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Invitation & More: Conclusion

Posted on 07 Jun 2024 @ 1:16pm by Lieutenant Jason Rhineholt M.D. & Ensign Samantha (Sam) Emerson

1,046 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Below Decks
Location: Various
Timeline: Current

Doctor Rhineholt, Nurse Emerson, and the injured Ensign materialized in primary sick bay and none too soon. Looking around Jason spotted T’Vel “Doctor could you give me a hand here” he inquired.

“Yes of course Doctor” T’Vel answered as he hustled over to the patient “If I may inquire what happened to the Ensign” as he saw the temporary object in his throat.

“Help me get him on the bed” Jason instructed as they both lifted the Ensign then Jason went into detail concerning the event in the aft lounge.

“I’ll need you to perform some minor surgery to remove the food obstruction from his throat and repair the emergency tracheotomy that I had to perform” Jason instructed T’Vel.

“As you wish Doctor Rhineholt; and he will be in good hands” he replied in his usual manner.

Looking at the Ensign “Doctor T’Vel is going to fix you up and take good care of you. I’ll check on you in the morning since I want you to stay in sick bay overnight for observation” Jason explained to the patient.

The young Ensign smiled and gave Jason a thumbs up more than ready to get things back to normal.

Turning back to T’Vel “He’s all yours” Jason commented then turned to Sam “Ready to get out of here” as the two officers walked out of sick bay.

Once outside of sick bay, and out of earshot from anyone in medical, Jason smiled “Well that certainly was an interesting dinner.”

“Yes, that seems to be the norm for you and I” Sam replied with a grin “So walk a girl back to her quarters?”

“Absolutely, besides I want to make sure my Yeoman gets home safe and sound” he replied with a light chuckle “Plus it’ll give me more time to get to know you better” as the two entered the lift.

“Computer deck four” Sam called out as she turned to Jason “After all the excitement this evening would like to come in for a nightcap.”

“Sure, I could use a drink right about now” he replied. Moments later they arrived at Sam’s quarters as she keyed in her code and the door opened.

“Please come in and make yourself comfortable while I get us a drink” Sam commented “What would you like.”

“Whatever you’re having is fine” he answered as he sat on the couch looking around her quarters admiring the female touch.

Moments later Sam returned and handed Jason a drink “Hope you don’t mind a glass of wine” as she sat on the couch a decent distance from Jason not wanting to seem forward.

“Wine is fine with me” he replied. The two officers sat and chatted for awhile then Jason realized the time “I should be going and let you get some sleep. Thanks for the dinner invitation and for all your assistance with the young Ensign” as he stood.

Sam stood was well and walked Jason to the door “You’re welcome on both counts” then she paused a moment “Maybe sometime we can have a normal uninterrupted dinner together; if you’d like” while thinking “ It would be nice to give him a goodnight kiss…..but better not just yet.”

“That would be nice for a change” Jason replied with a grin “So you working tomorrow or you off.”

“I’m nursing tomorrow in the tertiary sick bay; unless you need me in the office” Sam answered with a smile.

“No that’s fine the way it is, I was just curious that’s all” he replied “Have a good night and I’ll see you later” then he turned to go to his quarters.

Sitting on the couch with another glass of wine Sam started thinking “Hmm…I wonder why Jason wanted to know if I was working or not” as a smile came across her face hoping he was at least interested in her.

The next morning Doctor Rhineholt entered primary sick bay and walked directly over to the Ensign “So how are you feeling this morning” he inquired with a smile as he pulled up a stool and sat by his bed.

“Much better than I did last night” he replied then paused a moment “I just want to thank you for saving my life; I thought sure that was it for me.”

Jason was pleased he understood the gravity of the situation “You are very fortunate that a medical person was in the aft lounge last night. If I may ask why were you eating, or should I say shoveling, your food so fast” with concern in his voice.

The Ensign sighed “When I was a boy our family was very poor so when we were fortunate enough to have a little food on the table my siblings and I learned quickly to eat fast if we wanted to satisfy our hunger” as he paused “I guess old habits are hard to break.”

Jason listened then offered some advice “You need to consciously think while you’re eating and make yourself slow down and chew your food properly. At least aboard ship there is more than enough food for everyone. The next time this happens you may not be quite so fortunate to have someone around to lend a hand” he lectured hoping the Ensign understood.

“I’ll do as you suggest Doctor. To be quite honest with you that really scared the hell out of me and you’re right next time I might not be so fortunate” the Ensign replied with honesty.

A smile came across Jason’s face “Good, I’m glad you understand. I want you to relax the rest of the day and eat your next meal slowly remembering what we talked about then tomorrow you can return too your normal duties. Also if you have any questions or further issues please feel free to stop by sick bay anytime” the Doctor stated.

“I will Doctor and thank you again for saving my life” and at that the Ensign smiled got up and went to his quarters to relax the rest of the day.



Ensign Samantha (Sam) Emerson (NPC Rhineholt)
Nurse/Medical Yeoman

Doctor Jason Rhineholt M.D.


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