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Security Concerns

Posted on 24 Mar 2015 @ 3:31am by Lieutenant JG Giada Lindert & Lieutenant JG Suteyo Alahanu & Ensign Karrak

810 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M13-A: From the Old to the New
Location: Various
Timeline: After: New Orders


Once she finished her conversation with the CO & First Officer, Giada made use of her new office to contact the two main officers on her staff who were returning. She doubted either one expected helping with a diplomatic conference so soon, but such was the nature of the job.

Suteyo stared down the corridor leading to the central armory, his mind creating the cross section image of the Command deck above and Shuttle bay below. It was a good location, allowing them to fortify both with one task force. However it was the rally plan on books that worried him. They relied on choke points, using standard Starlfeet tactics of holding and bottling combatants to preserve life. His thoughts were interrupted when Lt. Giada summoned him over the comm.

=/\= "Suteyo acknowledged. One moment while I access a secure terminal." Within the armoury was an admin station, after securing the door and encrypting the line he found Lt Lindert waiting on a channel with the Gorn Ensign... He couldnt place the name immediately...Karrat...Karrak.

"Lt. , Ensign... To what do I owe the privilege of speaking?"

With Suteyo on a comm channel elsewhere on the ship and Karrak on DS9, it should be fairly easy to get the necessary actions started.

"I just came from a meeting with the Commodore and Commander, we have our first mission already. The Romulan and Klingon diplomats are expected on-board shortly after we dock at DS9. The Ferengi and Cardassians are also expected to toss their proverbial hats into the ring. "

She paused to let the information sink in and ensure there were no questions at the present time.

Suteyo took the moment of silence to access the logs, it was the ferengi delegation that concerned him, Capim had already licensed four casinos and a bar/restaurant to Ferengi groups. Different ones at that which made the competition fierce. This seemed to be a redundant action from the Ferengi, there was always the possibility of a shill for the Orion Synidcate... The Cardassian delegates were too squeaky clean, he felt further investigation was demanded on this as well.

"What will you need of me, I see several areas of concerns quite frankly on each delegation."

"I'm not even sure yet if we are to meet the diplomats at the same time or separately. That obviously will have an effect on how we run things. If you have specific information on the delegates you feel would be useful, send it to myself and the Command staff."

The exact details were still up in the air, but hopefully would be cleared up by the time the Achilles docked at DS9.

"Lt. since I'm likely to be involved with the talks, I'm placing you to be in charge of ship security. Coordinate with the Marines on forming a strike team. Should something major occur during the talks, I want extra personnel nearby that can quickly respond and provide extra support. As we'll be docked at the station, I'm not too concerned about external attacks but that doesn't mean we should ignore that aspect either."

Suteyo felt a great pride in the responsibility being handed to him, already the multitude of simultaneous thoughts necessary to confront the myriad of difficulties. Contacting DS9 to get them all on the same page had to come first. He nodded to Lt Lindert's orders, and began his programs searching for intel on the members of the delegates. Within hours he would know them intimately.

"Ensign Karrak, I hope you have your dress uniform ready to go. You're to join me in interacting directly with the diplomats. With your field of studies at the Academy, this will be a good hands on experience."

"I will have it ready." said Karrak.

"Glad to hear it. Ensign, since you're already on the station, if you could get with Commander Blackmer, it would be greatly appreciated. See if he has any security concerns about the diplomatic conference or our arrival in general."

Suteyo spoke next, "Lt, if it is possible we will need to set an agenda and itinerary if even informally given the civilian element. When Ensign Karrak makes his coordinated plan I'll ask your permission to complete an agenda for the delegates to follow. My recommendations will outline their escort and access levels. Two of the Cardassian delegates have lengthy dark marks on their records, there will need to be an investigation of many people before any level of security clearance is recommended."

A moment passed, and Suteyo felt the day moving without him, he had much to do.

"If that will be all, I must oversee the freight packing of armory supplies." He awaited release, or further orders.

Giada nodded.
"That's all gentlemen. I won't keep you any longer."

Giada Lindert
Chief Security Officer

Suteyo Alahanu
Chief Investigations officer

Security Officer


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