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The Beginning of the end - Part 2 - Fixed

Posted on 24 Oct 2010 @ 10:33pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

748 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: Berath 5
Timeline: MD - 3 1500

As he opened the second compartment, the Orion shrank away from him as if she could get away. Grabbing her wrist he jerked her out pinning her to the hatch of the formerly occupied chamber filled now will a fine ash.

Fear gripped Reva, squeezed her throat, made breathing difficult. His weight against her body only made that worse.

Holding her there he fastened a control collar around her neck. "Try anything...I mean ANYTHING, and you'll end up like your friend." With the control unit in his hand he stepped back tossing her a hooded cloak. "Put that on. No need to display you just yet."

Part of her was thrilled to have something to cover the excess of skin that his chosen outfit displayed; another realized this meant he was taking her to... where? An in-person auction? She'd heard claims that the Orions ran such a thing for their slave trade. Or had he secured a buyer? When Melanie had been... Reva glanced at the ash-covered compartment as she pulled the cloak around her shoulders... Melanie had read his intent to sell them; without her here, Reva couldn't pick the man's brain. "Do you intend to leave these handcuffs on me?"

Attaching a lead he looked up, "Yes. Let's go."

Feeling utterly miserable, Reva clutched the ends of the cloak around her and followed as he led.

[Final approach to Port Mosler]

Wandella slammed the controls again as she cursed Ferengi computers for a hundredth time. It beeped in return and a monitor displayed a ship, indicating its proximity. "Looky here... dere is another ship here that the computer recognized. What are the odds of zat," she added as if the information meant nothing.

Silonez stepped up and stopped her from clearing the information, "Wait."

Glancing though the data he grinned and started downloading the data to his tricorder. "This ship belongs to a Kyari that this ship's dear departed owner has had a few dealings with." The Ferengi's computer contain a treasure trove of information. It had taken a little hacking but after penetrating the Ferengi's security he had a record of every transation the Ferengi had made in the sector for almost 5 years. "Set us down over there; and see if we can't find this 'Treyvan'. He just might be the key to the whole thing."

A lone woman had watched the couple enter and was sure the tall male was the man. He carried himself like Starfleet and his discription matched that of the man who was on the run. The woman was not concerned about what he had done, but she need someone to pass her beloved Darian's package to. She didn't know what it was but she had gotten a messege that if she was seeing it he was dead. Dead by the hands of those whom he had served.

She knew of no one she could pass the information to. The authorities here could not be trusted and she could not afford transportation off this rock to get it to anyone else. Making her way over to them she stood at the end of their table. Their discussion was long drawn out. He had asked several questions, as had she. Most importantly was how could she trust a rogue 'former' member of starfleet. At that the woman with him glanced to him with a smirk.

She gave him a sampling of the information Darian had entrusted to her. Her price was simple, in exchange for the information she had she wanted off this rock and a chance to start over. She had expected resistance, but he accepted her terms without negotiation. Bettriza didn't know what to think but the offer was too good to pass on. "Thank you..." she was near tears. The thought of being able to leave this... this hell hole and give her son a chance was a dream come true. "Docking bay 37.....We don't have much....thank you so much. Once we've left I'll give you everything."

They watched her leave and Silonez opened the small package to see several data chips. According to their new benifactor these were Kyari data chips. They seemed genuine but he needed to check them to be sure. More importantly he needed to examine the data, so he had had no choice but to accept her offer.

Through an archway came a growing noise and curiousity got the better of them both. "Look like an auction of some kind."



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