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Here we go again...Part 1

Posted on 23 Oct 2015 @ 2:54am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Commander Travis Stone & Lieutenant Commander Alorha Grange & Lieutenant Elas Vonti

1,520 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M13-C: Shattered Time
Location: Sickbay

Da`nal entered sickbay with Stone and CWO Mallory. The trio crossed over to where Vonti lay, still in the medically induced coma that he had been placed in after invading Ayren's mind...this time purposefully.

Security guards were posted on either side of the bed and given what had happened that evening they were probably there for Vonti's protection more than anything. He scoffed at the thought...~like they could stop me anyway~.

"Commodore, the guards have orders to stun you or anyone should you try anything against the...detainee." Mallory warned in his deeper, cautionary tone. He as well as the others knew the history with these two, and it was not pretty.

"And don't think I won't fire on you if I need to, though personally I'm in favor of putting him into the agonizer booth for a few hours until he gets the point of breaks down." Travis quipped in a softer tone so only the CWO and Da'nal could hear it.

Knowing the first was more for the troops stationed, as they both looked young and a bit intimidated at their approach, he ignored the comment. All that had been settled that first night. Now that they were underway it was time. The later curled his lip as the same thought had occurred to him. Aryen had actually smacked his shoulder, telling him 'Don't you dare!!', when the thought had popped in his head as they had been walking in the promenade.

This whole situation was bizarre for Alorha. As a doctor she was supposed to remain objective, but she was not. However, she chose that expression. "Commodore," she acknowledged him.

His arms crossed over his chest, "How is your patient Doctor?"

She wished she could say that he was dying..." Sir, he is stable in the induced coma, and will fully recover if we wake him," she said.

After hearing the report the only question on his mind was how to prevent it from happening again. "How do we keep him from invading another's mind? The first time as unintentional but two women ended up in comas. This time, as you know, he purposefully didn't take his inhibitor. I cannot allow him to endanger this crew or anyone we encounter. Unless you have a solution, my options are limited. I can put him in a shuttle until he can be met by a Federation vessel. However as we get further along my only choice is to put him in stasis until we get back."

"He should not be allowed to interact with any crew, mentally or otherwise, he is too dangerous. His telepathic functions should be inhibited permanently, which could be done with surgery, but that is not guaranteed. Surgery with inhibitors and isolation in stasis or the brig is an option if he could not be safely returned to the Federation," Alorha said.

[In Vonti's mind]

A part of Elas screamed. There was no response from his body. He knew there was likely a cortical inhibitor preventing neurotransmitters from firing along the synaptic pathways to the nerve centers... He stopped trying to imagine the process it wasn't helping to intellectualize this. Panic and claustrophobia gripped him, he was trapped in his own body and the clawing fear of this erupted into a full bodied frenzy of anger and rage.

Nothing happened. Not even a twitch. He aware, but totally inert, how could this have happened, why was this so? He should be in a coma, his awareness buried under a layer of subconscious dreaming. He could hear, but his eyes were closed, and the static feel of the bio field over him prevented air from blowing across his skin, so he felt nothing as well. Try and struggle as he might, it did no good, he was trapped. The thought came to him briefly this was what Alana and Ayren had gone through, and now he was being subjected to it.

It was hours before one of his guards shifted weight briefly and came close enough for Elas to feel the edge of his mental signals. The guard was tired, his previous night had seen a long duty shift and his slip in vigilance gave Elas a ray of hope. Though only barely on the edge of his half meter radius it was close enough for Elas to try what he could. It would take time, but he had cracked a Klingon brain not long ago, and this was just another uphill climb. It started like it always did, bringing up a pleasant memory, something they would want to remember and he could use as a beachhead and dig deeper....


Had the Achilles been a Klingon ship Da`nal would have been wiping Vonti's blood off his hands before they had left DS9. He had taken the report on the previous 'attack' at face value...that the incident was the intentional result of his subconsciousness. And even as Ayren & Lt. Tambor lay in sickbay Da`nal had allowed him to return to duty and the man had been elemental in gaining vital information in the battle against Toran.

Even though Aryen had recovered, at least physically, from this latest invasion Vonti would not see mercy from most anyone in the room. Turning to Stone, even though the question was for all. "Besides, surgery, stasis, drugs, isolation or sending him back to his own people, are there any other options we are overlooking?"

Alorha crossed her arms. It was not the first time she had internal conflict about her duties. Was her duty first and foremost to the crew or to one single individual?

Williams was wrapping up closing a wound on a rather shapely thigh that had gotten cut after she had tripped an fell into a glass table in her quarters after what he had learned had been a rather spirited pillow fight with her roommate. He muttered under his breath as the regenerator continued to close the cut, "Too bad there isn't a Borg around when you need one."

Da`nal's sharp hearing picked op on the muttering and his head snapped in the young doctor's direction. "What was that Lieutenant?"

His face instantly red at being called out, but he didn't want to look like a shmuck in front of a pretty girl...or the CMO, XO, & CO for that matter "I was just thinking that perhaps some nano-probes could regulate his mental abilities."

That intrigued Alorha. "How do you propose to do that?" she asked curiously. That might be an option. "Is there any evidence of this having been done before... on a telepath?" she asked. "He was able to bypass suppressants designed to reduce the neuro-transmitters responsible for his abilities, unless we have been missing something..." she commented, but first waited to hear what Williams had in mind.

"The medication to block his abilities was self administered; a level of trust that he was obviously not ready for. There are several forms of Borg, as well as Federation, nano technology in the database. It should be possible to replicate the proper type and program them to keep his psilosynine levels to a level that he can still receive mental impressions from others so he can do his job, but keep him from projecting himself on another."

Da'nal was nodding, he liked where this was going and his face showed it. He looked at Grange to get her thoughts. "Doctor?"

Travis held up a cautionary hand. "Hold it a minute there folks. Not that we don't need a way to automatically regulate his medication levels, we definitely do and the nanoprobes are a good idea. That said, he's going to be nowhere but a brig cell for the next few weeks, preferable a solitary confinement cell. He disobeyed several direct orders, willingly I might add, attacked a member of the crew and one with a very high status in the eyes of the Federation. His abilities are growing beyond what the normal for his species is. I haven't heard one decent argument to prevent putting him up on charges formally, and as of right now, I am."

Da`nal twisted to look at the XO beside him. "Know no knows better than I who was assaulted and he will have to answer for his actions but before we wake him we need to make sure he is not a threat to anyone. File charges for disobeying a direct order and assault. This is your case investigate and prosecute. Should Mr. Vonti choose, we will hold a hearing. As I am personally involved I will have to recuse myself and I will get Commander Pike to preside and Commander Montoya to defend."

Returning his attention to Commander Grange. "Now, Doctor Grange how soon can this be set up?"

Alorha looked at Travis, fully agreeing with him. Vonti was indeed going beyond what was known of his species. "We need to do it then as soon as possible," she said. "We will start right away."

Da`nal took a breath, his arms still crossed. "Do it."



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