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Head to Head - Part 2

Posted on 11 Sep 2016 @ 6:51pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Lieutenant Heather Fischer-Montoya & Captain Korra Wen
Edited on on 11 Sep 2016 @ 6:52pm

750 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M13-C: Shattered Time

[USS Achilles - Deck 10]

As the fighting raged Ayren made her way to sickbay to help. The ship, even as large as it was, rocked from whatever had just hit it and she nearly lost her footing. Letting herself bounce of the wall and grip the door frame on the other side of the corridor she managed keep from falling but smacked her head in the process.

Alorah was literally thrown from the turbolift as it opened and she went sprawling onto the floor. As she began to rise, a pair of hands was there taking her arm and she looked up to see a familiar face. "Thanks."

Ayren grinned "What are friends for..." the ship took another hit though not as severe.

The doctor, now standing, looked to Ayren and the small trickle of blood making it's way over he temple. "You ok...let’s get you to sick bay."

Shaking her head slightly, "Don't worry about me. I've gotten worse from Da`nal," she said with a smirk. "I think we need to get you there more than me...there are going to be people with bigger problems that a little bump."

The two of them, using each other for support, made their way as fast as they could. They were nearly there when the ship to another hit, causing a surge in the EPS conduit behind the bulkhead next to them. Neither of them made it to sickbay.

[USS Achilles - Shuttle Bay 4]

Korra and her Marines waited patiently in their boarding craft as they awaited launch clearance. Until the enemy's shields dropped, the boarders wouldn't be much use. That gave them some time to make final preparations. "How do you want to do this?" First Sergeant Zin prodded.

Korra played with some options on her combat visor. "What do you think about attack pattern 'John Wayne?'"

Zin shook his head. "That corridor will be too cramped. They'd vape us before we got in position."

"We don't have the numbers for 'Haymaker.'"


Korra rolled her head around until her neck popped. "What about 'Two Parts Jesus?'"

Zin cocked his head to the side. "Gutsy."

"Could it work? Two direct fire support gunners firing off smoke grenades and another two firing off flechette canisters?"

"If we do that the second the boarder's shields drop...maybe. It might get the enemy to take cover long enough for us to get out of the boarders. Or, they may not care and our direct fire support will eat a full salvo of enemy fire."

"Might ask Gunnery Sergeant Zerrick if their backblast shields at max power can handle brief enemy fire. If anyone knows, 'Thumper' will."

"I doubt it'll repel it."

Korra bit her lip. Zin knew what her next question was going to be, but he waited for her to ask it. He believed Marine officers should feel the weight of their decisions: hard choices shouldn't be too easy to make. As much as Korra hated it, she learned to respect that. "Will it make the enemy fire survivable?"

"I'll go check with him."

[USS Berlin]

The surrounding space was a web of phaser and torpedo fire and the ships and fighters exchanged fire. There were friendly and enemies craft darting in and out of the area as the larger ships engaged each other. The former Terran ship was severely damaged but still in the fight.

Even as they beamed the Commander Stone aboard the Berlin, still under cloak, move off and turned towards the enemy ship. There was something odd about the hull plating on the back of the Terran ship where their Achilles' promenade was located. "Tactical scan of the aft dorsal section! ...that doesn't look like a promenade to me."

The scan results were shocking. "Commander, the area in an massive set of weapons batteries! If they can deploy them..."

"We need to take them out now! Take us to 15 thousand kilometers and set up for a full impulse attack run. We're going to dive right in on them...and load the aft torpedo bay with a tri-cobalt device."

As the ship climbed away to get into position Heather turned from her position to look at her husband. "Commander our orders are to remain cloaked until ordered into the fight."

"I know our orders..."

A few moments that his helm officer reported. "Sir, we are in position."

Sitting forward in his chair, "Prepare to take us in at full impulse."



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