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One Ship...Two Crews - Part 2

Posted on 29 Mar 2012 @ 7:56pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Lucas Mason & Sascha Oakheart

1,510 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: Observation Lounge

HoS'a' strode in and the crowds parted before him. Perhaps it was his height, perhaps it was the half cooked leg of meat in one hand, perhaps it was the smell, for whatever reason the crowd parted to let him through till he reached Kata. They had not spoken before, but both recognized the other from the D'ama, and while he was technically only Acting Chief Security Officer, he did out rank the Andorian, and was not above violently asserting that position according to rumor. He pointed to the chair she was occupying.

"Mine!" he said in simple clipped english.

She looked up at the Klingon who had spoken to her in such a rude way, that no doubt lead her to believe that he was either drunk or trying to be big and bad. With a snarl formed upon her lips and speaking in fluent Klingonese

"I don't care if it is yours or not. I'm seated here now, peta'Q. But, if you want it, then I am more than happy to show you the finer side of my Andorian foot across your face, or this chair, either way, laughs shall roar forth at your expense. Now find somewhere else to drop that masses buck of a body of yours. I am not going to move."

HoS'a instinctively grabbed for the woman, but his eye caught that of the Captain and he stopped. Instead he leaned in close and spoke quietly, also in Klingon. "On the D'ama, I would teach you manners. On a Starfleet ship I will ask you again. Move JUNIOR Lieutenant or I will have you moved."

She shook her head, and sighed. She rose up, as she placed her hand upon the table as she looked over her shoulder. Making no moves as she turned to look at the over sized Klingon, as she looked at the man she was already collecting to show the man, who was boss.

He emphasized the fact that his rank was higher than hers. On a Klingon ship, standing up to a superior officer was a punishable offence. On a Starfleet ship, while less direct, punishments were still meted out for insubordination. One way or another the Andorian could see she was going to lose this one.

Sam, knew more then she would have lead people to believe, her action, which was fuelled first by Ensign Ba'al, and then sparked by the Klingon who, rudely spoke to her in front of her fellow Starfleeter and the crew of the D'ama. And before he knew it, she had gave the man an upper cut to his jaw, and an punch to the side of his ribs.

This would have been enough to drop most Klingons, and had worked for her in the past. However, punching HoS'a' was like punching a bulkhead. He hardly seemed to move and he was certainly not put off balance.

Kata turned, grabbed the chair and dropped it onto the man. HoS'a' took the blow to his forehead, the most armored part of his body. The chair bent under the force of the blow and HoS'a' was forced a step back

Sam, looked at the man, with the chair she had sat on just a few seconds earlier off to the side. She wasn't going to be pushed around by over zealousness and someone who used their rank to gain glory. She knew that when a Klingon was embarrassed in front of their commander, it was going to be a hard time recovering it, plus, she wanted to make a point to him, that he can trust her at anytime. Yet, the Andorian, was also, with her fellow Starfleeters while on board the Achilles, which, this outcome would look bad and will bring a bad mark onto her record, but, she was a member of the D'ama crew, and the captain of that ship is who she reports too, and he makes the call as to what will happen to her later. Until then, she would be up against the wall.

"Now you have your chair," she said in Klingonese as she stepped past the man to head to the far wall. "Enjoy it."

HoS'a', blood now flowing freely from his head which was growing a wide purple bruise pulled the chair back into shape and sat down on it. He placed his feet on the table and continued to eat the meat his captain had offered him in the Mess. It was as if nothing had happened, and in HoS'a's opinion nothing had. He was a new officer, proving his right to the role, and he needed to allow others to test that. He was pleased that the Science officer had chosen to act in the proper Klingon manner instead of the stupid Starfleet talky-talk way.

When Niemi saw and heard what just happen, between the Klingon and Sam, she shook her head, as she surprise a laugh. But, the Orion, she leaned back into her chair as she wanted for the meeting to being.

[Ready Romm / Bridge]

Lance had been monitoring the arrivals of those summoned and as the last few arrived he ducked out to let the Captain know. "Sir. Everyone is assembled."

After having spoken briefly with the Lieutenant from the Dama he was even more determined to extract the rest of the Dama's crewmembers...and anyone else that may be there. Leaving the tactical data and battle options on the tablet he turned to Lance and nodded.

He didn't take the corridor directly from his ready room to the lounge he took a side trip through the bridge itself. The ship had recloaked and was at yellow alert as they were still in enemy territory. Every crewmember was armed and security stood at both entrances to the bridge.

One young office shouted, "Captain on the Bridge!"

Everyone on the bridge looked up at him with confidence. "Carry on."

He move off and as he stepped through the doors to leave the bridge, he slapped the young security officer on the shoulder. Making a mental note to restart the Captain's mess and make that kid his first victim....guest.

[Observation Lounge]

Entering the crowded observation lounge he moved to where his seat was but he only stood behind it looking out at the faces assembled.

"Our presence is now known to the Kzinti and no doubt ships are being diverted to the area in order to intercept us. That is of no concern as we will be gone by the time they get here. Despite this we still have a mission to perform. The Federation needs answers and we were sent out he to find them.

"We have a computer core that still needs to be decoded and accessed, also the Dama's crew found evidence of possible sabotage to the starbase that if true may have been key in the station rapid destruction. Lt. Commander Ericson, I will be assigning the Dama's XO, LtCmdr Charghwl'IH, to assist with the analysis of the computer core and the stations components that have already been transferred to the ship."

Charg followed Da`nal's gaze to the Intel officer and nodded.

"The engineering ship Remington and a medical ship are about an hour out, in the interim we need to also attempt to find a Kzinti computer core as well or we are going to continue to look like chumps, right now the best news I have is that it is confirmed that the Kzinti are using some kind of warp powered rail gun to launch torpedoes."

"Another thing the Dama recovered from the wreckage of the Starbase was survivors; most are being treated for injuries or trauma, or have yet to be assigned. Some are in this room; I'm sure that after all you've been through you’d like nothing better than to be able to take a break, but for those here your serves are needed and you are being assigned to this ship effective immediately and the normal pleasantries will have to wait for another day."

Ciara stiffened. It felt as if Da'nal spike directly to her. She knew duty came before personal preferences, but she hoped that she would be assigned something minor, at least she would request it, there were enough eager young officers that would be looking to advance their careers. Fortunately her stint as Executive Officer on the Starbase was only for a few months.

Da`nal took a small stack of padds from Lance and began to hand out those assignments. "2ndLt. Kane."

The Marine snapped to, "Aye Sir."

"As the only Marine aboard I am temporarily attaching you to security under Lt. Mackenzie. You are to form a strike team from the available security staff. Select five people and submit your list to Lt. Mackenzie."

Kre looked up sharply and squared his shoulders. ~Surely Da'nal is not thinking of letting his people do the rescue!!~ he thought angrily, but waited to hear him out.

With a sharp nod his eyes shot towards the SecChief. "Roger that."



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