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19 Feb 2012 @ 4:44pm

Captain Derek Longwinter

Name Derek Longwinter

Position Assistant Chief Diplomatic Officer

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Half Human/Half Angosian
Age 26
Languages FSL(English),Japanese,Angosian

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 1"
Weight 195 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Emerald Green
Physical Description Derek stands at just barely over six feet in height, with a medium frame, not to bulky and massive but not skinny and lanky. Derek has jet black hair in a customary “high and tight†style hair cut, a zero to three fade from the side burns to the top of his head. Derek has a ruggedly handsome face that often has very little expression, with somber and somewhat cold looking emerald green eyes. He has a wicked looking scar that starts a little bit above his eyebrow down over his eye(eye is still intact but just picture the scar,its been in a couple movies) and down half of his cheek. Derek has strong, hardened muscles that run down his arms like cords of steel, his arms muscular but not massive with the words "Fortes Fortuna Adiuvat" in flowing cursive down his right forearm and a large almost ancient looking symbol on his left shoulder, the one symbol covering from the top of his shoulder to right where the bicep starts. With a powerful chest and well defined torso, all six abs well defined on his stomach that lead down to a pair of powerful athletic legs hardened from years of running on them. He stands with straight back and upright proper posture and always moves with a purpose, his movements fluent and graceful like a stalking panthers. He radiates a sort of fierce and cold aura, when angered or frustrated he shows no emotion on the outside but you can see a raging inferno behind his emerald green eyes.


Father Merrick Longwinter (deceased)
Mother Yoko Yuriba

Personality & Traits

General Overview Derek is a true warrior. He was raised as a soldier and has seen many things in his time in various militaries. He has a sort of a cold, professional almost emotionless demeanor to him when you first meet him. He is the kind of person you have to warm up to because he never trusts anyone right of the bat, even if they are his superior. Beneath his gruff and tough grunt exterior, Derek is fiercely loyal to those he calls friends and those soldiers/marines under his command, willing to go through any lengths for any of his men no matter what the cost, never leaving a man behind. Derek is a firm believer in the warrior leader concept like many of the earth's greatest leaders, one of his favorites being earth’s Alexander the Great, he will always be the first on the battlefield, The first into danger and the last one out, proving to his men that he will not order his men to make any sacrifices or go into any danger that he will not go into himself. When you really get to know him, underneath all the tough soldier outline you will see a compassionate and intellectual man that enjoys reading(though most of it pertains to war or history books about famous warriors). He is completely dedicated to his continual training, always seeking to improve, seeking to be better to get the closest thing to perfect you can be.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: The first and more important of his strengths would be his inherited genetic strengths. Since his father was a Angosian soldier that was geneticly modified to be beyond normal limits of strength,speed,agility and endurance,as well as enhanced memorization and mental capacity,as well as not showing up on any sort of electronics( does show up on scanners and what not, BTW this is all real shit quoted from TNG episode "The Hunted"). He has received top notch hand to hand and armed combat training(especially kenjitsu), sniper level marksmanship training, training in military strategy and tactics as well as tracking and survival skills.

Weaknesses: Because of his mostly spartan uprising from the age of 1 til he moved to earth to live with his mother when he was twelve,his education is a real weakness. Sure he can read ok but he has trouble with complex math and doesn't really understand science. Academicly hes really weak. Also hes not very trusting of people,trying to do things by himself instead of relying on others,making him not a very good team player which could be a big weakness as well. His biggest weakness to sum it up is give him something to do other than fighting a war,he would be pretty useless at it.
Ambitions Tain's ambitions are very few and probably the same as any soldier: To serve his ship,his Captain,Crew and fellow Marines as best as he can by giving 100% of everything he has got until he has nothing left because as long as he has a breath in his body he will never back down and fail those who are counting on him.
Hobbies & Interests Unarmed Combat,Armed Martial arts,Military Tactics and weapons,Marksmanship, Classic Archery, Hunting and Tracking, Survival, Reading( finds human history intriguing)

Personal History Daylar Longwinter was born 2357 on Angosia III in a hospital in the capital city born of a Angosian father, a veteran of the Tarisian Wars and one of the “super soldiers†of Angosian and a human diplomat living in Angosia III,a repersenitive of the federation. After his birth, his mother fled the planet as the Angosian senate decided to quarantine all of the Angosian soldiers on the penal colony of Lunar V. The Senate feared the angosian soldiers because they had been genetically modified to become super human: they had enchanced strength, speed, endurance, ontop of physical enchancements they had improved mental attributes as well: they had enhanced memorization skills and were trained in the some of the most elite military tactics in the universe, borrowed from other civilizations, they were also immune to any sort of electric detection(all of these are real in the star trek world, see TNG: The Hunted). When his father was forced into quarantine,so was Derek. Lunar V was not a prison per say, It was a nice place and everything the soldiers wanted they were given but it got so lonely and a lot of the soldiers were bitter because they had gone through so much to defend a civilization they were denied from. Derek was raised with a Spartan warrior style upbringing, training to be a warrior since he could hold a weapon. He was trained in hand to hand and armed combat, marksmanship, Military tactics, Tracking and survival, all under different teachers, the best of each field. A lot of them trained him because his father had been their platoon sergeant in the war and saved their asses more than they could count. Despite being half human, since the alterations were genetic many of them were passed to Derek. He inherited all of the physical and mental conditioning, he also had a great memory and was also indetectable by electronic means( couldn’t find him on a locator/scanner/radar)

At the age of 12 a year after Roga Danar staged a coup d'état on the Angosia senate and stopped them from applying to the federation, Derek’s father was killed by the guards in retaliation because he condoned what Roga did and the pissed of guards wanted revenge for their fallen comrades. Taken off the prison planet,Derek was given a first class ticket to Earth to live with his mother. She was currently living in heart of the city of Tokyo. She was glad to have him and gave him the name Derek,in an attempt to make him more "Normal". She sent him to school like any normal boy but there were not many schools on Lunar V, so Derek was not accustomed to schooling, he wasn’t even that good at academics. He was immediately an outcast at school and had to extra schooling to try to catch his peers which he didn’t like, he wasn’t big on numbers though the study of history intrigued him: ancient warriors cultures like the samurai or the Spartans that he could relate to better than the what he perceived as weak group of people he went to school with. Derek didn’t really ever try all that hard in school, he cared more about training in martial arts, study of military tactics or the study of earth’s history. He barely passed through school at the age of 18. The minute(exactly) he turned 18 he enlisted in Starfleet Marine Corps and went to boot camp to become a marine. He excelled( no surprise) graduating with honors from marine infantry school with high marks.Selected for Scout Snipers and Sent to Sniper school, upon graduating as second in his class(though he will never admit being beat), he was assigned as a scout sniper to the USS Hood which primary mission was in the neutral zone. He served in two separate combat actions against the Romulans with marines of the Hood, proving his valor under fire time and time again,even when he was captured behind enemies and spent 2 months as a Romulan POW, Derek never betrayed Star Fleet or the Hood, helping lead the assault almost immediately after being freed.

After two years, in 2377 Derek Longwinter was recommended by the Captain of the hood to go to Infantry Officers Course in Star Fleet. He accepted it with honor and went back to earth to begin training. A born war fighter and natural leader, he excelled in the course, quickly blazing through the training impressing his superiors and after a year of hard training earned his commission as a Marine Officer. From there,not much is known about what happened for the next year or so of Derek's life but when asked about he mentioned that he had been screened for Star Fleet Special Operations Command and Military intelligence. Derek then was assigned to the USS Ranger as the head of Special Operations and Marine Commander, He served four years(in game obviously) with the USS ranger. He was always said to have lead from the front in all three of the combat engagements in the delta quadrant with multiple enemies of the Federation. He also personally lead the fight to free the crew of the Ranger after the borg captured the ship and assimilated over half the crew,it being one of the most brutal losses to starfleet crew in a long time, only 20 members, Derek one of them, stepped off the USS Ranger when it was all said and done.

After so many back to back fights and losing many of his friends and his rumored fiancee to the borg, having to personally kill all of them because they were beyond saving, The hardened armor around Derek’s heart began to crack and he slowly started to slip, letting his emotions get the best of him many times. Finally the captain relieved him from duty as Marine commander because she felt that he might have need for a long vacation, a break from the fleet. Grudgingly accepting the relief, Derek began to wander…he had no purpose…if there was no fight,he really had no purpose, war was all he had ever known and without a cause he just became a lost soul, spiraling into the abyss. He began traveling around the earth visiting famous dojo’s and famous sites of hallowed battle grounds, wandering lost trying to find himself. He finally found solace in bushido and the art of the Japanese sword(Kenjitsu). After training for a year at a formal Dojo, Derek was told to restore his true warrior spirit, he would have to under take a Musha shugyÅ, or a Warrior Pilgrimage. In the Feudal Days,Samurai would under take these pilgrimages and train with other masters and prove their spirits and skills on the road. Derek roamed from country to country, training with different masters of different styles for almost 4 years, mastering very quickly multiple styles of martial arts. Finally returning after four long years of nothing but training, Derek met with his old sensei. His Sensei told him that it was time for him to return to the battle field for a true warrior place was on the battlefield. Derek took the advice to heart and reported to duty with Obisidian Fleet again, awaiting assignment to a ship where he was given a post as Marine Commanding Officer on the USS Merlin.

Derek's road with the Merlin was a long one, serving as the Marine Commanding Officer during four missions with the Merlin. During the last one,a mission that lead the Merlin into the heart of the neutral zone to battle a rogue force of Romulan shock troops, Derek spearheaded the charge, personally leading his Marines into the fight and after a long brutal fight, Derek's marines had secured the stronghold and Derek had eliminated the enemy commander. On the way back to the ship from the assault below, word came to Derek that the ship was being boarded and he was right back into the fight, leading his squad of marines to save the Captain and the bridge from destruction. Just as one problem ended,another began as the head of the marine assault air wing was shot down and emergency landed inside the rogue romulan warbird. Leading a daring assault with the handful of marines that had made it aboard the ship, Derek rescued the downed pilot and sabotaged the ships internal systems, leading the Federation to victory.

Awarded a rare honor few have lived to receive, Derek received the Medal of Honor for his valorous actions in the rescue of the down pilot and all of the combat operations during that day. Having little time to celebrate it though, Derek was suddenly pulled from the Merlin and disappeared for a while, only to reemerge on Starbase protector a couple month later with a chip on his shoulder, a past hunting him and a strange tattoo on his left arm. After a brutal fight with ghosts from his past and some time on the wrong side of the law, things were cleared up by Starfleet special operations command and Derek was deemed fit for duty, only to return to a ship that was being decommissioned and a crew that had abandoned him, disbanding his marines who had earned a fierce reputation in the fleet. Not phased though, Derek was more than ready for reassignment and ready to get back into the fight.
Service Record SFMC Boot Camp,Infantry School,Scout Sniper School- Graduated with honors at the top of his class with high marks

USS Hood- Served 2 years as an Enlisted Scout Sniper, reached the rank of Sergeant

2 ground campaigns against the Romulans
2 months as a Romulan POW

SFMC Infantry Officers Course: Graduated with honors and high marks in military tactics and military ethos

Certain pages of Derek's Service Record are classified by order of Star Fleet Intelligence

USS Ranger- Served 4 years as Marine Commander

3 Ground Campaigns- 2 against the Dominion, 1 against Rebels
1 War Game Scenerio
1 recapture of the ship which lead to killing over half the crew after almost total assimilation

USS Merlin- Marine Commander

1 Ground Campaign against Romulan Rebels
1 Search and Rescue Operation behind enemy lines

More pages classified by order of Star Fleet Intelligence