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Booze & Beatdowns - Part 1

Posted on 04 Mar 2024 @ 8:34pm by Crewman Sizia Sh'velihr & Ensign Tora Zalos
Edited on on 31 Mar 2024 @ 2:07pm

1,956 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: M-18 The Past is Future

[Ready Room]

There were items for the Captain's endorsement as well as things he needed to address but, he was out and about and her shift was about to end. Being the Captain's Yeoman meant you were basically on call. Fortunately Captain Montoya was not one of these micromanaging types she had been warned about. On the contrary, he was very layed back, his wife was awesom and as long as she kept on top of thing he was more than happy to let her do her work on her own. She still ha rapport to build with the new senior officers but that would take time and was made that hurdle easier was knowing that the Captain had her back.

Laying out the padds for the Captain she left for the day....time to relax.

[Crew Quarters]

Sizia wasn't in a rush but didn't wanna keep Tora waiting either. Since she came on they would meet every so ofter in the lounge for a few a bite to eat and a few drinks. Even though she was an officer it didn't seem to matter and the Captain had his own habit of dropping ranks anyway so it made it easier for others to do the same.

After brushing out her whit and black hair, she tossed the brush and headed out.

[Main Lounge - 45 minutes later]

"Does that guy seem weird to you?" Tora stabbed a thumb at the dark-haired, bearded enlisted human crew member seated three tables away. For the past twenty minutes she and her companion had been seated where they were for not one minute had that guy stopped observing them; she could've sworn he'd quickly glanced away at something else whenever she glanced at him. 7 times. She'd been counting. It could've been nothing, of course, but something about the guy simply felt off to the Cardassian. Maybe it was those people-watching skills she'd picked up as a dabo girl.

For now though, she tried not to be too bothered about it and focus on the pretty Andorian hybrid seated across from her, who she still had trouble believing was part human. Looking at her she would never have guessed it - but hey, people were always full of surprises.

Sizia took another bite of her tiramisu, casually looked towards whoever Tora was talking about as she pulled the fork from her mouth. "He's one of the new Marines we pickup just before leaving DS3... of course he's gonna be weird...he's a Marine", she said humorously.

"Oh, come on now, Marines aren't all weird. Some of them are alright, I met one at the Academy while he was there for some course. Cute human guy. We dated for a bit before he had to leave - though we still chat." Tora laughed. The joy on her features melted somewhat, though, as another human man, a bit older than their silent observer, sat down at the table with him. The two conversed briefly before the dark-haired man pointed his chin directly at the two women and shook his head. Tora couldn't hear what the older man said exactly, but she was almost certain she heard the word spoonie in the mix. She could've even sworn he said it with contempt.

"So how is it, being the captain's yeoman? It's gotta be quite tough isn't it?" Tora suggested, in an attempt to shrug off the thoughts that had begun to gnaw at her subconscious. "Managing his demands and the demands of anyone else who needs his attention? What is it humans say, the time cake is small, but everyone wants a piece?"

Holding her wine up before taking a sip. "Nowhere near as bad as I had been warned. Captain Montoya is really easy to work for. At first he's kind of intimidating, I mean you've seen him, but once I got to know him...I was able to relax into it and even trade barbs from time to time. Don't let that get around, I mean his is still the Captain. Getting all those senior officers in was a bit hectic but once the new XO was in place that actually took a lot off the Captain's plate."

"That's wonderful to hear. Captain Montoya is an amazing captain, really - he came to check on me yesterday, you know? He's worried, especially after the last incident with Deep Space Five. He thinks the crew might get a little suspicious." And that was putting it lightly - surely Sizia knew. That much Tora was sure of. She tried very, very hard indeed to ignore the Marine and his friend getting up and walking past the two women on their way to the replicator. Tora did not flinch as the dark-haired Marine scowled at her.

"What do you do for fun, by the way?' She added.

"Ahhhhh... well that was sweet of him." She giggled a bit, "I will have to let Heather kn w so she can tease him. But yeah, that's one thing I have really noticed; he genuinely cares for his crew. Even former members, most of our former senior sfaff got reassigned for the operation to retake the station. He watches the casualty lists for anyone. I think a part of the problem was that he was left out of the fight to retake what many of the crew thought of as their home. I was in with the staff briefing before we left and he doesn't think anyone would do anything, but he'd rather error on the side of cause. All the departments were to to report any activity that might indicate a problem so you got a lot of people looking out for you."

Sizia watched Tora's eyes following someone behind her but continued. "Oh I love the water. I know, I know it sounds wierd to thinknof an Andorian that love the heat but I can't help it. Give me a beach, some waves, even a pool and I'm in heaven."

"So you swim? Oh, I love to swim! You know, back where I was born and raised there were some lovely beaches. You down for a dip sometime?" Tora suggested. "I'll show you the very best. You'll love it, it's got everything-"

"-oh, really? That's a real funny way to describe Cardassia Prime, don't you think?" Tora almost fell out of her seat; the dark-haired Marine seemed to have practically materialized behind Sizia, with his hands on the backrest of her seat. A quick glance behind her, and she was staring into the sneering visage of his older, grey-haired friend standing behind her. How he'd gotten there without her noticing was anyone's guess.

"Sorry, doll. We couldn't help overhearing you lovely ladies talk and thought we'd come say hello." The dark-haired Marine smiled brutishly. Tora could see immediately that three of his front teeth were missing, replaced with metal. He spoke with a thick English accent; one Tora would've loved to compliment, but certainly not in this situation. "So let's have us a nice, civil chat, shall we?"

Unsurprisingly, the dark-haired Marine and his friends did not wait to be invited to sit. They each pulled over a chair and sat at the table. The former studied Tora with a mixture of intrigue and disgust - funny how those two things can go together in one facial expression, really, but somehow he made it work. "You're a pretty little lass, aren't you." He commented. "Tell me. Which desperate, lonely Starfleet officer did you cozy up to and get to tell you stuff?"

Sizia stood immediately not only because she was pissed, but to make sure others would notice the situation they were in. "First of all, it's extremely rude to sit at a table were you weren't invited. Then you top it off by accusing them of cozying...", making an air quotes gesture, "...up to officers. Were you dropped on your head as a baby or were you just born stupid?!"

Not waiting for an answer Sizia gestured to Tora, "Come on let's go."

"You can go, lass, and let your captain know we've done him a service. She's not leaving." The dark-haired Marine stabbed an accusing finger at Tora.

"Now. Tell me, sweetheart. What did he tell ye exactly? That sweet, innocent, lonely guy you charmed. Why'd your ilk know where to hit? Did you feed them intel? You must have." This questioning he directed at Tora, blithely. "And what're you doing with the captain's yeoman of all people? First some lonely ensign, then someone with a direct pipeline to the captain? Don't you spoonheads do things a bit... differently? Espionage, bribing, spill a bit o' blood if you have to... I didn't know you've resorted to getting intel straight from the source?"

"I had nothing to do with Deep Space Five! I didn't even grow up on Cardassia! What's this have to do with me?" Tora insisted.

"You Cardassians have eyes and ears everywhere. You definitely know things, and you most definitely know who to blab about it to. We've seen it. Georgie here and I. We fought and killed tons of you spoonheaded melts in the War, you know. I think it wouldn't be entirely wrong for us to put down another, heh?" The dark-haired Marine cackled. "Ain't anyone gonna save ye. Look around at this mess hall, you pick out just one person other than the nice yeoman here who'll defend you. Everyone's pissed, doll, at your kind and everything they stand for..."

While the two sides traded barbs of of the lounges stewards had called security he just hoped they showed before things went too far. Meanwhile a Ltjg and an Ensign crossed the room. "You're right about one thing we are pissed. But right now it's with you and not her. I want your names becau..."

Sizia tried to get to Tora but one of the Marines stuck out an arm, blocking her. She reacted quickly by took the Marines extended arm by wrist as she grabbed a fist full of his hair and slammed into the table.

"Wh- Sizia, what are you doing, stop!" Tora grabbed her by the wrist and made an attempt to flee, only to be blocked by Georgie. That had to be a nickname, right? Right? Surely his name had to be George or something, right? The grey-haired human grabbed Tora by the collar and yanked her up to face level. God, did his breath stink. "Matt and I made a promise fourteen years ago to rid the Federation of things like you." He spat in her face. "You people are the worst, just barely behind the Changelings and their suit-wearing freak friends." He slammed Tora down onto the nearest table, knocking the wind out of her and breaking it in half. "You should never have set foot in Starfleet. Ma'am. Let me help fix that transgression for ye." And he slammed her into the table again, knocking the Cardassian out.

In the middle of everything Sizia lost her grip and the next thing she knew she had been back handed and was caught by someone. Whoever it was let her go to grab the Marine assaulting Tora from behind slamming him into the bulkhead following it with a shot to his kidney. It was then a phaser blast struck the other Marine who was moving in to attack the Tora's savior.

With one Marine stunned on the floor and the other slumped against the bulkhead everything stopped. Even with her eye swelling shut Sizia went to Tora tapping her badge, "Medical emergency to the main lounge."



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