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Preperations for Armageddon

Posted on 15 Nov 2011 @ 10:35pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Captain Reva Madhava

1,374 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Various Locations

The Patriarch's orders had sent ripples through the fleets and the armies. The young yerned for battle and the experienced were stuck with the logistics of implementation. To carry out the order and launch the attach early, before any preperations had been made was a nightmare. Every current operation had to be suspended, canceled, or rerouted.

Ships had to be recalled from every planet, every patrol grid.

Transports were dispatched from every conquered planet carrying troops to the gathering aramada.

The final stages of construction of the 4th of there weapon ships were rushed into resource was spared.


Half the troops on the surface were recalled on ordered to the transports on the surface and in orbit and the redeployment didn't go unnoticed.

Granger and Alderson sat in the cloaked shuttle as they covered their recon route. "Whooo! looky there."

"Crap thats a lot a troops! And they expect us to beat that?"

"Will you play attention...they aren't arriving; they're leaving."

Bring the shuttle to a stop the both watched as a pair of transports lifted off only to be replaced by others.

"We gotta call this in!"

Granger activated the comm and ensured the frequency was scrammbled and buried in the plantes EM bamd to avoid detection. =^= Scout 1 to Reforger 6. The party crashers are bugging out. =^=

Stone looked at the sensor readings being relayed. We need to tie as many of them up as we can to help take the pressure off the fleet regrouping.

=^= Scout one, this is Reforger 6 ACTUAL. What do you make of those transports. How well armored and armed are they and is there any additional protection? Is it possible to bring one down? You've got eyes on...I'll trust your assesment. =^=

Looking up at Velez, Stone had a slightly unsettled look on his face.

"We can't let them leave the dance...our dance card is empty and I haven't even spiked the punch yet. Besides...who and where are they gonna hit if we let them off this planet? We may not be able to stop them all from leaving, but we can force the Kzinti commander to commit significant forces to this planet. It's location makes it too close to thier supply lines to let it fall back into our hands. We can't take it...but we can make a mess of it and keep assets tied up. I wish I could say the same for thier startships...but I guess our friends with the clean uniforms will have to handle them."

Velez smirked as the reply from the OP (observation post) cme in. =^= Reforger - it looks as if a good portion of the occupation is being pullled off planet, but some are being redeployed. I estimate the force that will remain to be half their original force.=^=

[Kzinti Orbital Command]

The Patriarch watched with satisfaction as the space was filled with activity. The last of the Talon weapon ships was nearly completed and would launch within the day. He was not concerned with the asthetics of the ships interior as long as the weapon work. They could clean up the corridors on their way to the front. Over his earlier tirad he knew his generals had been right that it would take time, though the progress his rage and created was impressive and he wasn't about to put a stop to that.

[Langley Station]

[Langley OPS]

James stood in the middle of the smoldering, tattered remains of what was once the nerve center of Langley Station. Giving out orders and taking in reports from throughout the fleet. Around him lay the fallen bodies of friend and foe alike. The severely wounded were being evacuated to the nearest medical bay as quickly as possible. Only the dead and those that didn't need, or refused to be relocated remained. James felt a presence next to him. He turned and saw his old friend, Commodore Tailor, standing next to him.

"We did it Ben...against all odds, and by the skin of our teeth, but we did it..." , Whittier said softly, "We made them pay for every cubic kilometer of space...but we paid a terrible price as well."

"We lost over a third of our fighters and platforms, one ship...gone...the rest heavily damaged. I don't know that we can hold the station if we're attacked again, and we will get hit again."

James' shoulders slumped in defeat

[Patrol Zone D-3, Near the remains of SB-24]

Command Dwer-Qil reread the transmission. He had 10 ships at his command and now he had to take the majority of them to the Armada's rendevous coordinates and only a few behind. Not tht it mattered the small handfull left behind would be more than enough to handle anything that might be foolish.

He selected the ships. "Issue the order all ships to form up on us. We depart immediately, set a course to the rendezvous coordinates."

Six of the ten ships formed on the Commanders Warship and together the engaged their D-drives and vanished. Of the ships left behind they closed fomation and continued their patrol of the area. Soon they would be nearing the shattered remains of the Federation Starbase.

[IKS D'ama]

The salvage mission on Station 24 was going very well and his crew had found many of the parts they needed to repair the battered battle cruiser.

Kre had been wearing a hole in the floor with his pacing, but the Kzinti seemed not to have noticed them yet. But that wouldn't last forever. =/= Kretorg to Charghwi'lH, what is happening down there?"

=/= Salvage operation are under way. I have found what looks like proof of sabotage to the stations Command and Control and have beam the it over for examination. Also there was one survivor located =/=.

=/="maJ! [Good]" =/= Kre said. =/= In that case, I will send out shuttles to teh debris field, so we can get as much as we can. Kretorg out. =/=

Kre issued and ordeer to send four teams in shuttels to the debris field, while the bridge crew kept a keen eye on the nearby Kzinti ships.

[SB 517 activities / USS Relentless patrol at SB 517]

The Relentless had finally arrived at Starbse 517. Yaist was somewhat concerned, as his ship had never seen combat before, and he didn't want to loose her on their first try. With some hesitation, he hailed the Starbase Commander, Rear Admiral L'Berr's, office.

=^=L'Berr here=^=, came the Admiral's voice. =^=What do you have to report?=^=

=^= Captain Yaist of the USS Relentless reporting for duty, sir. =^= Yaist, responded, running his hand over his new fourth rank pip. He had very recently been promoted to Captain, and was excited when he heard of it.

[Kzinti Armada Rendezvous Point]

The Formations were taking shpe nicely. The three massive Talon class weapon ships were in position and they awaited the arrival of the fourth and final ship as they were the center pieces to the operation and the symbols of Kziniti strength and power. The High Admiral Krigz-Shal and his aids stood around the holographic display monitoring the Armada's growth. Smiling at the firepower assembled, he his pulled from his thoughts.

"Admiral, we have an ETA on the rest of the armada."


"The Talon-4 and the rest should arrive within the next 20 hours."

"Excellent!" Krigz noticed the expression on the aids face. "You have more?"

"Nothing to report, but..." He straightened with pride and detrmination. "...Sir. With the focer at your command why not drive straight to Earth itself and destroy the humans once and for all!"

~Ahhh the vigor of youth.~ the Admiral thought. "You are right. Even a planet could not stand before us; the Federation Starbase we have been ordered to attack first will be nothing but a flea to be flicked from our path. However to do what you suggest would doom our people to defeat. Do not bite off more than you can chew my young warrior...or you will choke and die with the feast of victory before you."


1st Sgt Velez
played by Capt. Da`nal

Adm Amber L'Berr

Langley Station personnel
played by Mjor Stone (aka Capt Jacob Dewey)

Capt Kretorg
IKS D`ama

Capt Derek Yaist
USS Relentless


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