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Inner dark reflection

Posted on 26 Feb 2016 @ 5:44am by Lieutenant Shawn Hamilton & Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,427 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M13-C: Shattered Time
Location: M.U. ISS Achilles's engine room


It was neither cold nor hot, as a bulky vessel, transverse through the great expanse of the endless void of space. Twisting and turning through the never on a course, that the crew of the bulky starship and the captain of that crew had no real idea what they were going to expect, but knew where they were heading too, which was given to them, but Central Command of the Terran Empire in which they all serve. With a whoosh and mist of spray, the bulky vessel, pushed its way through the dust of an interstellar nursery. Once the bulky vessel, exited the dust cloud, it was stuck by a static discharge. The force of the bolt of static was strong enough to toss the vessel slightly as it entered back into the cold black void.

Inside, the bulky vessel was anything but what it looked on the outside. A man sat in the center most point of a bridge as those who were assign to the ship and followed the man was moving to and fore about their station as the man, observed those from his center seat of the bridge. He was twisting on knob on the arm rest after another. He looked at the small display on the arm, as the sound of jet of steam rushed invisibly throughout the ship. The man himself was anything but normal. He had many names given to him, due to his status in Engineering, but his name is Adtanis. He looked from arm rest to forward station on the bridge with his eyes, to a small view screen. He lean over to speak to those in his line of sight and gave them a direction to take.

Time twisted and folded around the bulky vessel as it steadily propelled through the currents of the end cold of the void. So often, the vessel, would fly into the collected mass of dust formed by the both random atoms and the death of stars. Yet, the crew inside the vessel, continued with their toils of mastering the Empire’s latest starship, that’s named Berlin. Once the vessel approached the sources of their orders, it roared as it folded back into the normal stream of travel, while blinking in and fading out in what it felt was a safe location held near the problem with in space time. The bulky vessel, decloaked behind a moon and approached a world that was both neutral to the Empire, that held an vessel that was far different from any ship known in the Empire.

Raising up from the command chair, he grabbed his long grey trench coat and put it on. he had orders to investagate this ship first hand and he was going to get to the button of it. Gave orders to his crew, as he observed the blue green world below and wondered what was so special about this world, but, barked and brought up the image of the unknown vessel and again, he wondered. He sat in his chair, listening to those toiling away at their various assignment, when one turned to face his the center area of the ISS Berlin bridge.

"Captain?" he asked

"What?" returned the engineer respond to the commutation officer

"I am detecting a transmission" he started as he looked at his screen once more "and it's coming from Earth"

"What?" he stated as he rose up from her chair and stepped over to comm officer to review the information "This is a signal isn't Terran in nature. So why are you showing me this?"

"Because, sir, it's wasn't distorted due to the local gas giant and star of this system" returned the officer

Adtanis pinched the bridge of his nose as she lowered his head and sighed. Sure, he hated all things that came from Earth, but, the wave pattern of the signal was different from all transmission from Earth and other planets that once used sub space messages signal for whatever reason. The Engineer, lean in close as he studied the pattern. He, then flicked a switch on the side of the screen to play the signal on the speaker. The singer, sounded crisp and charming, but general, sound no different then any other human woman singing, other then the language she was speaking into. His eyes shifted to the comm officer and then back at the signal wave pattern.

"You are recording this" he ordered not really sure why she wanted it recorded in the first place

"I have been, captain" returned the comm officer

The more the Engineer listened to the woman sing, he wonder who she was. But, until then, he quietly listened to the transmission. as the comm officer worked to find the source of the transmission. So time passed and the the crew listened to the song and the comm officer had stated it was coming from the unknown ship.

"Interesting" he stated as he rose to his feet and signal to the security chief and the now new chief of Engineer and first officer Hamilton "let's go have a look see what's going on over there"

Captain" Stated Shawn bluntly "If I may state tha Imperial rules that coming upon an unknown ship, the captain, whomever it may be, can't leave the ship to investigate. Let the first officer and security lead the mission and secure it for the captain"

Adtanis Stopped at the lift door and looked at his first officer "really, you're trying to gain glory and new toys for yourself, eh, Shawn"

"No sir, I am not." returned Shawn bluntly and added "I am merely offering a suggestion to remain here where it is safe and if in fact this ship is unsafe, you can destroy it from the Berlin"

Adtanis nodded his head and removed his grey trench coat and handed to Hamilton to wear "You in charge, Shawn. Don't fail me"

"Yes sir" returned the Chief engineer and first officer as he tapped his badge "Security team beta, report to transporter room two"

-Unknown ship-

Brutally was an strong point to the Empire. non made clear as soon at the away team transported onto the unknown ship. Once boots were firmed on the alien ships, the security team began their assalt. Bolts of energy lanced through the air to smack the target in a cold blood rage. Screams of pain, death, anger, fear, roared through the vessel as the the Terran security force plowed their way to taking the ship.

"This is utter madness" stated Shawn a second after his arrival to the ship "How the hell are we going to know how to operate this vessel"

"That's not my concern, Commander" returned the Security chief "You're the Chief Engineer, not I. That's your duty. Mine is to take the ship, no matter the cause"

Shawn balled his hands into a fist and snared at the younger officer before him. With in a second, the Engineer pinched the Security chief in the jaw and grip him by the collar and pulled him close to him.

"You will follow my orders you bastards and that order is stop killing the crew. I want prisoners" Hamilton stated as he then drew out his phaser and jammed the tip to the side of the man's head "Or should I add you to the body count and call it friendly fire to promote Bob to Security Chief"

Fear had grip the security chief as he slowly shook his head "N...N...No sir. You are correct" the chief looked Shawn and tapped his badge "Security team Bravo. End fire, begin capturing the crew. Bring them here to the cargo bay."

"Good" returned Shawn angrily as he pushed the chief away from him, which the man tripped on an dead body and fell down

Putting away his phaser, Shawn, dislike the carnage and how the Empire had set into them to 'shot first and ask question later' type of mentally. He turned slightly and headed to an near by console. He sighed outwardly as he placed his hands onto the console. He didn't want this to happen and made a note to himself to alter the protocol of away team to an unknown ship or at least change how the Empire handle things, then smash, burn, and later gather up. However, Shawn, knew that it was pointless after a series of thoughts and another sigh as he drew out his tricorder and placed the device on the console and everything went white before Shawn's eyes.


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