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Get Out Of My Head

Posted on 06 Oct 2018 @ 10:02pm by Lieutenant Alora Leysen & Lieutenant JG Cleopatra McCaine PhD

902 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M-15 Prison Planet
Location: Counsellor's Office
Timeline: Before Departure


Alora had quarters sorted and had just finished settling into her office. It was small, attached to the security centre but it gave her a private space to work which was nice. She had begun the process of reviewing all crew files for her department, there were quite a few fresh graduates and still green young MAAs. Looking at her console she saw a message from the Counsellor requesting her to come in.

She tapped the comm and opened a channel to the Counsellor's Office, the aid informed her that the Counsellor was free now and Alora said she would stop by. She was directed right into the Counsellor's Office when she arrive. "Good morning Doctor, Lieutenant Alora Leysen, I was told you wanted to meet with mqe."

Cleo got up from behind her desk and indicated a pair of easy chairs on the otherside of the room. "Please, call me Cleo. There's no rank or title inside these walls. This shouldn't take too long. I like to meet all new crew members, make sure everyone's in good shape up top, as well as medically."

Alora nodded and took one of the seats. In general she wasn't fond of people trying poke around in her head. She knew mental health was important and in Starfleet it was important that those that operating ships were mentally fit. "What would you like to talk about?"

"Whatever you'd like. More specifically if there's anything in your file you think I should know about, in your own words?" It was the standard response, could they identify their own weaknesses, understand where potential stressers could come from, even if they didn't. Even if they had never needed a counsellor's treatment, were they mindful enough to know when they might, and know when their own coping mechanisms could not go far enough, or had the potential to become maladjusted.

"Born on a Colony world, it was a highly developed one, older than the Federation." Alora started, "Went to the Academy straight out of high school, displayed an aptitude for investigative work, one of my instructors chalked it up to my mixed heritage, apparently she felt Vulcan logic and Human institution made a good combination. I moved into leadership positions relatively quickly, being made Assistant Chief of Security in 14 months. A number of fleet and shore postings followed. I had a decent childhood, although I often felt I didn't measure up as a child, my parents but a very high emphasis on excellence."

Well that was a nice deflective regurgitation that said nothing and everything. Alora would be an interesting case. "You've certainly been busy. Seven ships in as many years. Thats quite alot, don't you think?"

"It's within the average tour rotation for officer deployments. " Alora started, "And it's four, the Phoenix will by fourth ship posting, along with two shore tours at 416 and Avvorn III."

"They still count." Cleo pointed out. "You're uprooted almost every year, starting again, over and over. Even in starfleet that's quite a lot of changes." How was Alora managing her support networks? DId she have quality connections as well as quantity. Did she have friends and family she could call on, or would she need to leanmore heavily than most on the ships counsellor?

"It's part of service in Starfleet, I find that the different challenges and professional opportunities that changing assignments comes with make up for being uprooted as you call it." Alora replied.

"And what about your personal life. How does that handle the opportunities that changing assignments bring?" How resilient was this apparently ambitious young officer?

"To be honest I'm married to job as the saying goes, my personal life is perfectly satisfying you could say." Alora said with a smirk.

Neat deflection. Time for the direct approach. Cleo recrossed her legs in her seat. "So, do you have quality support connections, or would you prefer the anonymity and non judgemental atmosphere of regular counsellor appointments."

"With all do respect Counsellor, I will attend regular required psych reviews, but it appears to me that you feel I have some mental health issue I'm trying to hid. My support network is just fine, if you're asking me if I've made friend I've been on the ship less than 48 hours and I've only spoken to the Captain, and my immediate department staff. If you have a specific concern about something please state it otherwise I think we're done here." Alora responded cooly.

That hit a nerve. Cleo made a mental note to detail this in her notes. Sensitivity to potential criticism was a good sign that she was in denial about something. The question would be what? The strength of her networks, or her security and comfort about being 'married to the job'? Only time will tell. "no specific concerns for now. No-one is expecting you to have a BFF with a day of getting on board, or even a month or a year. But should you need one, you know where my office is."

"Very well." Alora said getting to her feet."If there is nothing else you need, I have work to get done. Thank you for your time Counsellor."

"I'll see you around," Cleo got to her own feet, and offered a hand. "Good luck with your new posting. I'm sure you will do well."

"Thank you, Lieutenant." Alora said before quickly leaving the Counsellors office.



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