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Head to Head - Conclusion

Posted on 16 Sep 2016 @ 3:16am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant JG Lauren L'Vor & Sergeant Major Arcenio Velez & Gunnery Sergeant Jason Frey & Lieutenant Commander Michael Garabaldi & Lieutenant Commander Samuel Killpatrick
Edited on on 16 Sep 2016 @ 3:17am

905 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M13-C: Shattered Time

[ISS Achilles]


"Main Power is holding. Aft dorsal shields are gone and our cannon platform is damaged. Cannons 4 thru 7 are offline, door to cannons 3 and 8 are fused th...ADDITIONAL craft incoming! Boarding craft!"

Stone snarled. "Deploy the remaining cannon and active the lateral defense batteries!"

"I'm on it," Garibaldi growled. He had already made up a shit list of subordinates who were going to spend some quality time in the agonizer booth. He brought the required batteries to bear, already knowing that they wouldn't be enough to prevent the landing craft from getting through. He punched his console. "All Hands, prepare to repel boarders!" He glanced at the captain, knowing that if he made even a slight mistake here, He would be killed.

"Captain, I have a virus we can deploy if necessary," Alanna said. "If we can seal the borders into small areas of the ship, we can release the virus. It's lethal for the first 20 minutes, then it’s rendered inert. That should kill a good number of them." She'd been working on the virus for a year now. It wasn't 100% effective, but it was close enough to deploy. If nothing else, it did go inert after being exposed to air for 20 minutes.

Grinning at her ruthlessness, “Ready force fields and deploy your virus as soon as they are isolated.”

[Boarding Craft]

Velez monitored there approach on his padd as the pilot shouted back. “HANG ON!”

The incoming fire from the Terran’s buffed the transport and Velez watch as several transports vanished from his display. The recon team and made it and not long after their transport bumped hard as it locked down against the enemy hull. “LOCK AND LOAD.”

Several grenades were beamed in and soon they followed.


"There, see it?" Sam asked leaning forward and pointing to a fluctuation in the ISS Achilles’ shields, "if we come in from aft starboard keel we'll be able to pulse for two seconds that's more than enough to get us inside their shield envelope, and with that fluctuation we can predict an optimum period to get inside their shields." with a quick series of commands Sam set the shadow to stealth it's way behind the attacking ships, then like its namesake the stealthy ship began its approach to the ISS Achilles.

[Recon Team]

Jason and his team had been beamed aboard at the 'top' of the vertical warp cores. Even as the intruder alert sirens sounded each member had engaged transport inhibitors and were quickly attaching the repel lines for a rapid descent along the interior of the cores themselves. "Prepare to drop take out anyone and anything...except the core. GO!"

His team dropped at a pre-planned rate and took out every being and control point possible. Their proximity to the core made firing at them almost impossible and they were taking full advantage of it.

[USS Achilles – Astrometrics]

Korina was watching the display of the battle as the ships sensors displayed the data on the main view screen. These people were fighting and dying to protect not only their reality, but her as well. The Capital ship that had emerged was from a realm known to these people, but they didn’t know her nor had they known her crew and they were putting their lives on the line to defend her and her ship.

She saw the readout change as a section of the enemy’s shields went down and their troops deployed.
The enemy ship opened fired a barrage of defensive fire and several of the transports were destroyed along with all their passengers.

This had to stop!

As before she interfaced with the Achilles and overrode their protocols and directed a beam of energy to the section of the enemy ship were the shields were down.

L’Vor saw the AI vanish and immediately hailed the bridge. “Commodore the AI has transferred herself to the Terran Achilles!”


Da`nal bolted from his chair…partly out of concern, but also because he knew that the battle was over and he had been robbed of victory. “CEASE FIRE! All ships cease fire, assault teams to hold your ground!”

[ISS Achilles]

Korina materialized herself on the bridge of the enemy vessel. “You will not harm anyone else…ever.”

Some of the Terran crew tried to take her only to be incinerated by the power of their own vessel. Reaching out towards the consoles to her left and to her right and bolts of energy erupted linking her to every corner of the enemy ship. Accessing the enemy’s computer she knew who target and who to spare. All over the ship similar bolts of energy erupted from consoles, monitors, or other equipment; incinerating all. She guided the energy discharges to avoid the innocent…the assault crew from her guardians, those that were prisoners, those that were considered subservient or slaves.

The one know as Captain Stone was left in agony as his crew died, suspending him in the air as ribbons of energy coursing though his body. She had saved him for last as the last of his crew fell he was vaporized by her rage as the power of 4 warp cores flashed . If she had only done something the first time…her crew…those from the Achilles…would still be alive.

She dropped to her knees in the middle of an empty, charred, smoke filled bridge. Alone


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