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"nuqneH?" [what do you want?] - Pt 2

Posted on 13 Nov 2011 @ 5:59pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Commander Doctor Alex Frece , M.D.

766 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: Sickbay / Ready Room
Timeline: 09:30


The burning had subsided a bit since Da'nal had emptied a fish tank on her head. As Tika starred at the ceiling in Sickbay, tears streaming from her eyes, she couldn't help but wonder if they could heal the burns left on her body. She was, after-all very attractive. In her opinion, that could not be allowed to change ever....and she also didn't want to die.

She looked at the doctor. "WHAT IS THIS?!?!

'I don't know. What the heck is going on? First thing you need to do, whether you want to or not is strip down that way whatever it is will stop continuing to get on you." Alex stated as he grabbed a tricorder and punched something in.

Stripping down was the least her worries at the moment, so she quickly complied, the best she could, quickly removing the uniform she was wearing, fighting trough the pain of her horrible injuries. After a few seconds, the Lieutenant Commander was standing in the middle of sickbay as naked as she could be, a sight that was made a great deal less appealing then it would have been otherwise by the red wounds on her stomach and legs.

"And now?" She said, trying not to wince.

[Ready Room]

Don finally got to his feet, and anger contorted his face as he realized what had happened to Tika... "WTF!?" Dazed he stared at Da'nal. "What have you done, you bastard.... Captain...!?"


Pr’Tern was on his way to his quarters as the call for security went out over the comm. ~No call for medical? Well if the Captain had used his replicator and was dead they would investigate first, then call for medical…and a squeegee.

[Ready Room]

Once again the Captain turned to his XO. The image of his hand at the man’s throat filled his mind and as security arrived faced them. “Get Lt. Mackenzie in here and have her take all replicators offline until further notice!†He then pointed to Don, “Take him into custody! Have a medical team check him out, and then confine him to the Brig!â€

Ayren's hand instinctively went to Da'nal's arm to calm and restrain him.

Da`nal felt her touch and held his position as the security team followed his orders.

The security officer nodded and did exactly what he was told. While his partner took hold of the XO he tapped his commbadge. =^= Lt. Mackenzie Report to the Captain’s ready room with a medical team immediately. =^=

Don struggled against the security team, even managed to elbow one in the ribs, but since that happened to be a Vulcan officer, and he could just as well have elbowed a brick wall. "I can get there myself, you prick!" he said to the other officer who was holding him by his shoulder.

"You need to calm yourself...." said the Vulcan. "I can assist you with medi..."

"Shut up!" Don hissed, but he controlled himself now, though he was not calm. Boiling with anger, Don walked with them. On the one hand he knew this was working very well for their plan, but on the other hand, he might have reacted in exactly the same way. That should be scary, but he didn't care at that moment.

Da`nal watched as his XO was escorted out. This was more than play acting for the crew to start rumors for the Romulans to pick up on; there was something else going on and he was going to find out what it was.

He looked down at the water mixed with blood and the Klingon fish now dying on the carpet before him. Perhaps the doctor will have some answers, but for now other questions needed to be answered.

[Pr'Tern's Quaters]

Again a call came out over the comm calling for the ship's security chief and a medical team. A wave of pride washed over him, "I got you, you klingon bastard..." It wasn't long before there was a beep at his terminal and opening the message it was confusing. It read as if a letter was sent to the wrong database. He was about to delete it, but though better of it applying a special code key it became clear that he now had an ally onboard...but one under constant guard. "Well there are ways around that."


Capt Da`nal

Cmdr Donovan Killian

Lt Cmdr 'Tika' Patil

Lt Cmdr Alex Frece, MD

Pr'Tern - Played by Da`nal
Ayren - Played by Don
Security - Played by Don


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