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Better late than never - Part 1

Posted on 13 May 2020 @ 12:53am by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Klingon Lt Commander Kreval of the House of Torath & Lieutenant Commander Dante Ambrogio & Lieutenant Roge & Corporal Colton Renth

1,147 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M-17: Blood Moon Rising
Location: USS Phoenix
Timeline: MD 04 1000

Rico emerged from his ready room and onto the bridge after completing his log entry and was crossing the bridge to his command chairs as he stopped by the helm station.

"What's our status Mr. Quinn?"

Looking up from his station a bit nervously, this being the first time actually talking to the Captain. "Sir, Holding steady on course at warp 7. We should be out of Teralis space 30 min and then another 18 hours to the designated coordinates Captain."

Thank you Ensign." Placing a hand on the young man's shoulder and patting it as he passed, "Relax."

Rico lowered himself into his command chair and turned to Lt. Commander Kreval. "Commander..." He was cut off by his Strategic Ops officer.

"Excuse me Captain but we are being perused buy a Federation starship, Majestic class, at high warp...we are being hailed."

Rico arched his brow as he cocked his head slightly. "On screen."

=^= Captain Montoya, Captain Shay of the USS Freedom. Sorry to come up on you so fast, but we have some passengers for ya and had to make up some ground. =^=

"Helm take us out of warp. Not to worry Captain, what ya got for me?"

=^= Well in true bureaucratic fashion Starfleet personnel had several crew replacements in route for you but obviously they didn't bother letting you know or having them to DS5 until after you had left. Fortunately, the powers that be at DS5 figured you might want your new senior officers and other crew so we loaded up and headed your way as possible. =^=

"Much appreciated Captain; very much appreciated. We've dropped from warp and are holding position."

=^= We will rendezvous with you shortly. Shay out. =^=

Once again he turned his chair to Kreval, who was about to be his acting XO. "Commander, if our new XO is among those coming aboard have him or her report to my ready room. I will set up a time to meet with the rest as time allows."

Kreval nodded and stood have securing his station. "Understood Captain."

[Transporter Room 2]

Dante beamed over ahead of the other staff and straightened his uniform, looking around the Transporter Room. After a few moments, and ensuring that his uniform was as always immaculate, he stepped down off the transporter pad and approached the transporter console.

"The rest of the officers will be aboard shortly but it seemed prudent that I come aboard ahead of them. I figured that the Captain will want to meet with me. Commander Ambrogio, transferring in from the Arcanus." He extended one hand to the transport officer; keeping his emotions and any sign of his first impressions carefully concealed behind a mask, though his Emerald eyes sparkled behind it.

Kreval entered the transporter room to see a man extending his hand to the transporter operator. "Only one transfer crewman. We told there would be several crew beaming over."

"Yes sir. The Commander here said the others would be transferring soon but he wanted to beam over to see the Captain."

"Commander. Lieutenant Commander Kreval of the House of Torath. Exchange officer from the Klingon Defense Force. I was instructed to take you to the Captain. Your orders?"

"Lead the way Lieutenant. I wasn't aware the Phoenix had a Exchange officer from the KDF, what's your posting?"

Dante motioned for Torath to lead the way to the bridge.

Kreval grinned at the misunderstanding. "I serve as this vessels strategic operations officer. May I see you orders Commander."

Dante produced a PADD that he had tucked into his belt and handed it over.

Taking the padd he glanced through display. "Everything looks to be in order...". Looking to the transporter operator, "See that the Commander's personal effects are beamed aboard and inform me when the other crew transfers are ready to finally beam over."

"Aye sir."

"...if you will come with me sir I will take you to the Captain."

Stepping into the nearest lift. "Bridge."

Dante stepped into the lift behind him, the doors sliding shut behind him and he smoothed his uniform unnecessarily.

"Strategic Operations, I have known a couple of Klingons in my day and all of them are excellent strategists. Not people I would wish to go up against in combat, have even learned a few tricks from some of them... You have a sparring partner to keep your Bat'leth skills up?"

Looking to the Commander. "The Phoenix's holodecks can produce...adequate opponents however the mandated safety protocols removes the risk. I would be honored to spar with you, though I get the feeling you learned more than just a few trick." He said with a grin.

"That is perhaps true, though in my experience every house in the Empire has their own unique styles and tricks. We may end up keeping Sickbay occupied when we spar but I would appreciate the chance to spar with a Klingon again." He returned the grin as they walked, visibly relaxing a little bit.

[Transporter Room 2]

After getting the proper confirmations Crewman Boyd hail the Lt. Commander Kreval as instructed.

"Transposrter Room 2 to Lieutenant Commander Kreval."

[Deck One]

Stepping out of the lift, just outside the bridge Kreval replied to the hail. "Kreval here."

=^= Commander, I have two more crew members ready to beam aboard. Corporal Renth and Chief Medical Officer Roge. Their orders and clearance status are confirmed. =^=

"Very good crewman. The XO will be with the Captain the time being. Have the Corporal report to the MCO and show the Doctor to sickbay."

[Transporter Room 2]

"Acknowledged. Energizing."

The image that shimmered into solid form had the expression of a man ready to be at a destination as his last bits of matter became part of him he stood with his hands casually behind his back. Glancing to the Transporter chief and the rather lovely Yeoman who had come to meet him. A lovely brunette human with her hair in a high Ponytail and loosly down behind her

"Permission to come aboard?" Roge asked as is proper.

"Permission Granted Lieutenant." The Yeoman had the official authorization to meet the New Doctor. "I am Yeoman Maeyers, I have been given the task of greeting you and escorting you to the Captain."

"As I am not one to keep a lady waiting..." He stepped off the Transporter with deft ease; hands still clasped behind his back. "Would it be rude of me to inquire about my things; I have some rather delicate things that are in a steamer Trunk and a work in progress that I would hate to start again?"

Meyers checked her Padd. "Your cabin assignment..."

"I have confirmation of transport directly to the assigned quarters Sir." The Transporter Operator answered.

"I do thank you; I will even give you a discount on your next Doctors appointment." Roge winked and then made eye contact with Meyers. "Shall we?"



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