left and right, to see that most of the Kzinti were on their feet cheering at her, and the female servers had turned pale in sickness of the barbaric fighting, but continued to do their task, to avoid being punished. But, the warrior doctor, turned about and was about to take on another, when her collar activated and she dropped to her knees. She gripped at the throat, both pleasure and pain roared through out her body, and within a few seconds, Bel, found herself, blacking out and slammed against the dead Vulcan naked body.


X'aedell had concentrated all her energy on the telepathic mind on the ship, so she didn't even notice when Bel was removed to go and fight. As long as she kept control, this time. The last time, X'ae was tortured beyond belief. Images of the horrific rapes and deaths of other federation females were pushed into her mind. Over and over and over again. Later Xaedell could no longer discern what was real and what was not. She could not even tell if she herself had been raped or not.

Not this time. She was prepared. All her own defenses in place, instead of retaliating with pain and horror, she sought the pleasure centre of the petaQ on the other side and began ever so gentle and steadily increasing a sense of incredible pleasure in the Kzinti's telepath's mind. He was still resting from their previous encounter, so he was far weaker than her, having not expected her to recover so quickly. After all she was only a female.

[Telepath containment room]

When not given a specific task a Kzinti telepath was fairly useless without the control of his master. The Nameless creature was asleep as a connection was made in his mind. The intrusion was subtle and gentle and he began to purr at the attention. The pleasure increased beyond anything his keepers had ever let him experience...

X'aedell sensed that he was succumbing to what she offered him and relentlessly she continued, showing him no mercy with this incredible wave of pleasure so pushed into his mind. Once she was satisfied that he was occupied, she searched his mind for any tactical information. He was not worth much, being controlled like a pet by a particular Kzinti officer. ~Dammit.....~ she thought her frustrations behind her own walls of protection. There had to be something.... While the Kzinti pet reeled in pleasure, X'ae deepened her search, she didn't have a lot of time.

Then she had the something she needed. Triumphantly she grimaced as she now delivered her own measure of torture. With a surgeon's precision her concentrated thoughts cursed through his brain, causing him to be caught up in a nightmare beyond what he could imagine, not able to discern reality from illusion. Using an ancient Betazoid defense mechanism, X'ae tortured him until he collapsed, tremors shaking his hairy body...



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