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Getting to Work

Posted on 13 Nov 2011 @ 12:11pm by Lieutenant Lucas Mason & Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

424 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!

His medical exam out of the way Lucas figured that he needed someone to introduce him to the ship and its procedures, which varied with each ship. The Strategic Operations Officer of a Prometheus-class starship seemed to be an ideal place to start. He pressed the chime of the entrance of his quarters and waited.

Tika had an entirely new type of work. Instead of worrying about ship repairs as she had done in her previous role as Chief of Operations, she was now reading every war and battle update that fell on her desk. It was alot less work, and for that she was grateful. When her chime rang, she looked up, thinking it might be Don welcoming her to her new office. "Come in."

Lucas entered and introduced himself, "Hello Commander, I'm Lt JG Lucas Mason, the new Chief Conn Officer." He extended a hand in greeting.

Tika nodded smilessly. "Yeah.. nice to meet you." Was her careless response.

"I was wondering if you could get me up to speed on things on the Achilles?"

Tika closed her eyes for a moment. The war was getting to her in ways she had not expected. Death was lurking around every corner and it disturbed her. Her hand spread to indicate a seat for him. Then there was Don ..... She blinked to cut her distractions away. "Sure...but I am no longer Chief of Operations, I am Chief Strategic Operations now," she said with a little smile.

"That's fine," said Lucas. "As long as it's summon who know what is going on around the ship and can keep me from stepping into any pitfalls."

"Well, for now, Lieutenant, the best thing I can suggest for you is to do your job and to stay out of peoples way." She said quite bluntly. "That's all any of us can do right now."

"Right...," he said, his voice dropping in tone as he replied. He decided that discretion was the better part of valour. "Well, thanks your assistance Commander. Like you said we have things to do, and I best be getting to mind."

She was aware on some-level that she'd offended the man with her abruptness, but she was often the type or person to forget that the world doesn't revolve around her, so it hardly mattered. "And I to mine. Welcome to the Achilles, Lieutenant...what's your name again?"

"Mason, Commander, Lucas Mason."

"Right." She muttered, turning back to her work quickly.

Lieutenant Commander Lahtikah Phoenix-Patil
Strat. Ops/ 2XO

Lieutenant JG Lucas Mason


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