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Group Therapy (part 3)

Posted on 31 Dec 2016 @ 5:24am by Lieutenant Commander Alanna Wells & Lieutenant Trei Jansum & Captain Korra Wen
Edited on on 31 Dec 2016 @ 6:13am

1,314 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M13-D: The Alundra Host
Location: Club Nova


Petra gave her a panicked look. No way. She didn't go for security officers. She was going to poison their next drink. Not enough to cause any permanent harm, but just enough to give them a very uncomfortable night. Or some Dieffenbachia tea. Yeah, that would do it. "How long have you been on board?" she asked.

Trei noticed the look. She wasn't really interested and to tell the truth, neither was he. He just wasn't ready for that right now. He had plenty of time to have a family. "Since the launch, but I was a JG when I came onboard. I just took over for the Chief." He looked at the backs of the woman's two friends. "They didn't have to leave. I'm not looking for love, or even a one night stand. Just some nice people to talk to."

"Don't pay attention to them," Petra said. "They're just being silly." And just because the others were a little obvious didn't mean he had to come right out and say he wasn't interested -- even if she wasn't, either.

Trei smiled again, showing white, even teeth. "I've seen you before, but I can't remember where. Where did you say you work?"

"Botany," Petra replied. "Hydroponics and arboretum, mostly."

He nodded. "I've been in there some for relaxation while meditating. That's where I must have seen you. The glitterlings are doing well, I think, and the throngi is...unusual."

"Although I'm a big fan of getting back to nature, the arboretum isn't the best place to meditate. We get far too much traffic for that," Petra said.

Trei shrugged his eyebrows and took a sip of his drink. "Maybe not, but the plants are real. And that helps more than any holodeck programs I've seen. Unless you know of one I haven't thought of?"

"There are a lot of realistic holodeck programs," Petra replied. "The only thing the arboretum has over them is you can't replicate the feeling of being around living trees." She still didn't think it was a good place to meditate. To relax, definitely, but meditation needed more uninterrupted concentration than you generally got in a room that had constant visitors. Especially on a starship that had people working 24/7.

Trei nodded. "That's why I go there. The feeling of being around real plants. But most of the programs I found where so obviously fake, I couldn't do it. For instance, it had Terran orchids and Romulan lilies blooming together in full sun. Orchids hate full sun; they'd wither and die. They need a lot of shade. I haven't found one yet that replicates that level of reality." He looked at Petra. "You said you know of some that are very realistic, would you mind showing me one sometime?"

"I don't have one specific one," she said. "Look for one by a gardener. Those are more realistic. Perihelion is always good.

Trei nodded thoughtfully. "I think Gart Ofral might have written one." He looked at Petra. "He was a great landscaper on Betazed, did some of the best gardens on the planet, some of them are still there. The Capitol building at Rixx, some of the great houses, the justice department building which housed the High Court. If I find it, I'll have to take you to see it. The man was a genius. He was the one who insisted on putting fruit trees on public streets, so if someone was hungry in the spring and summer, all they had to do was pick a piece of fruit. Helped a lot of folks in hard times."

As she spent so much time in the arboretum, Petra didn't spent a lot of time on the holodeck. But she might check to see if there was such a program in the computer files. "Yes, let me know if you find it." She finished her drink and stood. "It was nice meeting you, Lieutenant, but if you'll excuse me, I need to make sure the watering goes off on time. We've had some trouble with the program lately."

He nodded. "Yes, please make sure that it's okay. I'd hate to see something happen to those glitterlings." Rather than sounding sarcastic, he sounded genuine and gave her a smile as she left.

A young, fresh-faced ensign in a yellow sundress walked up to the bar. She ordered a beer and turned around and looked back at the crowd. She could have joined Karrak and the other security officers, but to be honest, Karrak intimidated her and she felt uneasy around his sharp teeth without Bart's teeth nearby. She saw a young man seated near her. By 'young man' she meant a boy, no older than 11. She walked up to him and said, "I hope she doesn't give you any alcohol. Shouldn't you be in bed?"


Elena led Korra away from the table and found a quiet corner. "Now we have a little more privacy," she turned to face the Marine, "What's wrong, Korra? You seem so...absent. Are you not enjoying yourself?"

"No, no," Korra surprised by Elena's bluntness, "I'm glad you invited me along. Really."

"You don't act like it," Elena crossed her arms and leveled her eyes a Korra. "You act like something's on your mind. Something very heavy. Care to tell me?"

"Not really."

"So there IS something."

Korra let out a sigh. "The battle just took its toll on me, that's all."

"Is it PTSD?"


"You know, shell shock...battle fatigue...phaser fright?"

"No," Korra said, starting to get annoyed. "Nothing like that."

"Then what?"

Korra rubbed her temples. "What difference does it make?"

Elena put a hand on her shoulder. "I'm just trying to help is all. I don't like seeing people unhappy."

"What are you, the Mood Police?"

A shadow of sadness briefly passed over Elena's face. Korra looked down. "Sorry."

Her smile returned. "No, Korra...I am sorry. I want to help...but I'm really just interrogating you, aren't I?"

"You could say that."

Elena nodded. "It's a curse, I'm afraid. I never could mind my own business."

"Well, I didn't mean..."

"No,"Elena held up a hand, "I shouldn't pressure you if you aren't ready to talk about it. Just promise me you'll talk to someone." Elena looked at Korra with sincere concern. "Whatever you're dealing with, you don't have to deal with it alone. I have a friend who is a licensed psychologist..."

Korra grabbed Elena by the shoulders. "Dr. Engels..."


"Elena, I'm fine. Really. It's just...frayed nerves. It happens in combat. I don't need to see a psychologist."

Elena looked over Korra's face, noting the dark circles under the Marine's eyes and the general look of uneasiness that showed through her reassuring expression. "Just promise me you'll talk to someone?"

Korra let out another sigh. "I promise I will get professional help if I think I need it. Good enough?"

Elena nodded. "We should get back. Everyone will think I've run off with you." She looked back towards their table, noting Petra and Trei. "On second thought, perhaps we should sit over by Zaari?" They started heading towards the bar to get their drinks.

"You really think they'll hit it off?"

"Probably not."

"Huh? But I thought..."

"I just like to make her life interesting," Elena said with a mischievous grin. "We all need someone like that. Someone who keeps you from getting too comfortable."

~Who is this person?~ "Elena, don't take this the wrong way," Korra said cautiously, "But have you ever thought you might be a lunatic?"

"I tried being normal once," Elena leaned up on the bar. "Didn't suit me."

"I can see that."

"What do you want to drink?"

Korra shrugged. "Surprise me."


Ensign Petra Marelle

Lieutenant Trei Jansum
Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Captain Korra Wen
Marine CO

Lieutenant Elena Engels
Science Officer


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