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Away Team 1...Terran Ghosts - Part 2

Posted on 27 Feb 2016 @ 4:07am by Lieutenant Robert Williams & Lieutenant JG Lauren L'Vor & Sergeant Major Arcenio Velez & Gunnery Sergeant Jason Frey & Lieutenant Commander Michael Garabaldi & Ensign Karrak
Edited on on 27 Feb 2016 @ 4:11am

1,119 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M13-C: Shattered Time
Location: ISS Berlin

[ISS Berin – Engineering]

Jason smirking a bit while he stood out of he line of site but came to her defense. "Secure the trash talk it for the promenade."

Moving into the Engineering area the bodies that were there look almost ancient. He turned back to the andorian, "Z, can you tell what happened?"

"Yes sir" she returned and knelt down. She rose her tricorder and switched it from Engineering scan to medical science scan "Human. DNA match that of Lance Corporal Hillary Kylo. Generator specialist. Interesting. There seems to be a chemical imbalance of Ms. Kylo here. A rather odd mix of elements, minerals mostly. If I may, she had picked up something from mining or was near a mine at one point. However, everything else with this woman, is just the same, except our Ms. Kylo is alive."

The Engineer was perplex if she should stay in engineering and get this mirror double back up and running again, let alone the computer system as well to find out what had happen.

Listening to the report on the body as the other Marines secured the area and moved out to search the rest of the section, he changed tact to back to the ship itself. "What about getting main power online?"

"It's going to take a few minutes to get back up and running. However, in the mean time, we can us the back up generators this ship should have, unless, they felt it wasn't needed" Z returned

"See what you can do."

With an nodded of her head, Z, went right to the controls she knew was back up gen and began the steps bring the generators up and running, before she went to work on bringing the engines back on line.

[Observation Deck]

Garibaldi wasn't having any luck with the computers. He tapped his comm badge. =A= "Staff Sergeant Frey, is Engineering secured?"=A=

The sound of the hail broke he relative silence of the dark engineering section and Jason tapped his badge to reply. =/\= Frey here. There are teams still finishing their sweep of the section, but we haven't encountered any resistance. The only thing found so far are corpses...all looking decades old but the equipment looks almost new. Zeavot is looking to see if she can get the backup generators operational before looking at main power. =/\=

=A= Acknowledged, Sergeant. Notify me the moment power is restored. I want a look at the logs of what happened here.=A=


Velez and some of the security & tech personnel had climbed up 2 decks via the ships turbo shaft to reach the bridge. The other teams were using the jefferies tubes but given the size of the Gorn security officer they had little choice. Calling up the dark shaft to the Security officer, "Got that door open yet Ensign?"

Ensign Karrak had climbed up the turbo shaft, determined to succeed in his first mission. He was at the door, and reached up and pried the doors open with all his strength. "They are open, sir. I'm coming into the bridge, and I'll pull you up." He entered and waited for them.

After the Ensign had moved, Velez climbed up a few more rungs and reached up. Shaking his head after being lifted unceremoniously lifted up and onto the bridge, he moved to examine the area. Terminal's flickered and nothing appeared any different than what they had already encountered. Looking back to see another security officer hefted into view he called out. "Looks like the same story here. The Lieutenant up yet?"

"Sshe will be the next one up, ssir." said Karrak, pulling her up.

Reaching up to take is hand she replied in mid flight. "On my waaayyyy." Once back on her feet she patted Karrak on his shoulder. "Thanks big guy."

"You are welcome, Lieutenant." said Karrak.

Normally he would have fired of a remark but those two were fleet and who know why they do what they do. "Lieutenant. What can you tell me about the CO here.?"

Adjusting her pack after her 'flight' she scanned the remains. "Well. He's a match for our Lt. Commander Montoya. Half Deltan, half Human DNA."

"Any idea what killed these people?"

Continuing her scans, she moved from one ashen corpse to another. "I'm reading a temporal distortion in the remains, but based on these initial scans it seems they aged to this state almost instantly. But whatever effect did this to them only affected organic matter."


Nodding at the Commander's instructions. =/\= Roger that sir. Out =/\=

Over the course of time, the Engineer Zeavot, had discovered a security lock out, which she opened the panel beside the Generator. She ran her tricoder over the circuits, place the device near her, with drew a few tools and proceed to bypass security lock out of the Generator. A few minutes later, the hum of the generator kick over. Closing the panel and stepping over to the main generator controls, Zeavot, brought the generator up to full speed and the lighting of engineering grew a little brighter and consoles were once again.

"Sir" Zeavot stated as she finished putting her tools away into her Kit "we have power"

Glancing about, Jeff wrinkled his brow, "What kinda power did you restore? Are we able to turn anything on?"

"Well, yes and no" returned Z bluntly as she approached the Marine NCO "the generator is providing power, but at a basic level of operations. Computers aren't on that basic circuit. Though, if we're lucky the chamber and crystals within aren't too badly damaged. I could rig up this beast engines to get everything back up to FMC (Full Mission Capable)."

"Well that's why you are the engineer..."

Zeavot paused as she wondered why Frey paused the way he did. Did he sense something? was there more here then what she thought. Z's breathing was a little quicker then what she use too, as she backed up a little to the warp chamber and decided to to not focus on what was happening and get the ship up and running again.


=/\= Velez to Garabaldi. Sir, this place is dead. Any word on main or auxiliary power? =/\=

Garbaldi shrugged, knowing Velez wouldn't see it. =A= Your guess is as good as mine. What does our engineer say? =A=

Velez was about to turn this into a 3-way conversation when power was restored "Well I guess that answers that." He looked about as the other members of the team where already setting about their tasks, L'Vor was already at a computer trying to retrieve data; not that, as an enlisted man, he could give orders to officers.

=/\= Sir, the ship is yours =/\=


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