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Eagan's New Territory

Posted on 02 Nov 2010 @ 11:42am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

852 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M6: Blood of the Innocent
Location: Science Labs/Ready Room
Timeline: MD 4 - 1100


[Science Lab]

Two months had passed since Sean joined the Achilles; while it was still under construction. Not that strange really, he had seen stranger circumstances. First he was on the Cassiopeia, then the Nogura fighting for his life against the Tholians when on the trip back the Commander decided he had enough. Sheridan retired and everyone on the Nogura left for new vessels. They all went on to continue their work in their fields. But for Sean his move took a different turn. Admiral Mox. contacted Sean personally which really shocked Sean. Why would a man of his caliber talk to him?

"The Achilles needs an Assistant Science Officer," the Admiral said. "I know it's not Medical but you're the top Xenobiologist in the sector and you're available. What you think?"

What Sean thought wasn't surprising at all. He was a medical doctor not a researcher. He was used to healing the body. But if he hadn't accepted the post, the good doctor would have ended up CMO of a distant outpost and that for Sean was a horrible prospect. So Sean accepted.

Now two months later, Sean was sitting at the Lab Table as he prepared the various sample collected by the Saucer section. He hadn't met Riva, but still he was concerned for their missing crewmate. Just as he finished his work his commbadge chirped.

[Ready Room]

Da`nal had returned from the planets below and was not in a good mood at all. Lieutenant Meru's transfer order was still on his monitor as he sat. =^=Lt. Eagan, report to the Ready Room =^=

=^=On my way sir=^= Sean said.

He didn't look up at the chime, but replied to it in a curt tone. "COME."

Sean entered the office with much a feeling of pride. Which was a first for him. Most of the time whtenever he was called to the Ready Room memories of being sent to the Head Master's office when he was a school boy came flooding back. "Lieutenant Junior Grade Eagan reporting in, sir."

"AH, Lieutenant, sit." Taking a breath to calm himself. There was, after all, no need to take his frustrations out on the young officer. As he looked at him se raised a brow slightly. Not much to the man...looked now like a kid than man. But his record showed him to be highly recommended and a capable officer.

"I wanted to speak with you about the science department."

"Certainly," Sean replied as he took a seat in one of the two chair in front of the Captain's desk. He paused a moment to try and suppress the sudden need to evaluate the Captain's health. "What would you like to know?"

"No no. I didn't summon you to get an update or to request information. As you are most likely aware Lt. Meru has been transfered. Leaving the science department without a senior officer."

"Oh, yes sir he told me he was leaving I figured we're waiting for his replacement." Sean nodded.

"If you feel yourself up to the task the job is yours. You can refuse with no dishonor...a good officer know his limits."

"I'll take it!" Sean corrected himself. "I mean, I accept."

His enthusiasm actually help improve his mood. "Good. Now you have a lot of young officers. If you...need assistance. Don't hesitate to come to the XO or myself."

"Oh, sir I doubt that would be a problem. I mean, when I was CMO in my last assignment I was in charge of seven interns. I think a few junior officers wouldn't be too bad. But I accept your officer for help." Sean smiled. "Besides these kids are used to working with me they know what to expect out of me and I of them."

"Excellent. Then your first task as the Chief Science Officer is to get me a full readiness review of your department. With an emphasis on your staffs combat skills and weapons training. After all this ship is designed for combat and as such I want the crew...all the crew ready for anything Star Fleet might throw at us."

"I'll be right on it sir," Sean stood up. "Is there anything else before I leave?"

"Not at..." As the fate would have it the computer chimed indicating the arrival of new information. Glancing over at the monitor he huffed slightly. "I take that back. It appears you will be getting another new member to your staff. Pending my approval of her transefer of course," he added in an off hand manner.

Sean sat back down, "Oh? Someone I know?"

"Does the name Lieutenant JG Bronwen Venetia sound familiar?"

"The name sounds familiar," Sean's eyebrows rose. "But then again it could have just been in reference."

"Well I won't keep you from your duties any longer. I need you and Commander Frece to finish that analysis as soon as possible to either validate or disprove the Larucans claims."

"Will do, sir." With that Sean stood up and left the office.


Captain Da`nal

Lieutenant JG Sean Eagan


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