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Smooth engineering, grumbling stomach

Posted on 08 Mar 2024 @ 11:51am by Lieutenant Jason Mitchell & Lieutenant Commander Aiden MacMahon

561 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M-18 The Past is Future
Location: Main engineering
Timeline: Some time before departure, when people are hungry

The computer located Lieutenant Mitchel to be in main engineering. "So that is new", Aiden thought smiling as he made his way there. And after having spent some time to familiarize himself with this class of ship, Aiden knew only how much he didn't know.

He spotted the tall man easily and made his way towards him. "Lieutenant Mitchel," he said to alert him. "Can I talk to you for a moment?"

Engineering was abnormally quiet, except for the fact they were at a base and most of the crew was on shore leave or being transferred in. The fact of someone called out his name was slightly startling to Jason, but it didn't break his concentration on the project in front of him. "Just a moment please, almost finished here."

As Aiden walked up, he would be able to see a scale three-D hologram of the Phoenix being displayed, with the various systems and sections highlighted in different colors. Under focus right now was the three-chamber warp core. Finishing the notes Jason had been working on, he stood up fully and stretched before turning to see who had come calling. 'Command Red, LCDR pips, must be the XO.' he thought to himself as he put on his usual smile. "Evening Commander, something you need or is this a more social call?"

Aiden smiled and walked forward and inspected the hologram. "Man, I have just been going through the ship's systems and my brain is a bit on the frying side. This class ship is new to me," he explained. "Truly impressive," he said. Then remembering the question he looked away from the representation displayed. "I not against social, talking about frying made me thought of food," he chuckled. "But actually I want to know if you needed anything?"

"Food is as important to an Engineer as it is anyone else, more so sometimes since we tend to burn a lot of calories going from one end of the ship to another." Jason responded to the comment about food, as his stomach rumbled. "Right now, we don't need much. Not a lot of us here, and the ship herself is just out of a maintenance cycle. I do not know how you or the Captain want us to integrate with Ops and divide the duties. More importantly, is there anything we down here can do for you?" He finished with another rumble issued and looked down at his internal traitor. "Quiet you. I'll feed you in a bit."

"What about feeding that stomach of yours, before it eats you," Aiden chuckled. "talking of which... I have a similar situation going on," he said, looking towards his stomach. He was thinking that a beer would be a great addition to the chewable part of ingestibles.

"Crew lounge, Galley? What's your pleasure today?" Jason asked, surrendering to the inevitable. A mental note was made to ensure he restocked the Chief Engineer's office with some snacks and a couple edible plants. Engineering was running smoothly, almost too much so, but that was never going to be said aloud, lest he invoke Murphy again.

"Let's check out the gally, I know people", Aiden laughed.

"I"ll follow, lead on Commander!" Jason motions for the senior officer to precede him in their search for food.

Lt Cmdr Aiden MacMahan

Lieutenant Jason Mitchell


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