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Mirror Broken - Away Team 2

Posted on 27 Feb 2016 @ 4:13am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Commander Travis Stone & Lieutenant Commander Michael Garabaldi & Lieutenant Commander Alanna Wells & Lieutenant Shawn Hamilton

1,733 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: M13-C: Shattered Time
Location: Alien Vessel


T'pol was reviewing the data that had been scanned of the unknown ship. she stood there with her right hand onto her chin, her right elbow resting on her left arm that was across her chest. The Vulcan study the data, which, wasn't overly forth coming. However, the systems that were able to be read suggested that it was an form of AI, unlike anything the Federation had encountered so far.

"T" stating a familiar voice that she new was her senior officer, Shawn Hamilton. She turned to look at the human who like to keep himself unkept, she was greeted with an with a smile.

"Yes, sir" returned the native from Vulcan

"Yeah, I need you to go with the away team to that mystery ship and have a look see" Shawn informed pleasantly

"Look see, sir?" T'pol returned plainly "If you referring that I go and study the ship first hand, then concert it done. But, I don't understand the meaning of 'look see'"

"T, it's just an North American south thing. But, yeah, that's what we need you there for" Returned Shawn his smiling not fading

T'pol nodded her head, turned about and switched off the screen she was reviewing, grabbed an computer kit, and made her way to the transporter room.


Alanna was looking forward to the opportunity to have a first-hand look at the alien vessel. She was practically itching to look into the database and see what sort of science they had. So, instead of assigning someone else to the task, she chose to go herself. She grabbed her bag she kept packed for away missions and headed to the transporter room.

[Alien Vessel]

Karina immediately detected the handful of people that were beaming aboard and scanned them. They shared the same quantum signature as the ship now holding her in a tractor beam. That signature was different than her ship or her deceased crew. More importantly and the only thing that saved their lives it that their quantum signature was different that the humans that had attacked them. The AI wasn't letting off them hook just yet and kept measures at the ready...just in case.

When Alanna materialized on the alien ship, she pulled out her science tricorder to acclimatize herself with her new environment. The air was breathable, if still retaining a hint of death. Or was it just her imagination? She wasn't sure and it didn't really matter. It made her more cautious -- and more curious. She wanted to search the computer first, to see what she could learn about the former inhabitants. For her, that was the first step to finding out what happened and why the ship was here.

Jessica's walked forward of the rest scanning the section ahead of them. "I'm not detecting any life signs ahead...", she redirected her scans to a small console that was flickering. "...but this, this circuitry is not like anything I've ever seen or even heard of. If the Terran Empire was trying to capture this vessel. They'd have technology well beyond anything the Federation has. Question is where...or when did this ship come from?"

Travis took a deep breath of the air, and also picked up death and decay within it. "Well, the ship might have a voice-interaction system, certainly enough space and complexity for it. Why don't we ask? In any case, let's see if we can narrow down consoles and find out what does which. And has anyone done a quantum and temporal scan of this now that we're inside? Hate to get caught in a bubble of differentiated time from our ship and give the Commodore a reason to come looking."

"I'm checking the consoles," Alanna said. She ran a quick check for temporal anomalies. "No anomalies on the ship, but the ship has gone through a temporal shift recently."

With the XO behind her Jessica rolled her eyes slightly, she thought this was exciting and was enjoying the 'unknown'. Running the quantum scan on an area of the ship as well as on of the bodies, or what was left of it, she glanced back to report her findings. "Most of these bodies are known races and the material are common as well, though the alloys are considerably more refined. There is also a quantum variation. Its a safe bet that this ship is not from our reality.

"The good this is that with a few adjustment we could set up a power transfer."

T'Pol was reviewing her scan as she walked near the others. Her eyes were focus on tricorder. "Indeed, this ship does not match any vessel in the Federation or Vulcan data base, the alloys does not match any known alloy we have encountered, the power source is far beyond anything Starfleet has. However, some of technology match what Admiral Archer had come across when he was Captain of the Enterprise."

She paused as she knelt beside a person, who was faced down with a bag beside him and what looked to be an Federation Tricorder. Thought, the large circle blacken area on his back reviles that the man was shot in the back.

"Sir, if I am not mistake by these readings. This man is our Chief Engineer" T'Pol stated "and this equipment is..." she paused and flipped the device over to see the Earth with a sword going through the north pole and coming out the south "...Terran in nature"

"That explains a lot," Alanna muttered. "Both the temporal shift and the carnage." She turned to the XO. "We should warn the Captain." And then she wanted to have a good look around because everything on this ship was fascinating.

"Ok, hold everything folks. Science, you just said this ship is temporally shifted from us? Because if you did, that means we now have TPD (Temporal Prime Directive) issues to worry about as well. All readings need to be secured and encrypted, nothing over open channels." Travis announced, and cursed his luck. TPD issues were NEVER easy to deal with, and always came with a lot of problems. Not to mention paperwork. "Someone get the ship's computer up and addressable, we need to limit temporal contamination. I'll contact the Commodore and explain."

"Aye sir" returned T'Pol as she rose back onto her feet to proceed towards what the tricorder states was an engineering station.

T'Pol placed her tricorder on the console of the alien station as she opened her engineering kit and placed on the other side of her tricorder. She soon tapped her badge to speak with Commander Travis

"Sir, before we proceed with booting up the ship's computer, we need to have at least minimum power flowing the circuits."

The bio reading no the intruders didn't show and hostile intent, more of a curiosity and sense of caution. While they had focused on the bodies of her former crew Karina had managed to reroute enough circuits to allow minimal power to be restored...she just hadn't made the final connection to turn it on.

Alanna nodded when he asked about the temporal shift. Then she added, "I'm working on the computers, sir. I've got some knowledge of alien computer systems." Computers and science she could handle. Engines and some of the other components of this ship she would gladly leave to others. "I might be able to figure out a few basics."

A female voice filled the area. "Please don't. I wouldn't want to have to injure you."

"And that isn't a human voice. Identify please!" A hand motion went up and out for everyone to stop what they were doing until this could be assessed. Travis then looked around for their Security representative so arranging for an emergency beam-out would be possible.

T'Pol paused as she looked about hearing a voice that had no body. She looked at her tricorder to see if it picked up where the voice came from, but, she looked around again and stating in a plain logical voice "That isn't our intent, madam. We are here help"

No revealing herself as most of the emitters in the are where offline, Karina replied. "There is no need for concern, if I had wanted to harm you I could done so long ago. It is obvious that your intent is not of that of the others we had encountered; even when several of you have been seen before. My scans show that while identical, there is a quantum variance between your cellular structures that I cannot explain. Given that difference and the nature of the portal the command vessel was creating, the data would support a parallel reality."

"We are here to help you, and to stop what happened to you from happening to us as well," Alanna added. "Is there anyone alive on your ship we can help? Additionally, is there any information you can give us about your attackers that could help us stop them?" Might as well get to the crux of the matter. She had a feeling the voice was attached to the ship or the computer or both. She wasn't sure, exactly, but she'd dealt with holograms and computer AIs before. It made her even more curious about the people who built this ship.

There was no change in biochemical readings that would indicate deception but such control could be trained. "As your own technology has certainly already told you there is no one alive here. The ships that attacked us where unknown an all bore the same unknown crest." A display near the group activated and displayed an image of the planet Earth with a sword.

Alanna sucked in her breath at the sight of the image. "We have faced these people before," she said to the voice. "They are our foes as well."

Using the functional emitters Karina projected herself in order to interact directly with the new comers. Her semi-transparent form took shape and she looked from on member of the team to another. "I am Karina, this ship autonomous artificial intelligence. There is a saying from my reality, my Earth...'The enemy of my enemy is my friend'. I would like to speak to your commanding officer."


AI - played by Da`nal

Lieutenant Commander Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer
USS Achilles

Ensign T'Pol
Engineering Officer
(PNPC of Lt. Shawn Hamilton)
USS Achilles


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