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Group Therapy (part 2)

Posted on 31 Dec 2016 @ 5:20am by Lieutenant Commander Alanna Wells & Lieutenant Trei Jansum & Captain Korra Wen & Civilian Reva Madhava
Edited on on 31 Dec 2016 @ 6:06am

1,289 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M13-D: The Alundra Host
Location: Club Nova

- Upper Level -

Reva looked out over the bustling crowd. Even before the funeral service she had had more and more customers, her undercover work continued naturally, but taking care of the crew took precedence. Besides as a bar keep it was her job to keep a sympathetic ear open...even if it had been her friends lost as well. Seeing a few of the senior staff he motioned to one of her staff. "Bring them a bottle of Romulan Ale...the real stuff...on the house."

Ensign Cammy Valentine walked in with a noticeable weight on her shoulders and a deflated expression on her face. She noticed an empty seat at the bar and sat down. "Hey Reva. What's the strongest drink you're allowed to serve?"

Turning she smiled and looked to her, formerly official, colleague. "Well you know the rules; synthahol during or before duty hours but given recent name it.

"I need something strong enough to knock me out," she said in a voice lacking a soul. "Maybe for a week or...something."

Laughing..."well that i can't help you with, but I'll see that you get something suitably potent. Listen you beeter join the main good, you wouldn'twant to sully your reputation by being seen consorting with a reject like myself."

Slipping her a data chip with her last report she tilted her head towards the growing group below. "Go on, I'll have food and drinks sent treat."

Cammy reached down the back of her shirt to scratch her back, and dropped the datachip in a hidden pocket back there in a smooth motion. "Trying to buy some forgiveness?"

Catching the chip, Riva palmed it as she patted Cammy on the shoulder then slipping her hand in her pocket. "If that's how they see it, so mich the better."

- Lower Level -

Petra was running a little behind, as usual. Mostly because she'd lost track of time in the arboretum and had to replicate a dress, shoes and makeup in her workroom so she wouldn't be late. She knew it didn't matter what she wore as this was a casual gathering, but she always managed to run into some cute officer when she looked her worst and it was hard enough for a scientist -- especially one who spent most of her time digging in the dirt -- to find a nice guy. So, dressed in a short red dress and heels, she hurried over to the table where the others were gathered. "Hi!" she said cheerfully, taking an empty seat. "Sorry I'm late."

"Hello, Petra!" Dr Engels, "Glad you made it! Have you met my friend Koh-rah?"

"Uh...hi." Korra said, struggling to think of what to say. "Nice to meet you. You work with Dr. Engels in..." she gave Elena a lost expression.

"Xenobiochemistry" Elena chimed in.

Korra turned back to Petra. "Uh, yeah...that?"

"No. I'm a botanist. I run the arboretum and hydroponics," Petra said. "But I've seen her around." She smiled at Elena. "Hi."

"Glad you could make it Petra," Elena smiled and wrapped a comforting arm around her. "I keep telling you to leaf your comfort zone and branch out," Elena snickered. "So, any progress on your, um, social life?"

Petra looked sheepish. "No, but the plants in my workroom are thriving on the music I'm playing."

"Girl, listen," an emerald-eyed trill pointed towards Petra, "Any man would be lucky to have you. You just keep at it and one day, an iron-jawed Marine or Security officer will sweep you off your feet."

"Ooo, there's an idea!" Elena's eyes lit up. She turned toward Korra and gave her a nudge with her elbow. "You know any Marines who need a highly-educated gardener in their life?"

The nudge pulled Korra out of her thoughts and brought her back to the conversation. "Uh...well," she placed her hand over her mouth as she considered that a moment. "Maybe." She looked at Petra. "What are you looking for in a guy?"

Petra was trying so hard not to laugh that tears were running down her face. "Honestly, I'd be happy with an intelligent, kind geek," she admitted.

"And there's nobody like that in Science...?" Korra eased up on the question like she was creeping up on a skittish animal. She put some thought into that as various Marines passed through her mind. She suspected that soft-hearted Marine nerds existed somewhere in the universe. Statistically speaking, there had to be. Sergeant Garakht was always popular with the ladies, though Korra decided long ago it was best for her sanity not to question why. The living boulders known as Horta were many things, but eye candy wasn't one of them. Korra then remembered Corpsman Ptevon, a quirky Trill known who often talked about playing dungeon master in some board game. ~That sort of thing is geeky, right? And he WAS very caring when he re-attached Private Wights ear...~ "Uh...what about someone in the medical field?"

"Well, there's no one I know in science that fits the bill and isn't taken," Petra admitted. "Medical? Maybe. I don't spend much time there, so I really don't know anyone in medical."

A tall Betazoid walked up to their table. He didn't really socialize much, he mostly just sat at home with his cat or went to the holodeck. He smiled at the group, a little unsure. "Mind if I have a seat ladies? I uh..." he cleared his throat. "I'm trying to meet new people." He had curly black hair, dark eyes that all Betazoids have, and a very nervous look on his face. He was wearing dark jeans and a blue short-sleeve shirt that showed quite a bit of muscle on his arms.

Petra looked up, then at the others. "I guess so, if you don't mind girl-talk."

Trei smiled as he took a seat. "At this point, anything would be a welcome distraction. Security is a bit...depressed at the moment. You ladies are a breath of fresh air at this point. And you're easy on the eyes," he added with a smile. "Nothing like being around beautiful women who are keeping it together to lift your spirits." He chuckled. "Besides, I might be better at this girl talk than you think. My sister and brother were always coming to me about their guy problems."

"Ah, well welkomme to the Science Department Happy Hour, plus one Marine" Dr. Engels said, finishing off a a Mai Thai. "Do you have a name Mr. Security Officer?"

Trei looked at the blonde. "Lieutenant Trei Jansum, but you can call me Trei. Is there any Andorian ale around here?"

"Hey Zaari," Elena called to a Bajoran at the far end of the table, "Stop hogging the ale pitcher down there! We have a special guest who wants some!"She turned back towards Trei. "Nice to meet you, Tr-r-rei," she said, rolling the "R" in the back of her throat. She gave Petra a gentle nudge. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need reload on Vitamin C." She said, getting up with her empty glass. "Come on, Koh-rah, let's get you something to help you relax."

"Well I..."

"You're not on the Parade Grounds right now. C'mon!" Elena grabbed her arm and dragged her along, which was impressive considering Korra could probably suplex a Jem'Hadar. Dr. Engles gave Petra one last wink as she headed for another round. Korra flashed the botanist a look that said 'is she always this pushy?'

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant JG Reva Madhava

Ensign Cammy Valentine

Ensign Petra Marelle

Captain Korra Wen
Marine CO

Lieutenant Elena Engels
Science Officer

Lieutenant Trei Jansum
Chief Security/Tactical Officer


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