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Tavana as Strat Ops Chief

Posted on 06 Sep 2024 @ 9:01pm by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Lieutenant Commander Aiden MacMahon & Lieutenant Tavana of the House of Torath

1,313 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M-18 The Past is Future


Tavana woke up her bed feeling heavy. In fact, it felt as if she had slept for days although a look at the chronometer told her that she only slept two hours more than usual. Annoyed with the drowsiness, she went for an ice cold shower. After a cup of strong coffee she made her way to sickbay for a check up and really hoped she would be cleared to travel, so she could arrange for transport to the starbase. She had 'rested' and 'recuperated' long enough.

Her senses alerted her to excitement, some nervousness mixed with, resolve and determination, duty and strong feelings of bonding. Her body reacted instinctively with an adrenalin rush even her before her mind figured it out. It was the familiar pre-mission blend emotions the Marines and warriors felt. It got considerably stronger as she approached sickbay. Her curiosity peeked she quickened her pace.

As she entered sickbay, she nearly walked into a Klingon? "qaStaH nuq jay'?" she asked the warrior before she realized he was not a Klingon. "You don't know?" he asked before two more non-Klingon Klingons joined him laughing. She shouldered past them into sickbay and was met with everything but the usually subdued atmosphere one would expect there. Sickbay was filled with marines and every available medical officer working on them. They were in various stages of surgery, altering their facial featured to represent Klingons.

Her initial puzzlement was now replaced with frustration and annoyance at not being part of the crew, a crew, any crew. She had to speak to Aiden She needed a new assignment. Just as she decided to go she felt a different presence approaching and she turned around to see the Captain at the door.

Rico has come to sickbay to check on the status of the transformations but came face to face with their patient slash guest from the Granger. "Lt Tavana. Good to see you back on your feet. Here to critique the alterations?"

"Obviously., Captain," Tavana said rolling her eyes in mock agreement. "Pity they don't have the 'real' thing to go with them..." she added. She shifted her weight slightly as she changed the direction of the conversation. It was too close to home. "I actually planned to see you at to think you for your hospitality. I guess I will be ready to leave soon."

"Well...on that..." He looked into sickbay deciding there was no need for him to interrupt, take up space, nor have their conversation in sickbay. "Walk with me."

Tavana nodded as her heart jumped a beat in anticipation of something, but she was not sure what yet.

Rico led off and started back up where he left off. "You were mentioning your departure. You should know that the XO spoke to me about you remaining aboard. Now if you want I can certainly arrange for your return to the Granger, once we are done with the current situation. However if you are willing, you could certainly be an asset here as my Strategic Operations Officer." Adding with a bit of sarcasm; "I mean it's the least you could do after we saved your life, patched you up and everything."

That came as a complete surprise. She knew that the Phoenix had no intelligence department, so she hardly expected a job offer. And Aiden was quite successful in hiding that little bit of information from her. Usually she would delay an answer to something this important, because she tended to be impulsive. But not this time. In her head she ran through the duties of the position. There were quite a wide range of responsibilities, most often utilized in conflict or war, so she was slightly puzzled. "Uhm... I am honoured Sir," she answered accepting the offer, but a bit still very surprised. "What would be your expectations be from this position?"

"Well you would keep the XO and myself informed on any intelligence on the region of space we are operating in, know what other Federation/Starfleet or allied assets are in the area if any. You would also coordinate with Tactical making sure they are aware of any local intel. You would also track any shuttles or sections of the ship that may be deployed for an extended period. Think you can handle that?"

"I think I can handle it," Tavana said smiling. "I have some experience which will come in handy. And I have 'strategic' contacts. But, I do have a request, Captain. I know this position is more of a onboard, or desk type job, but I would like to know that I can do more than that, if needed. I served with Aiden, Commander MacMahon," she corrected herself, "on the VaQbach, I have seen action, both covert and overt ops. I am good, Captain and I am versatile, so I can fill 'gaps' if needed," she said. "Will there be opportunity?" she asked.

Nodding approvingly as she listed her capabilities. Aiden had already given him the basics and he had already gone over her service record. It was pleasing that she wanted to get her hands dirty and didn't just wanna just sit her station. "I can't make any promises, but with us out here on the edge of Federation space you never know what we are going to run into. Though I see that you have no problem with self confidence." A grin spread over his face. "Not to worry, I've several with more than one Klingon in my time and you can't serve on a Klingon ship without picking up boastful."

Tavana's smile widened. "But you also get inherent duty and honour with it," she quipped. "And you will have mine, Captain. I hope I won't disappoint,: She looked back towards the direction of sick bay. "It is pity I am too late to join them, as I am the real thing..." she remarked.

One arm crossed his body and one hand went to his chin as he thought about he comment. ~~An actual Klingon would be a plus...~~ "Permission granted. Although I doubt there are very many Klingon/Betaziod hybrids so after you speak with Lt. Spicer about your placement on her detail, have the doc accentuate your ridges."

"Thank you Captain," Tavana said, feeling her skin crawl with the prospect of joining the team and a very satisfied grin. "I will speak to her and my self "Klingonised" further."

Just then Aiden came walking around the corner and he raised his eyebrows, recognizing what must have transpired. "ghay'cha' Tavana," he exclaimed. "If you didn't have ears your smile will go right around your head! That can mean only one thing... no wait two things.." he added when he saw her looking with anticipation towards sick bay. "The Captain here told you about your new position, and you are joining the Marines, right?"

"Yes and yes," she answered, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Will I have all the right a..."

"I have already completed the transfer, you are an official member of the crew." Aiden's smile softened. He had not seen her this happy in a very long time. "Get going, we can sort out your uniform and quarters later."

"Can I find Lieutenant Spicer in sickbay?" Tavana asked

"I saw her in sickbay just now," Aiden confirmed. As Tavana marched off, Aiden turned to Rico. "She is only walking because she knows we are watching, otherwise she would be trotting down there..." he chuckled. "Thanks for agreeing to keep her here..."

"No need Aiden, her record speaks for itself. but she better get to sickbay before...Don't you think Lieutenant?"

"And there she goes..." Aiden said motioning with his head to Tavana who laughed and started a light jog towards sickbay.

Captain Ricardo Montoya

Lt Commander Aiden MacMahon

Lt Tavana Kelan of the House of Torath


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