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Pleading their case

Posted on 25 Oct 2010 @ 12:51pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Commander Doctor Alex Frece , M.D. & Captain Derek Longwinter

2,034 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Timeline: MD 4 - 0900


"...Your objections are noted, but we need to give the man time to see what he can find. Besides we can't go splitting the ship into section when we are presented with multiple problems. Like I told Tika yesterday...right now we have no where to start looking."

Don felt as if all he did was objecting. But he would not be doing his job if he had not raised his concerns. "Of course Captain..." he said.

[Transproter Room]

Anara was one of the first person to arrive in the transporter room. She had brought a science kit with her, just in case as one never knew when obtaining samples could be helpful. She waited patiently for everyone else to arrive.

Alex arrived next in the transporter room. All he had was his standard med kit.

Tika entered in a rush. She'd been quite busy lately, and was running late.

Aiona strolled into the room, late, but never in a hurry. She leaned up against a wall, and quickly surveyed the room, anxious at the thought of her first away mission in years.

Don walked in hands behind his back, gathering his thoughts for the coming meeting, just behind the Diplomatic Officer, Ayren, who also seemed to be in a contemplative mood.

Derek was on of the last officers to arrive. Derek could feel the little bit of tension from the situation and knew that his presence might be the reason behind a few quick questioning looks sent his way by many of the senior officers: it was either the fact that he looked like he was wearing an armory's worth of weapons or he had just magically appeared out of no where, this being the first time almost everyone in the room had even seen the elusive, fly on the wall marine that had been with the ship since they left the star base yet no one had knew he had been a passenger of the Achilles for so long, recently assigned to take control of the marine detachment on the ship and form it into something new, Derek's existence on the ship had to be secret at least for a while because of a couple very unique and now highly classified events that recently happened on star base protector.

Derek was unmistakable now though, just by what he was wearing: a set of all black fatigues with matching black combat boots,an all black utility belt that had an assortment of pouches on it and his lightweight and protective body armor vest that covered his entire torso from belt line up to a somewhat high collar that protected a portion of his neck. The vest a matching jet black, there were six rows of pouches towards the bottom of the vest, 4 of them long and 2 of them short that carried extra battery mags for the custom modified phaser rifle that was slung across the marine commander's back, the muzzle pointing down to the ground with the butt stock seen peeking over his left shoulder and the type 2 phaser pistol that was resting in a leg holster on the side of his solid right thigh. On the upper left pectoral region of the vest pointing downwards was the dark black hilt of a unique looking combat fighting knife, the sheath a jet black hard plastic that was engraved with the word's Ka-Bar in the center of it. Not the last of his weapons, there was at least two more visible knives, one was on Derek's left leg, on the side of his calf: the hilt of the blade up by his knee and the point of the blade reached the top of his boot, another was a smaller knife with an all black hilt just barely seen poking out of the top of the marine commander's right boot, the blade concealed inside the boot.

Derek's first instinct upon moving confidently into the room despite the questioning looks was to check everyone and everything, his emerald green eyes darting back in forth in somewhat of a scanning motion.Looking like the marine commander was rushed and only looking at only one or two things quickly before moving to the next, his scan was quick but it was methodical, checking hands and corners, noting peoples facial expressions and what they were wearing,looking for anything out of the ordinary: it was natural instinct, almost like breathing or blinking for the marine commander as he strode to the far wall and placed his back against the bulkhead, muscular arms crossing over his chest, his head up and eyes vigilant as he observed the room without a word.

When the Captain arrived he looked to the assembled officer. Then down at the padd in his hand. "Lt. Meru."

"Yes, Captain."

"You will not be comng with us to the planet." Handing her the PADD. "You are hereby order to report the the USS her Executive Office. Congratulation...Lieutenant Commander."

Anara's mouth dropped open, "I...uhh...Thank you, Captain. I wish you well on your mission." She gave a nod to those in attendance. And then with her PADD in hand, she made her way back to her quarters to start packing her things to leave the ship.

Lahtikah smiled at the newly promoted officer as she left. "Congratulations, Commander.."

"You have my congratulations too, Commander," Don said smiling before he stepped onto the teanporter padd.

Meru looked back, smiling and waved a farewell. Hopefully she would be able to see them again before she had to leave.

Da`nal looked over to his 2nd Officer. "Commander, do we need a science officer to join us or do you have the results we need?"

"I have everything we need, Captain." Tika said with a distractedness about her.

"Good." Motioning for evertone to take the place, he stepped up onto the transpoter pad. "Energize."

[On the Surface]

The awayteam materialized in a reception hall and were greeted by the Chancellor and his aids. "Good morning Chancellor, my apologies for the interruption yesterday."

"Think nothing of if Captain. Things happen. I'm just thankful you and you officers are here so we can prove my people had nothing to do with this tragety."

Tika looked on, a blank look on her face as she studied the Chancellor. She hoped they would find answers soon.

Ayren greeted the Chancellor, unobtrusively regarding him. She cold sense him clearly, but not having a reference to guide her, she reserved her judgment.

Don stepped forward as well. "Good morning Chancellor," he said politely, wondering what they would learn.

The Chancellor ushered them all into a neighboring chamber. As they entered they took their seats to await the Larucan governments explanation.

The Chancellor stood at the far end of the table opposite the assembled Federation officers. "Captain, I'm going to just come out and say it. We had nothing to do with the attack on the USS Ballard. Her Captain and I had become friends. In all honesty it was his negotiations and deternimation that led to the willing disbanding of the various factions that had been fighting the Kyari."

Da`nal had expected as much. "While I am sure that no arm of your government was involved. You cannot speak for every person on this planet. And while there has been some...questionable findings from our own investigation the fact remains that there was a claim of responsibility by a known, although believed disbanded, terrorist group."

He looked at the Captain curiously. "Before I address that I would like to know what the results of your investigation were."

Da`nal nodded and looked to his 2nd Officer. "Commander Phoenix-Patil led that investigation. I will let her fill you in. Commander."

Tika stepped forward with PADD in hand. "Our scientists found the remains of Kyari and Larucians. While some seemed to be in the blast that occurred as a result of the explosion, by a bomb that was created with both Kyari and Laruc technologies, others seemed to be strategically placed there to look like they were there originally. To me, this seems to suggest a cover up of some kind...."

Da`nal watched as the Larucan's listened to the report and as his second officer completed her explanation of their findings on of the Larucans stood.

At this point, Ayren's senses picked up nothing suspicious. The chancellor seemed honest and forthcoming. There was some anxiety, but probably because he needed D'anal to believe him. She looked towards the other person, who indicated he wanted to speak.

"I am Minister Jwento, I oversee planetary security issues. It is understandable that there was a mixture of technologies...and persons found in the wreckage. Given our long, 'association' with the Kyari; not to mention the arms trade in the area it would be quite easy for someone to get their hands on weapons manufactured on either planet.

"The ships used in the attack...I can only assume they were acquired on the market. I have assembled a report of ships that were sold off in recent years as well as a inventory of our current vessels...all of which have been accounted for.

As to the bodies you discovered that you say had been killed prior to the engagement. I have a sad feeling that they will be a match for at least some of our people that have either been reported missing or..."

He looked to the Chancellor who nodded. "or reported executed by the Kyari."

Da`nal interrupted. "We are not here to have you try and lay blame on your former adversary. Do you have proof to support your claims?"

"Not directly Captain. However I can provide you with description, personal records and in the missing person cases, DNA samples. We have based the possibility of the use of captives on this." With a signal to an aid the transmitted claim of responsibility was heard by all.

"That is the recording you provided to us after the attack, is it not?"

Da`nal nodded. "Yes, you point."

Jwento stood his ground. "Before I was Minister, I was the leader of that very group. The man on that transmission is named Yarin. He was supposedly executed two years ago." He paused to let the revelation sink in, it had obviously gotten the Klingon's attention.

"We've analyzed the transmission. It seems that part of it was an actual claim of responsibility, from back when our organization was active. The rest while still his voice..."

Da`nal cut in, his tone showing his rising ire, "Was fabricated."

"That is our position Captain."

Da`nal wasted no time. "We well return to the Achilles to validate your evidence. Ensign Aiona, pick that transmission apart; coordinate with Minister Jwento."


With a small frown Ayren contemplated what she felt. Neither of the men lied, not from what she could feel. According to their perspectives, they were both truthful.

He tapped his combadge. =^=Da`nal to Lt. Eagan, comb through the dna evidence and examination of the bodies found in the debris of the Larucan ship that was destroyed. Compare it to the data you will be receiving shortly from the Larucan government. =^=

=^=Aye, Captain,=^=Sean eagerly replied. =^=Will start the analysis now.=^=

"Commander Frece if you would assist?"

"Yes of course captain."The commander stated with a smile and a nod

"Chancellor, Ministers, if you will excuse us my people have work to do."

The Chancellor and various Ministers stood, "By all means Captain. any assistance that we can provide we shall give. Jwento, given them access to the central archive as well so they can verify the data for themselves."

That surprised and impressed Da`nal that they would make such an offer. "Thank you Chancellor."

=^=Achilles, 8 to beam up.=^=

Even before the Federation Captain had left Cristos was again moving off. He had to find a place to safely let his employer that things were about to fall apart.



Captain Da`nal

Cmdr Don Killian

Lt Cmdr "Tika" Phoenix-Patil

Lt Cmdr Alex Frece

Ltjg Sean Eagan
(soon to be) CSO

Capt Derek Longwinter
Marine CO

Ens Crystal Aiona


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