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Guess Who's Comming to Dinner

Posted on 23 Mar 2012 @ 2:55am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,299 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: SB 517


Admiral L'Berr stood near the entrance with Commodore Soran while they waited on the Relentless Captain and XO.

" the fleet is ready at Qualor?"

"Yes Admiral. Before I left Ops to join you here I checked the latest status report. The fleet is in final preparations and should be departing within 24 hrs." There was a slight pause as the Vulcan look down the corridor. "Admiral I must object to this course of action. This is a matter that needs a more...seasoned commander."

Amber looked up at the Vulcan. "You objection is noted, but our more 'seasoned' commanders have their hand full at the moment, and are needed elsewhere. Have you informed our guests of their pending departure?"

"Yes ma'am. Fleet Admiral Jal is in the holo-deck speaking with the Heir. I must say though that the naming traditions of the Kzinti are difficult to get accustomed to."

"Agreed. It would be must easier if he had a name rather than calling him the 'Heir" all the time."

[Inside the holodeck]

Hezrk watch his young pupil pace angrily. "I will not be a part of this...this betrayal!"

"You would accuse me of betrayal? The one who killed your father is betraying the plans of your father and Patriarch before him for the last 200 years! You are the Rightful leader of our people & HE TRIED TO HAVE YOU KILLED!!

"YOU are our destiny. You must take your rightful place. You must take back what was taken from you"

"How? We have no forces to challenge General Zariv with."

[Outside the holodeck]

The Commodore turned his head sharply as his ears picked up on the conversation coming down the corridor. "They are coming."

Amber looked in the direction his glance indicated and spotted their approach.

Yaist saw Admiral L'Berr and Commodore Soval from down the hall. He quickly approached them.

Admiral L'Berr greeted the officers as they arrived at the entrance to the holodeck. "Greeting Captain, Commander, it is good to see you face to face. Tell me what do you know of the Kzinti?"

"I know that there's a conflict going on with them. However, most of what I know comes from the Battle Reports that Starfleet makes available to every Captain, so I probably don't everything there is to know about them." Yaist said with a smile.

"I see well I think this will definitely be a learning experience for you then." Amber looked over to Soran, "Plus given their size of your passengers that sardine can they sent you here in just won't work."

She could see the confused expression on his face. "Once we are done here you can report to the repair dock to take command of the USS Cochrane. She lost most of her senior staff in their last engagement and the rest were transferred to other ships. In the meantime have your crew transfer over."

"A new ship? What class is the Cochrane, sir?" Yaist asked. He hadn't been in command of the Relentless for very long. However, ever since he'd been assigned to command it, he wished he'd been assigned to a bigger ship.

"Daystrom Class,†She said matter of factly. "But that is not the most pressing issue." Nodding to the guard who opened the doors to reveal the expansive Kzinti dwelling.

"Time to meet your first Kzinti then." She stopped the two officers just as they began to move, looking from the Captain to the XO and back again. "I cannot emphasize how important it is that they get a good impression. The younger Kzinti is the Heir to the Leadership clan."

Chris knew this was important and decided not to say anything unless spoken to directly. He felt that was best.

"I understand, Admiral." Yaist said, looking towards the door. He'd never met or even seen a Kzinti before, and wondered what they were like.

Leading the officers onto the Holodeck the entered the villa and were taken to the rear of the complex and on the patio overlooking a plain of lion grass with a pond and an expanse of trees as a backdrop.

As their escort left Hezrk-Jal stepped out in to the sunlight. His battledress and armor replaced now with robes that flowed easily in the breeze and would allow for extremely rapid movement if needed. Hezrk's eight plus feet and muscular 530 pounds towered over the humanoids in Starfleet uniforms.

He approached the assembly acknowledging each in turn; noticing the two fresh faces and the scent of carefully concealed fear.

Chris saw the Kzinti and was intimidated. He did his best to conceal his fear. The Kzinti looked like a ferocious fierce cat!

"Greetings again Admiral."

L'Berr nodded at the huge felinoid. "Fleet Admiral Hezrk-Jal I would like to introduce Captain Derek Yaist and his Executive officer Lt. Commander Chris Barks. They will be taking you and Heir-Ritt to Earth. It's too dangerous to keep you here."

He glanced from the officers and back to the Admiral sharply at her last comment. "Your perceptions have changed?"

Reluctantly the L'Berr had to agree. "Yes..." she paused " were right. We found several Caitian's on the station with...questionable histories. We are tracing their movements on the station."

To be honest he hadn't expected her to act on his warning. But if they had captured some others would be ready to take their place. "Then there is no time to lose. As I explained not long ago to the young heir, the current Kzinti Leadership is not following the plans we had been following for generations."

"What do you want to us to do to help, Heir?" Yaist asked, hoping that the Heir wouldn't interpret this as Yaist questioning his leadership abilities.

The young Kzinti didn't take his eyes off the humans. His mentor wanted them to aid these...these humans. He claimed that it was for the good of their own kind, but all he knew was how much he hated them. All his life he had been taught to hate the humans and what they had done to his people. "I was under the impression that you were providing transport while we remained in your custody. Just see to your duty and leave us to our selves. The less your stench fills my nostrils the better." Heir-Ritt turned sharply and headed away.

Hezrk growled silently. "Forgive him; we were raised to hate your kind. It will take time to overcome that." Hezrk's ears twitched slightly. "My tempered by experience."

Yaist wondered when they would be ready to go. He didn't ask though, as the intimidating Heir was standing in front of him.

Commander Barns was curious and said to Hezrk, "Do you require any special environmental conditions on the Cochrane?"

Hezrk shook his head. "None. Though I would request that this program be transferred to your ship. It would give the Heir...the true Patriarch a place to vent his frustrations."

"Done." Yaist said, making a mental note to have that done when he got back aboard the Relentless. "Is there anything else you'll need?"

Again Hezrk shook his head, this time with an air of irritation. "No Captain. I would prefer we get under way and get this over with."

"Ok then." Yaist said, looking at the stardate on his old Earth-style stardate watch, "Commander Barks and I had better get back to the ship to prepare for your arrival."

Commander Barks smiled and nodded thinking that the meeting was drawing to close looked at the door. He needed to make sure the Cochrane was ready.


Admiral L'Berr
played by Chris w/ permission

Heir-Ritt & Fleet Admiral Hezrk Jal
played by Chris

Lieutenant Commander Chris Barks
USS Cochrane

Captain Derek Yaist
Commanding Officer
USS Cochrane


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