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Booze & Beatdowns - Part 2

Posted on 13 Mar 2024 @ 8:40am by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Crewman Sizia Sh'velihr & Lieutenant Commander Aiden MacMahon & Lieutenant Mat'tew el-Altaa & Ensign Tora Zalos
Edited on on 31 Mar 2024 @ 1:56pm

2,521 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: M-18 The Past is Future

:: Earlier ::

In the middle of everything Sizia lost her grip and the next thing she knew she had been back handed and was caught by someone. Whoever it was let her go to grab the Marine assaulting Tora from behind slamming him into the bulkhead following it with a shot to his kidney. It was then a phaser blast struck the other Marine who was moving in to attack the Tora's savior.

With one Marine stunned on the floor and the other slumped against the bulkhead everything stopped. Even with her eye swelling shut Sizia went to Tora tapping her badge, "Medical emergency to the main lounge."

...and now the continuation.

[Main Lounge]

Even before the medics, or anyone else could arrive to assist, the EMH materialized and was directed to the victim. Scanning the woman she glanced up to the Marines being escort out by security. Scans showed several factures, lacerations, and a shard of the table glass very close to her right eye. Just as she belted her medical tricorder 2 medics arrived with an antigrav gurney. "Ten cc's anesthetize, use extreme caution getting her to sick bay, there's glass dangerously close to her eye." Directing one of the medic over to the Captain's Yoeman, "help her to sickbay..."

One of the security officers stopped the medic. "We need her statement and she may be taken in for assault."

Nina over road the security officer. "Well she needs treatment. You can get plenty of statement from those here and you can talk to her in sickbay."

Lowering her hand she backed away to allow the medic to do his job.

Sizia took the medics arm and let him help keep her steady as they moved to leave.

[Captain's Quarter's]

Rico was at his desk as Heather sat on the edge teasing him. She was doing her very best to distract him and she was succeeding. He was pulling he down for a kiss when the call came in about the situation and who was involved.

Dropping is head. He had been afraid of this, warned people to watch for signs of trouble and it still happened. "I'll be back as soon as I can."

[Marine Gym]

Gunny Wickham was on a treadmill, just passing his 14th kilometer when one of his Marines burst in. "Gunny, we gotta problem. Those two newbs we picked up before leaving DS3 attacked Ensign Zalos and Sizia."

Slapping the emergency stop. "Shit! This was just what the Captain was afraid of...he's going to have my ass! Where are they?"

"Main lounge."

Grabbing his towel he ran from the gym to the nearest lift.

[CSEC's Quarters]

As it was his off-duty hours, Mat'tew was in his cabin, performing his Kol'cha exercises. The closest human equivalent was a mix of Tai-Chi and yoga. As he moved through each form, the techniques grew more difficult. As he had been training since he was ten years old, he was still a few decades from earning the title of Gretano Kol'cha. Loosely translated, it meant Master Wind Walker.

Suddenly, the comm unit on his desk came to life. "Apologies for the interr, Sir," Chief Rixx began, the Bolian being the NCOIC of the Security and Tactical Department. "You're needed in the Lounge, immediately. There was a major fight, two officers are injured, and two Marines have been arrested for the crime.

As soon as the call came in, the powerful Betalgeusian was already getting dressed. "I shall be there in less than five minutes." He replied, his voice terse and growing angry. He then severed the call and, once dressed, hurried to the Lounge.

[XO's quarters]

Aiden truly enjoyed the sonic shower. He had a good workout before and his body ached in placed he had forgotten he had. A grin of satisfaction spread across his face as he already dreamed about a good sleep. But then he remembered he was hungry. "Oh that...." he mumbled and after his shower, put on a tracksuit and made his way to the lounge. As he got closer, he saw security and medics running in the direction he was going. "What the hell is going on?" he asked a security officer passing him.

"There had been a fight in the lounge" he answered and continued in a fast jog to the lounge.

"Hell no!" Aiden said and added a few unsavory words to it as he picked up the pace to get there.

[Main Lounge]

"...I frankly don't care. Take me away, strip my rank, whatever the hell you wanna do, I've done you all a damn service." Ten minutes of back-and-forth with Georgie and Matt later the security officer had made zero headway in taking statements from either Marine. The former had been especially resistant. "You kids don't get it. None of you nitwits want to do what has to be done anyway! Ask the damn Bajorans on this ship, you can be damn well sure they'll send their thanks when they hear about this! Now piss off, you ain't getting nothing from me."

One of the senior security officers talking with several witness heard his last statement and his head snapped in his direction. "I AM BAJORAN and I know both of them!" Looking to the enlisted security watching over them. "Reynolds, take that trash to the brig!"

"Belay that order!" The voice that had bellowed the command was full of command authority. As the crowd looked over to the Lounge entrance, they saw the Chief of Security himself, as he nearly filled the open doorway. It was very clear that the large Betalgeusian was angry. Some of the bystanders inched away from him, not wanting any part of the dangerous energy that he was giving off.

Striding powerfully over to where the two Marines were being held by his officers, he growled the question, "Are you proud of yourselves?" His predatory eyes were on both individuals.

"You bet we bloody are, sir. We've just done you a service." Either Matt wasn't catching the energy in the room or he was absolutely, utterly convinced that he was right. He stared the Betelgeusian down with utter defiance. "She's Cardassian. Doesn't matter where she's from, doesn't matter how sweet or how innocent-looking. Deceit runs through every fiber of her flesh. With any luck she'll forget she's an officer, and we'll be rid of 'er for good." The Marine cackled. "Like I said to yer guy here. Take us away, lock us up, strip our ranks, whatever the hell you want to do. That's a tiny, tiny ass price to save this ship, and Georgie and I can wait out the end of our days knowing we've served the Federation till our last breath."

"So," he started, his voice an angry growl. "You want to attack officers, do you?" He looked at both men. "You must be very powerful warriors, yo be brave enough to attack a woman, especially when she wasn't looking."

In a flash, he had shot out hands, grabbing a handful of both men's uniforms, and lifted them several inches off the deck effortlessly. He pulled them closer, his eating beak snapping in their faces. "So fight me, if you have the courage to do so."

The two Marines glared back at him for a tense few seconds before looking away with a grunt of dissatisfaction. Evidently even these guys knew when not to be stupid.

The Bajoran that had fired back earlier shouted. "SIR! ...don't let them bait you. Don't dishonor yourself by lowering yourself to their level. They have dug their own graves here....don't join them."

Rico was approaching the lounge as he saw Gunnery Sergeant Wickham running from the opposite direction when they both heard the shouting. The pair rushed in, the Marine following the Captain.

Once inside they saw the new CSEC holding two Marines airborne. "Stand down Commander! And will someone tell me what the hell is going on here?"

Mat'tew was already in the process of lowering the two disgraced Marines back to their feet when the Captain arrived. As he finished the movement, he release them into the custody of his team. He then stood to the side, as one of his ensigns decided to speak for him. He would talk with her later about that.

It took several minutes but the Bajoran Ensign from security gave the Captain a report from the witness statements taken thus far to include Commander el'Altaa's ...reaction.

Rico had crossed his arms across his chest and was pinching the bridge of his nose, and breathed out with a huff. "Commander, Ensign; take those two to the brig. I want a preliminary report, my ready room, in one hour."

Mat'tew nodded respectfully. "Of course, Captain." He then looked over to the prisoners and the young ensign. "Let's go," he stated simply, then he led them out of the lounge, and to the nearest turbolift.

This was far worse than Aiden anticipated and he rapidly pushed his way to the front of the commotion. "Cap'n" he announced himself. "What did I miss?" he asked, but it was more a statement, than a question as he didn't expect the captain to answer him.

The room was silent as they watched the pair being escorted out and once the doors closed he spun and zeroed in on the senior Marine next to him. "This is exactly what I DIDN'T want happening!"

"Sir. Most of my Marines already know or are at least aware of Ensign Zalos. They know she had nothing to do with anything that happened with DS5. The two in question are two of four additions to the platoon we picked up before leaving DS3. I briefed them myself, in accordance with your orders, that there wasn't to be any incidents. I take full responsibil..."

Scowlingly, he cut him off "No! Once investigations are complete they was answer this themselves, and I will be meeting the rest of the Marines tomorrow at 0800. Dismissed."

James nodded sharply "Sir." Thinking it best to avoid the Captain for the rest of the day he head to the brig.

Aiden caught eyes with James, and nodded in understanding of his concern. He decided to check up on him later. "Show is over everyone!" Aiden said to the crew members and lounge personnel looking a bit lost. "Get this mess cleaned up and carry on with your duties. There are still hungry people, and I am one of them" he added. He then turned his attention to the Captain. "The victims are in sickbay I take it?" Aiden said to Rico. Even though he was off-duty officially, as XO he was also on call. "I will go check up on them, unless there is something else you want me to do?"

Waving towards the door. "Heading there myself, lets go."

Aiden gave the lounge a final glance as he joined the Captain. This was not the first fight he came across and wouldn't be the last. "I know of a few people that would have felt the same, but that was just after the war," he expressed his concern. "Years ago. Why now... You think it was just racism or something more?" Arden asked more thinking out load than expecting an answer.

"Well there was another casualty list that came in. The Marines on DS5 too had heavy loses. Seems the majority of the battalion there was on the surface for some training and got hit hard. Of those still on the station, only a handful made it off and the reports from them told some ugly stories from the short occupation. Marines are a close knit group so it could be just anti Cardassian feelings...I'd hate to think it was full blow racism. Have them checked for any other abnormalities and l want to be briefed on the investigation tomorrow at 1100."

"I will check it out," Aiden said. As they entered the lift Aiden commented on the DS5, report. "saw it earlier. One of my previous mates escaped with a broken arm and ribs." By that time they were at sickbay and Aiden stepped back for Rico to go in ahead of him.


Anita and Nina where waiting for the team to bring in the two injuries and as soon as they arrive the EMH directed the emergency team to bring Zalos to the surgical bay while Anita took care of the Captain's Yeoman.

The surgery to remove the glass fragment went smoothly enough. Fortunately there had been no damage to the eye, in that she had been lucky. In addition to the various lacerations there had been a skull fracture to repair and several contusion. All in all nothing too damaging, physically at least, but the psychological effects were yet to be seen.

To their credit the Captain and XO waited until she was finished and spoke with the Yeoman until she was finished.

" you swung first; and on a Marine no less." Rico was both disappointed and impressed, as he shook his head. "Well this whole thing will be looked into thoroughly and you could be looking a disciplinary action. Just because keep the boss on track doesn't mean you get a free ride."

Sizia nodded, "I understand sir."

"You need to make an appointment with counselor," Aiden said gently. He knew her well enough to put his hand on her shoulder as a natural expression of his empathy for her. "Today, Yeoman, that is an order, okay? Then report to me," he instructed with a small smile.

Sizia was drained after everything that happened. "It's kind of late sir and...well, can I do it tomorrow?"

Rico was nodding. "Very well, but make it first thing, but at least contact Lt. McCaine tonight."

"Aye sir."

The surgery complete, Nina moved over to the Captain and XO.

"How is Tora doing?" Aiden asked. "And the other two?"

"I have her sedated and will keep here here for at least a tomorrow for observation. Miss Sh'velihr is free to go but should rest for the rest of the day. Both will need to report to Lt. McCaine. With Ensign Zalos needing her ok before returning to duty."

Rico nodded. "Very well Doctor. We won't bother with anything today, but have her prepare a statement tomorrow while she is resting."

The EMH cocked her head slightly, " I will see that she gets her statement prepared, but I want to see how her recovery goes before having her relive a traumatic experience. But you will have my report within the hour."

"Very well."

Looking to Aiden, "Anything to add?"

"Just between us, I want you to report any suspicious injuries directly to me," Aiden said to the EMH. "I want to make sure that what happened today is not the symptom of something else, or more, going on."

Capt. Ricardo Montoya

LtCmdr Aiden MacMahon

GySgt James Wickham
Marine Platoon Sergeant
NPC played by Montoya

Crewman Sizia Sh'velihr
NPC played by Montoya

Lt Mat'tew el-Altaa
Sec/Tac Chief

Ensign Tora Zalos
Science Officer


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