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Curious Eyes

Posted on 28 Nov 2016 @ 4:40am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Ensign Jessica Logan (PNPC)

465 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M13-D: The Alundra Host

[USS Achilles]

He had taken Commander Montoya up on his offer, and the two had had a spirited workout. Now Da`nal was walking the corridors of his massive ship, encouraging those that needed it, keeping others on their toes, and just making himself seen to his crew. After taking the tram back to the forward section of the ship he stepped into a turbo lift and headed to the bridge. Upon his arrival he headed to the operations station, "Ensign Logan, What is the current progress on the salvage operation?"

"Last report had 100% of high priority items data, medical supplies, deuterium, etc.. The Berlin reports there are filled to the brim and we are running out of cargo space."

"Very well. Let's terminate salvage operations. Astrometrics reported the nearest star system has a Class S planet. Have engineering attach thruster modules to the super structure. When ready we will tow what's left up to speed and let it go...program the thrusters to keep it on course...and contact the Freedom to let the know well will be resuming course."

"Aye sir."

"Let me know as soon as things are ready. We need to get back to our mission."

[Alundra Deep space optical research station]

A tentacle arm reached up and pressed the comm as the panel chimed. "Report".

"Administrator, the smaller of the three unidentified spacecraft has broken formation and left the area, though the remaining craft continue to dismantle the damaged craft."

"Is there any indication where the other vessel was heading?"

"No Administration. It was heading away from our territory so it is possible it was returning to where it came from, but that is mere speculation at this point."

"Notify me as soon as our reinforcements arrive." Administrator Xaran made note that the junior attendant was sure to clarify his remarks before concluding. When they had first arrived and linked their systems to those of the research station he had been impressed at the sized and sleek design of the alien ships. Given the fact that his craft was only a third of the size of the larger of the alien ships, and that their first sign of the aliens was a massive antimatter shock wave, he had requested reinforcements.

Reaching out one tentacle grasped a water ball and pulled it to him mouth as another reactivated the monitor to observe the aliens for himself. At first he watched the efforts to dismantle the damaged craft. There was a buzz of activity small shuttles moving hull panels or other components and maneuvering them into the larger vessels. There also seemed to be individual beings moving about the crafts hull as well...bipeds by the looks of things.

Training the telescope on the the larger vessel. "Who are you..."


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