
  • 1 Mission Posts

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13 May 2020 @ 12:53am

Corporal Colton Renth

Name Colton Renth

Position Sniper

Rank Corporal

Character Information

Gender Male
Species human
Age 35
Languages Federation stanard, and klingon

Physical Appearance

Height 6ft 1in
Weight 230 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description A tall average built man well-groomed southern gentleman with dark brown hair; he keeps himself clean-shaven except for a neatly kept mustache. He has a bit of a rugged look to him like his square jaw and board cleft chin.


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Father MGySgt. James Renth (ret)
Mother Cathline Lawrence
Brother(s) Fred (older, Starfleet tactical officer.) Will (younger Starfleet intelligence officer.)
Sister(s) Kate (Younger Starfleet nurse)
Other Family n/a

Personality & Traits

General Overview A gruff, mater fact man’s man and marine, he comes across a cold, hardened man with little care for anything but his mission.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Skilled tracker and marksman
+ Skilled survivalist
+ Focused

- Cold
- Mission first mentality
- Heavy drinker

Ambitions To be the best sniper in SFMC history and make it to the rank of master gunnery sergeant like his father
Hobbies & Interests Shooting, camping, hiking, survival training, history, tactics, and CQB

Service Record Marine Basic training

Promoted to lance corporal selected for scout sniper school.

Completed scout/sniper school 2nd in his class

Assigned as Beta group sniper Camp Khaless 3 confirmed kills

Promoted to Corporal

Reassigned to USS London Marine detachment sniper 2 confirmed kills 6 probable

Reassigned to USS Phoenix