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Change in plans

Posted on 06 Oct 2018 @ 8:16pm by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Lieutenant Commander Cevel Th'raran & Cadet Senior Grade Ryth Th'Vhaanneth

2,120 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: M-15 Prison Planet

[USS Phoenix]

Rico had personally spoken with Starfleet personnel about the orders he wanted issued and why. It had taken a little convincing but they had been approved and the Cadet Th'Vhaanneth should be recieving them shortly.

Returning to the bridge he watched as the engineering crew completed the install of the telepresence system.

:: Later that day ::

[USS Woodrow]

To: Ryth Th'Vhaanneth, Cadet 4th year
From: Starfleet Academy, Personnel
Subject: Cadet Cruise, Change in Orders

Persuant to a command level request you are hearby ordered to disembark from the USS Woodrow and report to the Executive Officer of the USS Phoenix for service as the ships helm officer.

Signed: Commodore Fitzgerald, Starfleet Academy

Ryth had just come off his rotation on duty watch and was headed back to his quarters for some sleep when the change in orders came through. The Aenar shook his head in mild disbelief and had to ask his CO to read them out loud for him just to make sure that he wasn't misunderstanding. Being transferred to a new ship he could understand, though he was slightly sad to be leaving the Woodrow. What caught him off guard was that he was going to be the helm officer. Of the entire ship. At the request of someone in command.

The next morning he gathered his things and, still in slight shock, acknowledged the kind words from his former CO and XO before departing his home for the last six months. Upon reaching DS5, he was directed towards the XO of his new ship and was pleasantly surprised to find that he was an Andorian.

[USS Phoenix]

Clearing his throat nervously, he announced his presence and waited for the officer to acknowledge him.

Cevel had been sitting in his office with the door open, something he had picked up from his past XOs. He had been going over the new helmsman's file and an intel report put together by a few of his associates. He sat the PADD down as the Aenar arrived.
"Come on in Cadet and stand at ease."
Cevel looked up and watched the nervous cadet and wondered if he had ever been that nervous.

Stepping into the XOs office, Ryth stood at ease before the desk, "Cadet S-Senior Grade Th-Vaanneth, f-formerly of th-the USS Woodrow, reporting for... for d-duty Sir."

Cevel gestured towards the seat across from his desk and said, "Take a seat Cadet. Before I begin with my spiel, do you have any questions?"

He stood in place, resisting the urge to shuffle his feet, before the XO offered him a seat. His antennae shifted to locate the chair, and he hesitantly sat before considering the question posed. He certainly had a million things running through his mind, but one stood out above all the others.

"Umm... Y-yes Sir," he nodded, "W-with all due r-respect, why... why me? Th-there must have been a hundred o-other candidates better s-suited for... for the position."

Cevel nodded, "A valid question. The Captain reviewed your Academy records and your flight hours. He was throughly impressed. I have also reviewed them and I am also impressed. The Captain has decided to put in the special requests allowing you to finish your cruise here on the Phoenix and to allow you to earn your commission piloting one of the best damned class of ships this side of Vulcan."

Placing a PADD down in front of the Aenar, "This is your bunk assignment. Drop any gear you have off there and then report to the bridge. The Engineering teams may need a hand with your telepresence device. You know how engineers are, if it isn't broke, they haven't added enough attachments to it."

Cevel thought for a moment and then said, "I have an open door policy. If you have any problems or concerns feel free to bring them to me. I have a unique outlook about your situation. Being thrust into a role that you weren't quite ready for." He smiled and then asked, "Any other questions?"

Ryth reached out and grabbed the PADD, running his fingers over the edge of the device thoughtfully. He didn't feel that his question had been answered completely, however he also got the feeling that the XO had said all he was going to on the matter, so he just shook his head.

"N-No Sir," he said, getting back to his feet and standing to attention, "I think I-I'm good for... for now, but I'll b-be sure to come find you if... if I h-have any more questions."


The engineering crew had just wrapped up installation and diagnostics on the telepresence systems they had added to the helm stations throughout the ship. However the only way to know for sure if things would work properly was to do an actual live test. Tapping the comm on his command chair he hailed the ships new helm officer. =^= Cadet Th'Vhaanneth, report to the bridge. =^=

Recognizing the voice of authority, Ryth immediately tapped his comm badge and replied. "On m-my way Sir."

Pulling his personal PADD from his belt, he accessed the telepresence system built into the device and had it interface with the PADD on the XO's desk, transferring the layout of the ship as well as his bunk assignment. Nodding to the XO he took his leave and quick trotted through the ship following his mental map, stopping briefly to drop his gear in his quarters before heading to the bridge.

A few moments later he took a deep breath before stepping onto the bridge. "C-Cadet Th'Vhaanneth reporting. You... You c-called for m-me Captain?"

Turning his chair to face the cadet. He was tall and thin, almost too thin really, with his white skin and hair standing out in stark contrast against the dark colors of his new uniform. "Yes I did. Engineering has installed an interface for your telepresence device to the helm here and on the other sections of the ship. However, we need to make sure it is properly calibrated before it's put to the test." Motioning towards the helm, "Take your station."

"Y-yes, Sir," the cadet nodded, moving over towards the indicated station. Taking his seat, he folded his hands in his lap and closed his eyes as he mentally reached out through his telepresence device to the freshly installed interface.

"Woah..." He said softly when he made the connection, his antennae quivering as the schematics and diagnostic readings for the highly advanced starship he was now assigned to flowed through his mind.

Smirking slightly Rico, "Everything okay Mr. Th'Vhaanneth?"

"Yes, Sir," Ryth nodded slowly, "it's just that the Phoenix is so much more advanced then the Woodrow. Multivectoring, ablative armor, regenerative shielding, warp 9.99... It's amazing."

The young Aenar's voice was soft but strong, without a hint of his earlier stutter. Now connected to the ship's systems, Ryth felt at home.

Heis grin grew wider at the cadet's enthralled explanation. "That she is. I take it you're interface is functioning properly then?

"I think so, Sir," he nodded, "it looks like I have access to everything I need, but it's hard to say until I can actually try things. Back on the Woodrow, there was a shuttle that gave engineering some trouble at first. I had access to every subsystem but for some reason after take off, the flight controls locked up so I couldn't turn."

"Well we can't have that," Rico stated. "Computer. Transfer current helm and telepresence interface configurations to holodeck one for flight simulations."

Rising from the center seat he called for the cadet to join him as he moved toward the Ready Room. "Mr. Th'Vhaanneth, you're with me."

Entering his office withe the Cadet a few paces behind him and took a seat behind his desk. "Have a seat."

"Yes, Captain," Ryth nodded, pulling his awareness back from the interface within the helm console. Taking a moment to get his bearings, he followed the captain to his office and took a seat, nerves starting to build again now that he was dealing with other people instead of the helm.

Know what is was like to be a cadet on his cruise he didn't want to be too intimidating. Motioning to the replicator, "can I get you anything?"

Unsure of exactly what to expect from his new captain upon entering his ready room, Rhys was caught off guard the offer of a drink. "Um... Y-yes sir, thank y-you. Do... Do you have I-Icoberry Juice?"

After the replicating the cadet's selection and a hot black tea for himself he hand the cadet he beverage and took a seat behind his desk. "So, no doubt you are wondering why you are here, why you simply aren't returning to Earth with the Woodrow, why you aren't completing the second half of your cadet cruise as planned, and how your reassignment is going to affect your remaining academy requirements."

Taking the drink with a grateful smile, the Aenar nodded as he took a sip. "Yes s-sir, I am c-curious. I asked the... the XO, and he j-just said you w-were impressed with my... my flight l-logs. Th-That doesn't sound l-like the... the whole story to m-me. I mean, I am j-just a c-cadet after all. You... you y-yourself even s-said I haven't even g-graduated yet. N-not really. How... How impressive c-can I really be?"

Putting his own drink down he wanted to reassure the future officer. "Relax Cadet, this isn't an inquisition. No need to be nervous." That said he addressed his concerns. "As to the reasons you are here. You are correct in that your skills are not the only reason you are here, but your ability to mentally control a ship gives you a reaction time that no other helm officer can match. My other reasons...I will let you know."

Ryth nodded slowly as he took another drink, buying time to consider the captain's words. He'd faced a lot of resistance when trying to switch to the flight path in the academy, and now the very reason for that resistance had landed him at the helm of a Prometheus Class Starship? Unsure of exactly how to deal with that for now, he shelved it and addressed a safer topic.

"Y-Yes Sir, I-I'll try t-to live up to... to your exp-pectations," he finally said, "as f-for my remaining cr-credit hours, am I f-finish them aboard th-the Phoenix?"

An honest question, Rico thought to himself. "You will, if course be finishing your cruise requirements here and if the situation calls for the completion of your training here than yes."

Adding with a smile, "And you may even be able to get a jump on your classmate and finish early. That is if you think you are up for it."

Thinking of his sisters, a smile spread across his face as he nodded firmly. "Yes, S-Sir," he stated with conviction, "I'm r-ready. Just t-tell me what I... I need to d-do and p-point me i-in the... the right d-direction."

Rico grinned at his enthusiasm and was glad he accepted the challenge. "I will speak to the senior staff and appoint an officer to oversee your acceleratoed training. Until then i want you to look over the telepresence systems on each section of the ship and then report to engineering to to see about installing these systems on our shuttle craft as well, just in case. Finally, be sure to check with the XO for you duty assignments."

Draining the last of his drink, the cadet got back to his feet and came to attention. "Aye, S-Sir," he said, "the Phoenix is a l-lot bigger th-then the... the Woodrow, but I'll d-do my best t-to make sure that everyth-thing is working r-right before w-we depart."

"Excellent. Then I won't keep you any longer, Dismissed."

Ryth nodded and turned to leave, orienting his antennae backwards at the Captain as he was stopped at the door.

Stopping the cadet at the door. "And don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it. Things on a starship are a lot different than in a classroom...get things wrong out here and people can get hurt or worse."

The ominous words and certainty with which they were delivered sent a small shiver up his spine, but the cadet nodded. "Aye S-Sir, I'll make s-sure to ask f-for any assistance that... that I n-need..."

Turning to fully face the captain, he came to attention again and nodded before heading towards the nearest turbolift. He had a list of things to get done, and no idea how long he had to do them...

Captain Ricardo Montoya

Cadet Senior Grade Ryth Th'Vhaanneth
Flight Control Officer

Lt. Commander Ceval Th'raran


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