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Better late than never - Part 2

Posted on 13 May 2020 @ 12:53am by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Klingon Lt Commander Kreval of the House of Torath

926 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M-17: Blood Moon Rising


"As I am not one to keep a lady waiting..." He stepped off the Transporter with deft ease; hands still clasped behind his back. "Would it be rude of me to inquire about my things; I have some rather delicate things that are in a steamer Trunk and a work in progress that I would hate to start again?"

Meyers checked her Padd. "Your cabin assignment..."

"I have confirmation of transport directly to the assigned quarters Sir." The Transporter Operator answered.

"I do thank you; I will even give you a discount on your next Doctors appointment." Roge winked and then made eye contact with Meyers. "Shall we?"

[...the continuation]

"Of course." Meyers started through the doors with Roge in close tow, only then did the Transporter Operator notice the odd collection of fingers the new doctor has.

No sooner than the doors had close than Boyd remembered his earlier instructions and ran out into the corridor. "LIEUTENANT...YEOMAN!"

Roge halt and turned in the direction of the voice calling his name, noting that The Yeoman did the same.

"What can I do for you?" Roge asked with his hands still firmly behind him in a casual manner.

"Apologies, but Lt. Commander Kreval just took the new XO up to see the Captain and said to take the Doctor should be taken to sickbay to get settled in there. Probably so he wasn't wasting time waiting around."

"I suppose that will keep me from having to be accepted by the Captain Yeoman Meyers." He turned back to Boyd. "Thank you, I will go and associate myself with my staff and see if I have a large or small office?" He grinned and bow slightly before looking to the Yeoman. "I am aware of the ship's layout but as you are to deliver me where the Captain wishes would you mind taking me to the Sick Bay?"

"No sir I do not mind." She pointed the direction. "We will continue to the turbo lift and then down to deck seven for Sick Bay."

With a last nod to Boyd the two started to the new destination.

[USS Freedom]

Colton had been finishing up his yearly marksmanship and SEAR re-quals when the USS Freedom rendezvoused with the Phoenix. As soon as he got the word he left the holodeck and gathered his gear to beam over. Once the transport was complete he headed for Marine CO’s office still in full camo face paint and combat fatigues carrying 2 sea bags and his sniper rifle, covered in sweat and face paint he got a look WTF looks and made his way through the corridors to the Marine CO’s office l. He finally to door the Co’s officer halfway dusted himself off and pressed the chime.

[USS Phoenix - Deck 1]

Once the channel was closed the pair stepped through the entrance and onto the bridge.

Dante looked around the bridge quickly, making a few snap judgements and gauging the crew as a whole quickly but finding them more or less up to his standards. He nodded to Kreval and then stepped over to the ready room door, pressing the door panel to alert the Captain that he had a visitor while triple checking his uniform.

The Freedom had transmitted the personnel records for all those that would be transferring over and Rico had set himself to reviewing those file as quickly as possible. So far it was definitely making for some interesting reading.

Looking up at the chime, "Enter."

Dante stepped through the door, his uniform crisp and more than meeting regulations. He looked around the room quickly to get a feel for the Captain and then rendered a swift and crisp salute. "Commander Ambrogio reporting for transferral to the U.S.S. Pheonix, sir."

Rico eyes narrowed as he appraised the 'young' officer. From his records he has expected to see someone much older in appearance. Rising he indicated the seat opposite him. "Come in Commander, have a seat. I must admit, after looking over you records I had expected someone older looking."

Dante took the indicated seat and met the Captain's gaze, holding it firm. "I am half Vulcan, Sir. It has its benefits though it has also been problematic at times"

His eyes were slightly cold, holding a silent warning but they were far from malevolent; instead they indicated that there were things that the Captain would have to earn Dante's trust to further broach the topic.

It was obvious that he'd hit some kind of nerve. It wasn't the first time someone had a sore spot about their age, but there was definitely something amiss. Even a full blooded Vulcan would be beginning to show their age unless...but if what he was thinking was true it shouldn't be that big a deal. No matter, everyone has their hang-ups. "Well I've never held anyone's age against them, regardless of the reason. Some people would envy you the history you have lived through. I'm only guessing but perhaps some of those 'problematic' times you mention was just jealousy on their part?"

"I very much believe that is true, Captain. I have my fair share of things that I hold close to my chest out of old habits, but it is a slowly changing world." He looked over the captain again. "as for the history I have lived, it has had its moments of excitement, its rewards, but also has had its fair share of tribulation and heartache."



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