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Recruitment to Destruction - Part 1

Posted on 09 Jun 2024 @ 5:25pm by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Lieutenant Commander Aiden MacMahon & Lieutenant Mat'tew el-Altaa & Lieutenant Urushi Yaotome & Civilian Dalmot Cree-soon

1,846 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: M-18 The Past is Future
Location: USS Phoenix

[Time ship - 3188]

Their team was assembled and their ship prepped. If they succeeded they would exist outside space-time and guide events to ensure the supremacy of the Unity and their allies. If they failed they would either face trial back in their own time, be stranded in the past, or they might even be dead. Whatever their fate, the risks were worth it. Better to die trying than to let their leader bargain their technology away.

"Prepare to embark...and remember once we make contact we a Federation crew."

Shazaran ginned. "I am as ready as you can be...". She enjoyed the feeling of power, and in her mind no dumb backward human can thwart their plan. It was magnificent.

Dalmot moved to the helm position and sat down. After activating the system, he looked back at the rest team and nodded. "All controls show ready for flight."

"Set time/space coordinates to intercept the Phoenix as it passes along the outer edge of the Black Cluster. Stardate 73250.4079386"

"Here we went..." Shazaran said, laughing at the own joke.

[Time ship - Present Day]

They had been holding position for 3 hours waiting but their wait was about to end. "Lady G'Ren, the Phoenix has come into sensor range."

Standing watching the tactical display. With their target in sight, it was time. "Bring us into temporal alinement and initiate the neuroleptic pulse."

They all watch as the beam reached out sweeping the Phoenix. "Extend our temporal field around them and take us out of phase with this time."

[USS Phoenix - Near Black Cluster]

The Phoenix was cruising passed the Black Cluster and would soon be arriving to their patrol routes IP (initiation point).

"Captain!" The Ops officer exclaimed as a ship appeared in their fight path.

"All Stop! Red..." He was cut off in mid-sentence as a beam of energy swept the ship, rendering everyone unconscious.

[Time ship]

"Get a tractor bema on them and bring the along side. Let's get to work. Make sure Every member of the crew gets the RNA injection to reprogram their memory centers. Dalmot, Shazaran; I want you to reprogram their computers personally."

"We know what to do, G'ren", Shazaran said as she prepared to be transported.

Dalmot secured his station, then moved to join Shazaran on the small, two-person, transporter pad, located at the aft section of the bridge.

As they beamed away, she looked back at the view screen, G'Ren's lips were tight as she thought. ~That will have to be taken care of before this is all over with.~

[USS Phoenix]

Once they materialized on the bridge, Dalmot looked at his companion. Now that they were alone, he spoke carefully. "You do realize that if you keep provoking her, she will kill you?"

"Provoking her?" Shazaran asked as if very surprised and then shrugged as she moved to the operations station. "Well, I am not used to being micromanaged," Shazaran replied. "It pisses me off," she said. "But thanks for the warning," she added as an afterthought. It wasn't quite clear whether or not she was sarcastic. "I will access the main computer from here, then you can do your thing with those archaic security protocols," she said while tapping away and studying the code on the screen in front of her. "Mm, these firewalls are a bit more sophisticated than I expected...." she murmered. "Can you jump through a few hoops, or shall I let G'ren know we may be a bit longer than expected?"

Working from an auxiliary station, Dalmot replied. "Give me a moment..." he was typing in code almost faster than it could be read. Finally, the screen changed from red to green. "The lockouts have been bypassed. You should be able to gain access now."

The feline chuckled as she glanced at Dalmot. "Not bad..." she said as she settled in to change sections of the ship's computer.

While the pair worked on the Phoenix's computers other teams went deck by deck by deck injecting each member of the crew with the solution that would alter the memories of the crew to facilitate their mission. As far as any of the crew would know is that Admiral Kirk* and crew died due to an engine imbalance following the refit of the USS Enterprise and there was no V'Ger probe that almost destroyed every living thing on Earth. It would take some time to completely take effect so the crew was kept unconscious until all their work was done, however the Phoenix's Captain and Executive officer were transported to the time ships' medical bay.

Sazanka, the Trill on their team beamed over after they had left the bridge. She had secretly beamed over without telling them. She had taken special interest in Lieutenant Yaotome, who now had fallen unconcious at the Science Console. She silently ran a small scanner over the Lieutenant. "Hmm..." she said to herself. "You know, I never realized just how cute you looked."

Sazanka ran a few fingers through the Lieutenant's hair. Then she pulled her back, leaning her back in her chair. Gently she pulled out another device and began to run it over then lieutenant's stomach, right where the Leon Symbiote was now joined. "I'm sorry." She said simply. "But, I need to be extra careful." She unzipped Urushi's tunic and rolled up her undershirt to reveal her pale stomach under. She injected Urushi's symbiote 'pouch' with a futristic hypospray. Finally, she rolled Urushi's undershirt back down and zipped up her tunic. "Sleep well, I just needed to make sure neither of you... us... remember what happened here."


G'Ren was notified once they had the Captain and XO. Opening a channel to Dalmot over on the Phoenix, "Status?"

"I'm almost finished with their computer memory banks...." he replied, barely listening to her as he was deep in his work. Being one of history's smartest hackers came with baggage that his partners would have to simply deal with.

"Done!" He finally shouted out in triumph. "I doubt even a temporal agent could look at these files and not take a second to think maybe they themselves were wrong."

"Excellent. Both of you return here as soon wrap things up. We will then wake Captain Montoya and his XO so we can 'recruit' them."

"Understood," Dalmot closed the comm channel, then looked over at his friend. "How is it coming on your end?"

"I am done writing them a nice sweet history," Shazaran said, "and I behaved, so don't worry," she grinned.

Dalmot chuckled. Hearing his friend claim that she behaved made him feel that she probably didn't. Not that he truly cared what happened to these humans and their allies. Their actions had led to the destruction of his world and the death of his wife. "Well, if you are finished, we should get back to the ship."

"I wish I could play some more," Shazaran said as she fiddlled with the hair of an unconscious human male. She purred softly and sniffed his scent next to his cheek. "You know, first play with your prey and then kill it..." she said with a soft growl. She licked the side of his face then hissed exposing her razor sharp fangs. "Maybe I will get the chance...." she added as she got ready to leave. "You want to play, Dalmot?" she asked with a deep purr in her voice. "Without the killing part of course....," she added swishing her tail slowly around his legs as she stood next to him ready for transport.

To say he wasn't interested would be a lie. For as long as they knew each other, Dalmot and Shazaran had been very close. It had started with simple comfort over the shared loss of their families and mates. Then, as time went on, they grew even closer. One night, a few weeks back, after several drinks, they had ended up in bed together.

When they had awoken the next day, they found that they had enjoyed being together intimately. So now, they played together, sometimes to the detriment of others.

"We will have plenty of time to play with these weak fools, my pet," he reached up and gently rubbed the spot behind her right ear that she enjoyed. "As for us, I could definitely go for some fun." He bared his sharp fangs and growled hungrily. His exposed fur started to bristle with excitement, and he moved his long wolf's tail to wrap around hers.

Shazaran purred and pushed her head more into his hand. She suddenly turned her head and sunk her fangs into his arm in the heat of the moment.

Right then, they dematerialized and were transported back the to the timeship. They rematerialized with Shazaran's fangs still in his arm. She released her grip but she didn't move her muzzle. Instead, she took a protective stance as if he was prey, ears back, claws hooked into his clothing, growling as she licked the trickle of blood from the wound.

It wasn't the first time they had bloodied one another. Dalmot's growl grew deeper, more primal, as his eyes locked onto Shazaran's. Moving his hand from her ear, to the back of her neck, he dug his claws into her pelt, grabbing the scruff of her neck securely. Leaning in, he rubbed his muzzle against hers, his nose twitching with excitement.

The young transporter technician cleared her throat politely. As they were senior members of the crew, she knew her place. However, manners were still manners.

Shazaran bit the closest thing to her, which was the side of Dalmot's face. Sexual arousal and aggression were so closely related in her that they were interchangeable. When she turned her head to face the technician, her ears were flat against her head, her eyes narrowed and lips curled up to expose her fangs. She hissed and spat at the technician and would have lunged at her had Dalmot not had a firm grip on the unpredictable feline.

Dalmot growled at Shazaran's love bite, then wrapped his powerful arms around her, to protect the innocent technician. In a voice full of authority and hunger, he spoke to the technician. "Site to site transport to my quarters, now!"

The young NCO nodded quickly, then worked her controls, beaming the two powerful carnivors to Dalmot's cabin.

[Medical Bay]

G'Ren stood looking at the two unconscious humans as they slept. Glancing about she huffed, again, as she waited for Dalmot and Shazaran to arrive. She knew that were back aboard but they had yet to arrive. Deciding not to wait any longer she turned to their medical officer. "Wake the Captain."

G'Ren moved to his bedside as emitter was passed over his head and his eyelids fluttered. "Easy Captain."

Rico lifted himself up as his head cleared. The last thing he remembered was being on the bridge. This wasn't his ships sickbay! "Where am I? What gives you the..."

"Easy Captain. You are on the Federation Timeship Continuum; and we need your help."



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