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Head to Head - Part 3

Posted on 11 Sep 2016 @ 7:02pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Lieutenant Commander Michael Garabaldi & Lieutenant Yousef Tabak & Captain Korra Wen & Ensign Karrak
Edited on on 11 Sep 2016 @ 7:02pm

988 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M13-C: Shattered Time

[USS Achilles]

The Achilles was coming around, it's starboard weapons returning fire as they continued to take hit after hit.

"Shields holding, but they won't take this pounding forever!" He gritted his teeth. "What's that thing made of, Neutronium?"

Before Da`nal could reply he watched the view screen as the Berlin decloaked and opened up with every forward facing weapon they had. Torpedoes and Phasers all focused on a central point on the Terran ship.

[USS Berlin]

Every forward facing weapon was unleashed at the center of the Terran ships massive weapons battery. He didn't know or care about its capabilities but his memory flashed to the image of SB 24's destruction at the hands of the Kzinti weapon ship. The helm jinked the ship to evade what they could as they dove toward the Terran ship at full impulse.

[ISS Achilles]

There was literally no time to report the initial attack. The ship came out of nowhere and the concentrated pulse fired quantum and single fired photon torpedoes combined with the phasers were over powering the dorsal shields. In a matter of moments the shield generators failed. "CAPTAIN, AFT DORSAL SHIELDS ARE DOWN!"

Spittle flew as Stone replied in a rage. SECONDARY GENERATORS NOW!"

[USS Berlin]


"Pull away now and fire the tri-cobalt!"

As the Berlin pulled out of their dive the tri-cobalt device leapt from its aft torpedo bay but was only partially successful as it impacted the partially formed emergency shields. Even though the weapons array was only partially damaged, the aft shield generators for the dorsal section were gone.

[USS Achilles - Main Engineering]

Yousef was crouched down, up to his shoulder in an open panel, manually adjusting the structural integrity generators when he heard his immediate supervisor, Lieutenant Commander Shawn Hamilton call his name. Snaking his arm back out of the panel he stood up, turning to look at the rather harried looking chief engineer. "Yes, sir?" he asked. Shawn held out a padd, "I need you to take a team up to deck four, we have a pretty bad stress fracture forming. You are the best structural technician I have on board. I know you wanted to get this stabilized, but T'Ren will have to take over for you. She's on her way down now." Yousef looked over the information scrolling across the padd, his eyes going wide.

"Understood, sir." he said, and then turned to leave, tapping his combadge as he walked. "Structural Integrity Team Delta, this is Lieutenant Tabak, we have a level eight two fracture on deck four, section twenty three, mobilize immediately!" he said. Just as he was about to leave the engineering bay he felt a rocking explosion, and the entire ship swung about under his feet. Looking back he watched as a cascade of energy conduits overloaded, and to his horror watched as the console the chief engineer was working at exploded, a jagged piece of the transparent aluminum of the touchscreen slamming into his chest. "

Tapping his combadge while he ran he called out, "Medical emergency in main engineering, possible casualty." he said, skidding to a stop and dropping to his knees. Reaching out he pulled Shawn's face towards him, and knew immediately that no medical team would be able to help, the cold stare of death was already present in his eyes. Muttering a prayer for his fallen comrade he stood up. "Attention all present, as ranking officer in this department I am taking command of the engineering staff until a more permanent solution can be made by the command staff. Continue with duties as usual, and report to me just as you would have to Lieutenant Commander Hamilton." he said, and then turned as the doors swished open to admit the medical team. Motioning towards the dead man he turned away, a look of grim determination on his face. "Lieutenant Tabak to Commodore Da`Nal." he said, after tapping his combadge, and then waited for a response.


Da`nal clenched his teeth in satisfaction as the he watched the Berlins, unauthorized, attack run. He ignored the call for the moment as called out to his tactical officer. "Garabaldi, their shields?!"

Karrak was concerned that Garibaldi was not responding. He stepped up and looked at the board. "Forward shields are at 80%, aft shields dropping rapidly ssir." he said.

He tapping the panel on his chair he gave the order to deploy their boarding parties. Once the order was given he returned to the earlier call to the bridge. "What is it Mr. Tabak...we're a little busy at the moment."


Suppressing an urge to snap back at the other man Yousef breathed a deep breath. "I understand that, sir, and I am sorry. However I felt it necessary to alert you to the death of Lieutenant Commander Hamilton, and to advise I have taken over as an interim replacement." Yousef said, approaching the main engineering console to get a better look at what his teams were working on, and what he might need to redirect them to.

Da`nal's voice came over the comm. =^= Acknowledged. We will honor the dead later...Just keep us together Lieutenant. =^=

[Shuttle Bay]

Even as the transports where launching several Klingons from the ships Klingon delegation ran into the bay. "Hold! You will not go into battle without us!"

Korra looked them over, mentally weighing the odds of talking them out of this. "You know we can't have civilians running around with us, Captain." First Sergeant Zinn advised.

"Civilians, First Sergeant? These Klingons are part of a joint combat unit here to build military relations and cooperation." She turned to the Klingons and flashed their leader a wry grin. "Aren't you, boys?"

A smirk formed and he cradled his bat'leth. It was a lie but it was a lie that put them into the thick of battle. "The honor is to serve!"



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