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One Ship...Two Crews - Part 1

Posted on 29 Mar 2012 @ 7:56pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Lucas Mason & Sascha Oakheart

1,726 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: Observation Lounge

[Observation Lounge - USS Achilles]

Charghwl'IH had left both the Captains in the ready room while they finalized this for the briefing. At first he had thought they were going to kill each other but they had FINALLY come to an understanding. He didn't bother taking a seat as he waited for the others to show.

Sickbay was a nightmare, however, duty called. Jarva made his way to the Observation Lounge. "Evening," he greeted as he took his seat.

Charg nodded at the officer. He recognized him as one of the survivors from the shattered Starbase. He was admittedly curious as to why he was here but he was sure Da`nal had summoned those needed for this briefing.

Tika entered with a frown on her face. The news of Don's passing was difficult to swallow to say the least, but her duty would not allow her to grieve much right now. She took her seat in the crowded room and waited.

Lieutenant Kane came in, said hello those in the room, and found a seat half-way down the table.

Sarah was the next to enter. She still wasn't overly pleased with the Klingon crew on the ship, but she had to learn to live with them. Giving each of the Starfleet Officers a nod, she took a seat near up the opposite end of the table

Ba'al, had finished up with the last of her pep talks the Federation members from the Station and those of the IKS D'ama, she reviewed and checked off the next round of pep talks that were going to take place over the course of the week upon her computer terminal, and she noticed that she had a meeting to attend to and she was needed. With a sigh and pinching the bridge of her nose, the Orion, who happened to look like a Earth Troll, had a sinking feeling what the meeting was about, she hoped that none of the Klingons there knew her and her dealings in the past.

Rising from her desk, Ba'al proceeded towards the door to her office, but was stopped when the door opened and reviled an Andorian woman, that she knew all to well. Niemi looked the woman up and down and sighed again for she knew why this woman was here, at least from a smuggler's point of view.

"Let me guess, Kata" Ba'al bluntly stated before the Andorian had a chance to speak "your here to talk or is it something so extreme and silly, that'll make you a buck or prove that there is a god or whatever it was your damn science wanted to prove?"

Sa'matelaah had finished getting her antenna mended by the Achilles CMO, and she wanted to have a talk with Ba'al, but realize that her history was tied together with the Orion, in more ways than one, and seeing her on the Achilles, opened an old wound that she wanted to heal, before she had to report to a meeting.

"Look, Ba'al. What happened back on DS9 wasn't my fault and I want to talk abo..." Sam started, but she was brought to a stop with a gesture from the Orion's hand.

"Save your tale for later, when we have more time. We're needed elsewhere on the Achilles" Niemi informed angrily "and if you think for one second, that I'm going to forgive you, you best think twice. But, I am reasonable woman, and will hear your tale, before I make judgment. Until then, I have nothing to talk to you about."

Sam was a little perturbed with what Ba'al said to her, but saw the wisdom in the Orion's words. So, Sam, nodded her head and stepped off to the side to let Niemi exit and the two walked quietly to where the meeting was taking place. A minute or two later, both Sam and Ba'al, entered the Achilles’ Observation Lounge, Ba'al going one way, Sam, the other, but the two knew that both of them are going to have talk, if not a full out fight over a past matter, but until then, they kept it to themselves, and waited for the meeting to begin.

Ciara Brannagh was ordered to join a briefing meeting in the Achilles observation lounge with mixed feelings. No, actually she was annoyed. She gave her findings of the autopsy of the late Commander Don Killian to the on duty at the time and next thing she was here. "Dammit...†she mumbled to herself as she walked in. ~So much for not being noticed by anyone.....~ she thought. All she wanted to do was to get back to a Starbase and go back to Ireland. She stood with her back against the wall, not intending to stay long. Then her eyes fell on the black haired Betazoid she saw earlier.

Aeryn just came in, seeing the people milling around. Seeing Charg, she turned her head away. It had been hard enough to keep her composure, but talking to him, may just be too much for her. She was no Vulcan. His wife and her niece, X'aedell was captured by the Kzinti. She didn't want to allow her thoughts to dwell on that. She caught her breath in her throat and looked away when she noticed the red haired woman. The loss she sensed from her was bringing her own in perspective. Her path towards her took her inevitably passed Charg.

"I am sure we will get her. She will survive, she is a strong warrior," Aeryn said softly in Vulcan, giving his arm a squeeze

Charg had put his duties in forefront of his mind to keep from focusing on what atrocities he knew X'ae might be enduring. His mental discipline was at it breaking point and Aeryn's comment, though meant to comfort, didn't. He looked down at her and though he may have looked controlled, it was a mask. Behind that control was a fury that if let loose...even Feklahr would fear.

Aeryn immediately regretted saying anything, but it was her cousin, out there, who grew up as her sister. ~However,~ she thought, from what she knew, he will need all that anger and that icy control. She acknowledged his reaction and moved away to Ciara. She needed to focus on something else as well.

When she got to Ciara, she introduced herself. "I saw you earlier, my name is Ayren Kelan, the CDO of the Achilles," she said warmly.

Ciara gave her polite smile. She didn't want to speak to anyone, but the woman seemed so genuinely friendly. "I am Ciara Brannagh," she replied, not giving her any more information.

Ayren nodded, not pushing her. "If you want to, we could have a cup of something later," she offered.

Ciara simply smiled a vague agreement. "Sure," she said, turning her head to see the Captains arrive, her mouth dropping open to see the two tall Klingons entering, One in a Starfleet uniform and one in a KDF Uniform. "Both Klingon!?" she said surprised.

Ayren had to smile. "Yes... weird isn't it? The Starfleet one is my mate, the other one, believe it or not is related to me...." she said. When she saw Ciara's expression, she chuckled. "Don't ask..."

Both women stood to the one side. Ayren knew she could take a seat, but decided to stick close to Ciara.

A moment after Ayren had chosen her place a trill entered, and quickly found a spot that was out of the way where she could keep her back to the wall and still be close to the Klingon crew. Everything about Lt Soran had a brittle rigidity, from the stiffness of her pose to the braids that were pinned down with ruthless efficiency around her head; she had the air of an over wound spring on an unexploded bomb.

Tu'rocK had been working on reports when he was summoned to the conference room.

Kretorg walked in, his eyes scanning the mish-mash of people in the packed room. They parted in front of him, whether it was because of his size, his rank or his expression, one would not know, but in any case, he lowered himself in the first seat near the middle of the side facing the doors. He saw Ayren and greeted her with a slight nod, which she returned.

In the wake of her Captain, Jayne Smyth was hardly noticeable as she slipped unobtrusively into the room. It was crowded; it was obvious there wouldn't really be enough room for them all, at least not in seats. She faded into the background as only shy, tiny women know how, taking up hardly any room in a corner near Captain Kretorg and others of her ship.

K'tala entered, By Kahless, his sword and her House she hated meetings. She stood in the back waiting for them to get on with it so she could get back to work and there was always work, if the damned enemy would stop trying blow up what she just fixed that'd be fine of course if wishes were fleets she could of stomped them long ago. She stifled a snicker at the mental image and focused on the room, nodding to those she knew who noticed her.

Silonez would rather be alive target at a shooting range than deal with this right now, he'd gotten a tech report finally on a recovered Kzinti torpedo launcher, and wanted to go over it instead of this administrative crap, add in a few Klingons, just a great day to be on this front.

Doctor Oakheart was one of the last to step into the room, feeling wholly out of place in civilian clothes, even though he was far from that in terms of the Achilles. Something about being surrounded by those whose lives had been defined by major tactical decisions didn't quite sit right with someone who considered himself nothing more than a scientist.

When Lucas entered the crowded observation lounge, he noted how claustrophobic is felt with so many people present, he also became aware that he was one of the most junior officers in the room, and thus felt a little intimidated. He discretely found a place along the wall where he could stand and observe the meeting, and hoped to avoid any attention to himself.



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