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Here we go again...Part 2

Posted on 23 Oct 2015 @ 2:54am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Commander Travis Stone & Lieutenant Commander Alorha Grange & Lieutenant Elas Vonti
Edited on on 05 Nov 2015 @ 3:39am

1,103 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M13-C: Shattered Time
Location: Sickbay

[Sometime later]

William returned from the medical lab and went immediately to Grange holding out a hypo to her. "It's ready."

"Good," She said and took it from him. She inderted the probes with the nano-probes into a scanner, and carefully inspected the microscopic probes as they were displayed on the view screen, running the required protocols on them, including the deactivation procedure. After making a few minor adjustments, she double checked the dosage and extracted the hypo spray from the cylinder in which it had been scanned.

[CO's quarter's]

Da`nal acknowledged the summons and looked across the table to Ayren. "I'll be back soon.'

Ayren nodded. She knew what was happening, and was tempted to join him, but decided against it. She'd rather spend some time working though all that happened and she knew exactly what she needed. As Da'nal left she changed her clothing and made her way to the holodeck.


Meeting Stone in the corridor they entered together. The two security officers were still on either side of the biobed; they seemed a bit more attentive than before as they were no doubt looking forward to the end of their tedious detail. He looked to doctor Grange as she held a hypo.

"Have the nano-probes been injected?"

"Was just about to Commodore," she said when Da'nal came in. She nodded to the assistant, who activated the neuro-electrical monitor and turned Vonti's head slighty to the side, where a receptacle had already been inserted at the base of his neck to receive the specialized needle to inject the nano probes directly into his cerebrospinal fluid. Carefully she inserted the hypospray and released the nano probes.

There was an immediate reaction on the screen as the probes worked their way an area in his frontal cortex. The nano probes had the same signature than psionine and attacked themselves to the receptors on the dendrites of post synaptic neurons. "The nano probes are successfully mocking the psionine," she announced. Now she could control their initial activity from the console. William had done the programming, she had to set the parameters of their activity based on Vonti's response. "I am making the adjustments now...." she said and then stood up and turned to Da'nal. "There is no guarantee for its success, and neither can we predict precisely how long or how well it will work. But for now, it seems to be suppressing his telepathic ability," she explained.

"Understood. I assume you can adjust their programming as needed?"

"Yes, we can, Williams made sure and I double checked," she said.

Satisfied with the response it was time to test their effectiveness as well as let Mr. Vonti know how long he had been under and what he would be facing. "Wake him."

Elas awoke. If there had ever been a time he would have wanted to die in his sleep it would have been now. The doctor and all of the gathered security, Stone, Da' Nal... all ready to pounce. He had learned to listen to the Voice inside him, it as a duality, and it told him he was now the enemy, and he knew he had to escape. He reached out with his mind, hoping to connect to Emory, the sentry he had been infiltrating...

Nothing. He sat up masking the panic with awkward body posturing as he got to his elbows. He was neutered and powerless, but careful not to let his expression reveal his horror. He knew he had to escape... His memories of the last few... How long had it been?

Da`nal saw the panic grip the man's features, it must have been like someone steal one's sight. However his sympathy ended there and his voice was tight and his knuckles, while clasped behind his back, were white. "Lieutenant Vonti. You have been injected with a series of nano-probes that have been programmed to block your ability to project yourself into another's mind. Regardless of your past contributions to myself and this crew, you intruded into another's mind without permission. You will be facing an investigation, charges, and hearing."

Turning to his XO. "Once Doctor Grange is done with him take him to the brig and conduct your investigation as discussed." Then nodding to the Commander Grange, "Doctor." He didn't wait for any acknowledgment but left the others to their tasks.

Alorha stepped towards him and prepared another hypo spray. "This will counter the effects of physical weakness," she said remaining purely professional and pressed the hypo spray against his neck. "You have been out for just over a week."

In the meantime, Travis had already motioned the Security guards in Sickbay to get on either side of their target. "Doc, not too close. He ready to go after this? There's a nice solitary confinement cell waiting for him." He then turned to Vonti. "Are you coherent and lucid?" he asked.

Elas was frantically trying to reach out, but his senses were numbed. He was castrated, impotent, the verge of power he was cusping cruelly wrenched away. "I am neither. I am a pet."

He leaned a bit as he moved to get off the table. He got close to Emory in the process... a flicker, the small bits of himself he had leaked into the guard were still there. Just feeling a piece of his old ability made all the difference to him. There was hope, this wasn't his end.

Alorha nodded to Travis. "There is nothing medically speaking to keep him from being escorted to the brig," she said.

Elas held his hands out to be bound. "I understand why I must be imprisoned, but to remove aspects of my physiology... cruelty. Take me and be done with it."

"And what you did was not?" Alorha asked exasperated and angry. "You ...invaded people's minds... 'raped' them!" she continued. "Get him out of here before I ... say something worse!!" she said and marched away, fuming.

With that the security guards looked to one another and nodded. There was enough rumor floating around and escorting him through the ship to the brig would only add to it, not to mention the time it would take. Tabbing his badge as he placed a hand on Vonti's shoulder. "Brig, lock on my signal, prisoner inbound. Two for site to site transport."

=^=Acknowledged. Reception is ready and waiting.=^=

Shortly there after the transporter effect faded and the remain guard nodded and left.


Commodore Da`nal

Commander Travis Stone

Elas Vonti
Walking the Mile

Chief Warrant Officer Mitchell Mallory
Security Officer

Lt Commander Alorha Grange


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