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Beginning of the End - Part 1

Posted on 11 Mar 2024 @ 12:16pm by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Lieutenant Commander Aiden MacMahon

1,695 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M-18 The Past is Future
Location: 3188

:: In early 3188 ::

G'Ren stormed into the room where her colleagues waited. "They're going to do it! After all our work! After everything the Unity and the other factions have put in place over the last 300 years they are going to actually work WITH that unholy Federation and they are all going to destroy all temporal research and technology!"

Dalmot looked up from the data he was reading, his cybernetic left eye flashing a bright red as his anger grew. "WHAT?!" He slammed his left fiat down onto the table surface. "My wife will NOT die in vain!!" He shot up from his seat, his gaze smoldering. "Tell me that you have a plan." He growled angrily as he spoke.

Shazaran recoiled and growled softly at hearing the news. Her claws automatically extended at the surge of deep hatred of the Federation. At Dalmot's question she turned to hear the answer. And it had better be a good one.

"I have most of one. I was anticipating this and managed to...acquire...a 29th century Federation time ship. We will have to need to equip it with our own temporal drive but all the other systems should be operational. The problem is that as soon as we jump, temporal agents from any or all of the remaining factions will be coming after us. This could prevent us from taking any direct action. We need to find a target event that will wipe out the Humans and collapse the Federation then recruit another party to carry out our plan while we keep the agents busy until our plan can be implemented.

"Whoever we use can't use a temporal drive, that would attract to much attention. I was thinking of having them use chromometrics to have them create a spaticotemporal vortex.

Dalmot thought for a moment. The humans had to be eliminated. That was the only way that he would get his wife, and his life back. After a few moments, he pulled out his data pad and started to do a search. Then he found something. "In the 23rd Century, the Humans were almost annihilated by two massive Probes. One was V'ger. The other was the whale probe." He paused as he thought more. "If we stop the humans from bringing those two humpback whales from their past, then the probe sent to find them will destroy them for us!"

Accessing the records on her own tablet she reviewed the data for each incident as she paced across the room and back. "Excellent ideas. However, even though the second probe to attack Earth was draining all know power sources of the time, it would take too long to destroy the humans with weather. Other factions might intervene before the job was done. The V'Ger probe attack looks very very good. Any other recommendations?"

"Our plan must not be complicated," Shasazan murmered. Though she was still feline in essence, she was far from the Caitians of nearly a thousand years ago. Genetic enhancements allowed her to keep the parts she liked of her feline abilities, but she had less fur and had a more humanoid appearance than her ancestors. "We must do something ... unusual... " she thought out load as she swiped through the graphics in front of her. "And it must be quick. They are resourceful. We must not underestimate them..." she purred.

G'Ren paced the front of the room looking over the data on the two probes and the surrounding events. "According to the records command team of the USS Enterprise figured out how to stop the probe only just before the probes destroyed the planet's surface. If we could prevent the Enterprise from doing so the Earth's surface would have been sterilized."

Shazaran pricked her ears and purred softly, relishing the thought of this clean, sterile act that would wipe the species she hated from history.

After a brief pause. "Here. Enterprise was launched before it was ready and was nearly destroyed by a wormhole because of the impatience of her Captain. If the Enterprise was destroyed, there would be nothing to stop the probe. But Shasazan is correct. We must be care and cautious, but we must be ready to act on our own as well.

"Before we get too focused on the details, we need to ensure the target event will produce the desired outcome."

Setting the tablet aside G'ren moved to the labs main console to begin inputting the data for a series of simulations. "As soon as we go back, we are going to hunted, as will whoever we 'recruit'. I think we need to have both of us do a series of incursions, have both ships skip through time at several points. Give our pursuers multiple incursions to investigate and keep the busy trying to figure things out. The sighting of an unknown ship like the Wells class would give temporal agents plenty to clean up."

"I volunteer to pilot the Wells," Damot spoke up. "If need be, I'll go as far back as the creation of life on that ball of mud, and vaporize it!" Then he thought about it for a moment more, and grinned, his razor-sharp fangs glistening. "Or better yet, destroy their primary. No star, no humans."

"Granted. But don't zeal blind you to the fullness of time. The influence of a single meteor can impact entire regions...and you want to eliminate a star. The gravity of the star and planets of the Sol system impacted the surrounding systems, the trajectory of neighboring stars that then influenced others, meteors, rogues, even the nexus over billions of years. As such the development countless races across quadrants.

"The influence of a species is crucial enough, but you should have known better than to have suggested such a thing."

Dalmot grumbled as he sat back in his seat. "I just want to kill them all!!" He was angry, though was clearly accepting of the chastisement he had received for allowing his emotions get the better of him.

"The non-human life forms on the planet must not be eliminated, only the humans. If we wipe them too early in the planet's evolution, we don't know what or who can arise in their place. Too late and their influence has extended too far" Shazaran mused. "I like your idea of having the two ships to create multiple incursions. We will hunt and we will be prey simultaneously," she thought out loud. She suddenly got up. "One of the ways to hunt is to trap your prey. Then you don't have to do much, but only set it carefully. In other words, use 'camouflage', deceive our target, whoever and whatever it may be.... " she let her thoughts run, representing what she was explaining with images she drew on her virtual three dimensional screen. From the images she pulled out a the Federation insignia, the 'target', and held it above her hand. "What to do with you," she growled, as she bounce it up like a ball on her hand. "What to do with you," she nearly snarled, but caught herself.

G"Ren listen but had yet to hear from the last member of her teams inner circle. Looking to the end of the table, "You have be surprisingly quiet my friend."

A small dark figure stepped out of a dark gloomy corner. She was barely five foot tall, had lavendar coloured hair and wore a loose fitting V-necked crop top that revealed her midriff. A black scarf was wrapped around her neck, and her hazel eyes looked around at them all. One of her most noticeable features was actually her recognizable Trill spots running down from her head, down the sides of her torso and down to her feet.

"I thought I made it clear not to be reckless..." The small woman said. "Time is delicate. Its not something that can be easily manipulated. We are working with bigger things than just our own desires!" she said with a smirk. "Lets not forget that if we simply 'wipe out' all Humans, then everything in the Alpha and Beta Quadrant will likely change. Or have you all forgotten about The Borg?"

G'Ren nodded. "An excellent point. Fortunately the Borg only expanded into the Beta and Alpha quadrants due to contact with the Federation. Thanks to the Q being. We all know that the Humans have always been the pin that held the federation together.

"Previous simulations showed that the destruction of Earth prior to the 24th century would have crippled the Federation and lead to it's collapse and eventual conquering. I believe the V'ger probe is our best option. At the time of the V'ger incident the Klingon-Romulan Alliance, though on the verge of collapse, hadn't broken yet. A crippled Federation at that time would be a unifying event that could easily wipe out the remnants of the Federation and allow us to manipulate events from out side the space time and allow our faction to to take its right place.

"We need to confirm these simulations and also find us a 'patsy' to help us, as well as how we will suppress their memories and reprogram their ships computers with the history we want them to believe."

"No doubt someone will be sent to stop us," The Trill replied.

"And thus the need to 'recruit' a scapegoat to do the actual deed. We will have to keep any temporal agents tracking us and our temporal core as we bounce from time to time causing just enough trouble before jumping again. All while our recruit goes about the task we give them."

Dalmot, calmer now, suggested, "Why not have the scapegoat be one of their own ships? It wouldn't be the first time a starfleet crew, of that era, traveled through time to right some wrong. Kirk did it for the whales, Picard did it to stop the Borg. And let's not forget Samuelson, when she went back to stop the assassination of the Federation President."

"My thinking exactly. It will need to be a smaller but versatile ship, powerful, have cloaking technology, and an inexperienced...or a more non-cohesive crew."



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