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Stranded while hunting

Posted on 23 Oct 2015 @ 3:05am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Commander Travis Stone & Lieutenant Commander Fanvo Adtanis

1,255 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M13-C: Shattered Time
Location: Alternate Universe

Da`nal had answered the summons to the bridge and was busy cleaning the blood from the floor. He kept his eyes on the carpet as the others on the bridge went about their assignments. One or two went out of their way to knock into him and try to pick a fight with him. His people, once having been the conquerors, were now the conquered. The defense of Qonos had been an epic battle where many, including his Father and brother had fallen in glorious battle. Some, like himself had been found unconscious and taken prisoner. When he had come to the Humans had taken great pleasure in flaunting the destruction of the Empire. The execution of the High Council had only been the the end Qonos was transformed into a radioactive ball that would take centuries before even a Tholian could set foot on it. The few thousand Klingons that remained were little more than slaves, with their numbers growing smaller everyday.

The task, though menial, was simple enough and he would be done in no time at all; he took what little honor there was in that. For now he and those loyal to him obeyed and did what was needed in order to survive. For now to live was their victory. As he completed he rose and made his way to the lift when the doors opened.

For the mirror reality, the human race was allowed to expand, and quirky worlds like Ardana had formed odd societies. In this Reality, the Terrans had eradicated the Elites of his sky city, taken the tech and enslaved the people. Fanvo Adtanis was the key to Ardana however. the Troglodytes listened to him, and the cormaline deposits, along with trellium gases made this planet beyond valuable. The troglodytes were free labor, Adtanis was their Intendant. Was... now he was a servant to the Captain Stone.

He was a skilled Engineer and the Vaq'Bach had appropriated him over a year ago. His forebears had sold his people out for a position of power and the Vaq'Bach had destroyed their defenses and taken him anyway. Now in this summons to the bridge he was certain he would be blamed for the inferior technology they forced him to work with. Though no match for Stone, he was hard at work-

His thoughts were cut off when the turbo-lifts opened and Da'Nal the Klingon pet of the ship was square in his sights. He knew that the Klingon would love nothing more than to slaughter every human on board, but restraint held his hand. That made Da'Nal interesting certainly, and he simply said. "Da'nal..." in greeting.

Having expected to be shoved out of the way or other wise demeaned, the un-abusive greeting by the new engineer surprised him and his reaction was quick. Bowing his head out of respect for his 'betters' and made it so the commander would have to by only slowly moving out of the way. "Commander...", under his breath he continued. "...strike me for your own good."

"Oh..." Fanvo formed a small weak fist and popped Da'Nal with a loud smack, but not enough to harm. He hated the games he was forced to play, but this was one wily Klingon. He would need to have a long talk...

"ADTANIS!" Stone's full and angry bellow rang out over the bridge intercomm, simultaneously sending shivers of fear and alerting everyone he was not in a good mood, and that's when people tended to die most readily. He was still in the ready room waiting for the report and meeting.

Rising from the command chair Montoya looked to the lift where Adtanis and the Klingon stood. He wondered what they were up to but the Captain was in a mood and that was a dangerous thing. "Unless you want to spend some time in an agony booth I would suggest you get moving Commander. Leave the mutt to his cleaning!"

Da`nal looked back towards the ready room and to those who may have been watching as he picked himself off of the deck. Gathering his things he entered the lift leaving the bridge.

Fanvo hoped he had roused interest in Da'Nal, because he knew his time was short. a Klingon accomplice opened up some doors.
He ran however to get to the Ready Room. The cavernous bridge made the crossing timely, and he replied to Montoya along the way.

"I'd have to fix it first, booth won't go past three without killing the occupant, sorry!"

Montoya smirked with a laugh. "Haa...Stone does wear that thing out doesn't he. Better get in there before he decides to use it anyway"

As he approached the Ready Room the debate raged in his head, "Press the button, or just walk inside?"
The doors opened as he awkwardly held his hand out to push the button.

"You're late." Would be the only words Adtanis would hear before a shot of energy hit him mid-chest and made the agonizer booths feel like a pleasant breeze. For a small eternity of what was really ten seconds but felt like a lifetime, Fanvo would feel enough pain to wish his life was over before it ended, leaving a residual soreness and twinge. "Status report." In his left hand, was a small hand phaser, which the crew knew quite well had been acquired from a test lab, and was one of the more effective of Travis' personal weapons stash.

Were it not for his neural parasite he would have soiled himself. He would have collapsed and writhed and made an utter shame of himself. He didn't find any victory in maintaining this little bit of dignity but by the heavens of any God he could pray to he would do anything to avoid this again. Breath control beyond ragged gasps between silent heaving finally returned after a moment.

"There... was a defective program, something buried deep, likely sabotage. It only showed up in the final instants as we jumped I isolated it and purged it... I will prove it sir, I did not make any mistakes! The Damage is done however...sir, I have fixed the problem but repairs will simply take time. I have not stopped working since our last failed jump."

"I'm aware of your attempts to affect repairs, Commander. I want to know who installed the sabotage, when it was installed, and how they knew to bypass your security checks. I want a repair estimate to me inside of an hour, and a plan how to get us back to normal time. You will have one hour from the time we finish to have this to me, or pay the price." Travis' face took on a truly evil grin, while his voice took on the tone of pleasure most people in the Empire preferred to never hear. "I hear that little addition in your head can produce quite the experience if slowly killed while still attached. Fail me, and we'll find out just how much."

It was then Logan's voice and in over the comm. =^= Captain a ship has entered sensor range. =^=

"Details. I want a battle assessment before I get out there." Stone responded in a threatening tone, and then turned to Fanvo. "Get me that information before the end of the ship day, or we'll see just how much pain that thing can cause you before you break like an egg. Go!" He stood up, and started heading out. Things were about to get interesting.


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