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Away Team 1...Terran Ghosts - Part 1

Posted on 27 Feb 2016 @ 4:05am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Robert Williams & Lieutenant JG Lauren L'Vor & Sergeant Major Arcenio Velez & Gunnery Sergeant Jason Frey & Lieutenant Commander Michael Garabaldi & Lieutenant Shawn Hamilton & Ensign Karrak

1,637 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M13-C: Shattered Time
Location: ISS Berlin

Michael Garibaldi stepped in front of the Ganna and stood next to the Marine Sergeant Major as his boarding party loaded and geared up on the flight deck. He looked at the NCO next to him. "You know the drill, Sergeant Major. I'm not going to tell you your job, but I want to make sure that we're both singing off the same sheet of music. You keep control of the party, but I have final say, since it's ultimately my neck. We stay in comms contact with the ship at all times. If contact is broken, get back to the Goanna, and regroup. This is the part I want CLEARLY understood: I know you Marines are famous for never leaving a man behind, but I'm not going to lose the entire boarding party over one man, Marine or Fleetie. We'll come back for him after we get more firepower. Am I clear?"

The old school Marine merely looked at the ships Sec Chief nodding, but he had never left anyone behind and he wasn't going to start matter what some Lt. Commander said. "Like you said sir...The mission is yours. Might I suggest we deploy fore and aft. We can enter the saucer section ventrally here at the observation lounge, and the Engineering hull here at cargo bay 4; once the engineering section is secure we can leave a team, with a set of transport enhancers, with those assigned to restore the ships systems and then redeploy and enter here at the shuttlebay."

"Sounds good. I still don't like going into this with no intel on what resistance to expect, but I suppose we don't get to have it all our way all the time. Make it happen, Marine." Garibaldi was impressed with the tactical thinking of Sergeant Major Velez. It was a sound envelopment strategy, dispersing his forces to key points of the ship while not giving the enemy much time to react. He picked up his gear and prepared to follow the Sergeant Major aboard.

After everyone was aboard and secured, the Goanna exited the shuttlebay of the Achilles with little to no fanfare. The short trip to the other vessel was tense, but uneventful. The pilot called out, "Docking sequence in two minutes! we'll latch on to the Ventral saucer near the observation lounge!"

Michael leaned over to the Sergeant Major. "This is it. Get 'em ready."

Velez turned to his troops and mix of Starfleet security and several 'specialists' that would be called on to figure out what was going on once the ship was secured. "Mount up people! Standard sweep and secure deployment Initial scans show no life but be prepared for anything." Glancing to the display on his wrist he saw that the other transport was locking on to the Engineering section."

[Transport Krulak - Engineering Hull]

Jason and his recon team, after being relieved from the emergency station hand been assigned to secure the ships engineering sections and keep an eye on the engineers that would be trying to restore power. The transport jolted slightly as they locked on and the cutting began.

"Picking up anything?"

"Nothing. It's quiet as a tomb..."

A call came out. "We are through!"

That was Jason's cue. "Recon…take lead; first squad follow suit. Engineers...standby." Turning to the remaining troops; "Once the engineers are through seal us in and proceed to the next deployment site."

"Okay" returned Zeavot

The young Andorian woman, who was an mere Miner and was more knowledgeable with mining equipment and rocks. yet, she had a knack with all things engines and Shawn had asked her to join Away team that was visiting Mirror Universe ship. She agreed and had proceeded to the flight deck and boarded the shuttle and took her sit beside some Marines.

Jason took position at the opening as everyone filed though and fanned out. The room was dark, the only light from the wrist beacons, helmet lights, or the flickers monitors. There were bodies scattered about. Some in their seats others slumped over consoles or rails. There were no immediate signs of a fight but they had more area to search.

As the last of the the detachment moved out he noticed that the personnel count was short one and looking back he saw the Andorian engineer having problems with her equipment. Reaching down her grabbed her gear and cut the stap that had become caught. It want a pretty solution but it got the job done. After tossing the gear aside he took he hand and pulled her through and up to onto her feet.

"Stick with me kid, you'll be ok."

"Thanks and I shall" returned Zeavot to Jason

Outside the transport detached, leaving behind a collar to seal the hole they had made and for future use if needed. Hearing the transport detach Jason reported their status.

=^= Bravo team to Alpha. We are onsite and moving out. No resistance at this time, everyone seems KIA. We will set up our transport site once we reach main engineering. =^=

"Little unnerving isn't this? I prefer something to fire at and get fired back than this." Eirias said quietly over the comms to his newer teammates, and specifically Frey. So far he had been able to keep up with them, and was using his background training to see what they were dealing with tech wise.

[Observation Lounge]

The observation lounge was clear and the initial fireteams had moved out and secured the bridge as Velez entered the area. The other teams were using the ships jefferies tubes to begin their deck by deck search. Velez stepped over to the nearest body, spinning the chair to look at the corpse before calling out. "Commander; over here."

As the SecChief neared he side stepped, keeping his beacon on the body. "This thing looks like it's been dead for centuries...," glancing to the Commander as the call came in from the other team.

Michael looked at the desiccated corpse "Feel how dry the air is? I'm not surprised that there's more than just dust, if it's truly been that long. Corpsman up!" Garibaldi called for Lieutenant Williams. "Get a reading on that body, and tell me how long it's been there, and if possible, what it died of."

Williams smirked at being referred to as a 'corpsman', he was a Doctor for crying out loud; he shrugged it off as he made his way through the mix of Marines and security personnel. With his medical tricorder at the ready, he ran multiple scans, reconfigured and ran them again. "Well he's definitely dead. A full autopsy would give us a better picture but from these scans I'd say rapid aging. There is no traces of any kind of residual energy from a weapon or radiation."

Changing modes on his tricorder he scanned the uniform and the chair the corpse sat it. "What's strange is that inorganic material seems just fine." He pressed on the padding on the chair and it rebounded as if it was just installed. Belting his tricorder he then gripped the fabric of the man’s uniform in both hands and gave it a tug. If the fabric had aged like the body it should have torn in his hands...but nothing. His action did have an effect, the tugging resulted in the corpse's arm to detach at the shoulder and fall to the deck, the impact turning all but some of the major bones to powder.

Garibaldi shook his head. "Doesn't make sense." he turned to the boarding party. "Stay sharp. If the rest of the crew looks like this, we're fine. If there are any survivors, they may still be hostile. Continue clearing rooms." He turned to search for a computer panel, hoping to coax it to life.

-Engineering Hull-

Zeavot was hard press in looking about aimless in the dark, but, thankfully she was near the Marines and security detail as they entered into Engineering. Despite the fact that with the light reflecting off the certain components of the heart of the ship, it surprisingly looked like any other Steamrunner warp engine. She drew out her tricorder and began to scan the console.

"Wow!" Zevaot Zh'rohlil stated as she looked at her tricorder and read the scan of the console before her "From these reading, this ship is built to blast and can handle everything it's tossed at and still manage to fight back. I detecting...." the andorian began rambling off all sort of Borg anti devices, Breen shielding, armor and shielding that can with stand an Klingon assault "...well, that now interesting. This bird is powered by an mini Romulan engine."

Jason stepped over and looked over her shoulder. It was definitely Romulan tech, but how? An Alliance…doubtful. If Romulas was destroyed in their universe like it was in ours the Terran Empire would surely taken advantage of the situation. "What about the rest of the ship.

"Huh oh yes, sir. Sorry..." she turned around look Jason. She walked up to him and scanned the door "...standard alloy found in Starfleet ships." she scanned the door again "No shield in place, but, I am detecting faded energy reading on the other side and bodies." she stepped over to the locking control and used her tricorder to unlock the door for the team. After an minute or so, the large door unlocked and opened.

"EEP!" stated Zeavot as an dead Human female that dropped to the floor when the door open. She heard a few Marines chuckle at her eep. "Well you'll be scared too if a body jumped out at you like that."

Several of the Marines snickered and one called back as they stepped over the dusty remains, "The dead don't jump Starfleet."



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