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"nuqneH?" [what do you want?] - Pt 1

Posted on 13 Nov 2011 @ 5:58pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Commander Doctor Alex Frece , M.D.

1,234 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: Captain's Ready room
Timeline: 09:30


Da`nal had had quite enough of the arrogance and bickering...from both “Enough! We are at war and all you two can do is fight amounts yourselves! Doctor....treat him for whatever his condition is! Commander report to my ready room when finished here!"

Don grimaced when the hypo penetrated his skin and he rubbed his neck with his hand. It seemed that the axe had been removed from his skull at long last and he closed his eyes at the relief. Slowly he got upright and without a further word he left. Apart from not understanding the initial treatment, he wished he could have had answers to the cause of this incredible pain. Didn't he actually like the doctor before? It was as if his life was spiraling out of control and he could do nothing about it.

On the way to the Captain's ready room, he could go past his alcohol stash. Maybe it had preventative properties too. Then he had to stay away from sickbay....yet he needed relief...



Da`nal returned to the bridge after the ordeal in sickbay. "REPORT!"

The Lieutenant nearly jumped out of his skin at the bellowed command. ~Whatever happened in sickbay must not have been good.~ "No change sir, the away team has not reported in yet."

"Very well. Make a note in the Log that Dr. Frece has relieved the XO of duty and have Lt. Commander Patil report to my ready room."

The young officer arched his brow in total surprise...~RELIEVED!~ "Aye sir."

[Deck 3]

On his way to the captain, Don went by his quarters first. ~Why does alcohol help for the headaches?~ he wondered as he swallowed a mouthful of tequila. He gasped as it hit the back of his throat. He shook his head and his face pulled involuntary. He was still not used to it, but it didn't have a strong smell. He replicated a piece of cheese for in case and walked to the ready room eating it. The Doc's hypo helped some and the alcohol took care of the rest.

He pressed the chime when he reached the door and it opened almost immediately. Stepping through the door he saw the large Klingon. He barely stopped himself giving the Captain a typical Klingon nuqneH, but said a fairly mild "you wanted to see me, Captain..?"

Da`al was standing there as he returned from the replicator. Little did he know that in his hand was not the bloodwine he had ordered. Though the contents looked and smelled like the Klingon beverage the Captain was actually holding a goblet of death.

Setting the goblet down on the corner of his desk he was tempted to backhand the officer into the bulkhead for his earlier actions. Instead he pulled his hands behind his back, but you could still hear his fist clenching and knuckles popping. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!"

Whether it was the alcohol or the constant pain, that caused it, but Don's emotional control was jarred. "You mean you didn't get it?" Don asked with a hint of mock sarcasm. "I went to the Doc to cure a fucking headache that split my head in two and he gives me a MILD SEDATIVE. What do you want me to do, kiss his ass for NOT DOING HIS JOB!?" he answered in a crescendo towards the end.

Da`nal’s face tightened and hands came forward, stopping at his sides. “Be VERY Careful Commander! He DID DO HIS JOB. And NO ONE attacks an officer over a mere Headache. We are at War and I need my officers at 100%. If you aren’t I need to know…â€

[Main Bridge]

Ayren breathed in sharply as her mate's anger filed her senses. And Don's were very strong too. That was no good. She knew Da'nal's natural rage and rapid temper, but he kept it under control masterfully for a Klingon. But this, this was unusually intense. And Don was no match for Da'nal. She glanced towards Tika as she stepped out onto the bridge, and got up. "I think we need to get in there..." she said and crossed the floor to the ready room door with urgency, hearing the raised voices as she got closer.

"Why?" Tika said, standing near the lift. Her question was quickly answered however by the screams and sounds of crashing that emanated from behind the door.

[Ready Room]

"Were you there?!" Don shouted. "How long is it going take to get through your thick scull? He gave me a wrong dose... he didn't treat my fucking headache...." He swung around to storm out and his arm flayed accross towards Da'nal.

Aryen didn't bother to ring the chime, she used the access code Da'nal gave her and the door opened.

Da’nal caught the cross and twisted the arm around and behind Don’s back with force. Anger had control of both men now and as the XO resisted he spun them around and sent the XO sprawling over his desk as the door to the ready room opened.

The timing couldn’t have been worse. The door parted just as Don when flying and impacted the Captains desk. His impact sent the goblet flying and its contents spilled over the front of the ships second officer.

Lahtikah shuttered as the blood-red liquid spilled across the front of her uniform. She'd closed her eyes in anticipation that it would get in her face, and for an instant considered her hair as well, but much to her satisfaction it only spilled on her stomach and dripped down her legs. "What the hell is going on here!" She said, angrily.

Don had been in a few fights in his life and it was not the first time he got flung across a room. He hit the side of the desk with his side and immediately knew that his ribs took a hammering. His face twisted at the sharp pain in his side, but before he got to his feet, he heard Tika scream.

She starred down at her uniform, which was beginning to steam to the point where holes were forming in it, then a sharp burning began in the areas where the drink had spilled and she let out a screen so powerful, she was sure they could hear it on Deck 3.

Her screams brought Da`nal out of his rage immediately. Seeing what was happening he ripped the aquarium tower in the corner from its housing and poured its content out upon Tika to dilute and neutralize the acid that had dissolved a larger portion of her uniform and parts of her as well. Even as he pulled off his jacket and tunic the blood from her wounds began to flow. Using his own clothing he bound the wounds to her legs, forearm and abdomen before Ayren called for transport.

Ayren was jerked out of shock of the scene in front of her and even as she stormed forward, she tapped her badge, ignoring everyone else. =^= Security to the ready room immediately! =^=. As she reached Tika, she spoke rapidly to the ship's computer. "Computer, lock onto Commander Patil's coordinates and initiate an emergency site to site transport to sickbay authorization Kelan 220BetaX9!" Ayren ordered quickly. =^=Kelan to Sickbay, Commander Patil had been injured with some kind of liquid.=^=




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