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An Asset

Posted on 20 Mar 2015 @ 12:13am by Civilian Reva Madhava & Civilian Capim Jothy

1,395 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M13-A: From the Old to the New
Location: Achilles Promenade


Capim had already leased a Casino, two restaurants, three dance halls, a multi-species Cafe, and a holoplex display in the park. There was no word on his enhanced systems, but the army of cooks he had hired to man these businesses could do just as good as his old replicators. He stood on the outer ring, a perimeter balcony lined with kiosks and booths for wares, trinkets, diversions and opulent gifts. Soon these businesses would traffic in Gamma Quadrant wares, Alpha quadrant goods would become collectors items, rare and hard to obtain. The Ferengi he knew were behind several of the leases he had seen had already filled the stores with items they felt could be made into priceless artifacts of the Alpha Quadrant.

The Central park was an oval stretched for half a kilometer by a third wide. The holoplex currently testing its productions and broadcasting HMS Pinafore in the center of the grassy knoll over the gentle valley. the bottom of the valley seemed to be filled with water cresting and swelling the sailing ship in live action. The fanciful attire was visible and sharp and the joyous melodies sounded great even from the distance. Soon, there would be need for the conference rooms overlooking the flas view of a bay, the club "Starlite Hoplite" had the entire wall on one side of the promenade affording a three deck view of space, made uninterrupted by holographic see-through programs.

Reva, dressed in a shapely and low cut civilian clothes, sauntered her way down the length of the promenade towards the business/shop end to the area to arrange for her employment with the ships entertainment company. She walked into the club looking to find Capim; she needed to make her 'application' public so that everything was in place. Seeing the man she was looking for she walked up to him, "Mr Jothy...I understand you WERE looking for a club manager?"

Capim heard the myriad implications of her choice of words and definitely noticed the shape of her resume` as it sauntered his way. Arran was in the cargo bay ferrying the delicates, so his attention was divided. Nonetheless, Arran found himself almost recalled for the sudden redirection of Capim's thoughts to Reva's low cut blouse and undeniable Orion pheromones. Despite the sexual energies being thrown at him, Capim had been married and raised several girls to the fine young women they were still to this day. Her sexuality fell on deaf ears as he looked at a lovely young woman who could well be his grand-daughter for how young she looked. It was how old she was acting that piqued his interest, this one was wily and dangerous.

"Oh I believe I still am, though I am eager to hear your sales pitch. I can run this place, what I need is someone who can make this place their personal ambition to have and to hold, to enrich and cherish. So why is my search over?"

"Well I say you were looking because your search is over. Who better than an Orion to manage this place while you oversee your little empire. I know how to manage people, keep people in line, see that this place turns a profit all while providing the best service to be found in this or any quadrant. I have contacts that you have never even heard of, can get items and other....entertainments that you can't...legally that is, and can beat a Ferengi at his own game every time. By the time we leave DS9 this place will have emptied Quarks and will have reservations made for our return 70 years from now."

She made a show of things and hooked her finger in his shirt as she softened her tone as she cocked her head. "I know how to get what I what and will see that you get what you want....all I ask is a fair cut."

With him pulled closer she almost whispered, "I can be a buffer to shield you from any accusations of impropriety while you relax, keep your other operations running smoothly and can help you...influence any negotiations to your favor."

It was all he could do to maintain his professional composure, she was making a hard sell, and the offer was definitely alluring. But no matter how interested he was, the salesman in him played the cards in his hand. He had to say no to the first offer, he had to show he wasn't a rube who took the first glance at face value.

"How intriguing, I will admit the services are needed but you have just demonstrated the very profound levels of trust I would require of you to be wasted on a potentially disloyal ally. If you can push negotiations one way, then you can also make them sway another, a threat buried in an offer for help. Your offer is the dull edge of a knife, with a razor sharp twin just waiting for the right time to twist. I may have a position for you, but you should know that "my little empire" is a direct extension of my family, my blood and the blood of my brothers and uncles and aunts and cousins have flowed to keep us in business. So you tell me why I should trust something so dear to me, something I would kill for and have watched family die to protect, why should I trust it to you?"

Capim didn't mention how interested he was in her services. His middle to old age had already begun to show in the margins of his ledger. Fresh blood, especially so virile and capable would revitalize everything if guided by his careful instincts. If Reva could step up to the challenge she could easily inherit the vast fortune Capim and his family enjoyed, but he wasn't going to hand it off to just anyone. He also let his imagination run wild at the prospects of their respective intelligence networks linking up. The opportunities abounded, but it all had to be played just right, he needed Reva to chase after the position, to feel as though it wasn't a guaranteed, he needed her to be hungry for it.

Reva was surprised at the level he was pushing, then again he couldn't just hand her the job...even if it had been prearranged. She put a hand on her hip before answering his question. "Well for one you are going to be my yourself out there. I may not be family but I have a vested interest in your success. Once we get out there I will have no where to go. That is unless you are planning on leaving everything behind and taking your family with you?"

"Would that they all agree on anything ever... No it will be me and my wife, the rest are extended family but my kids have lives of their own. I can't honestly think of anyone who could do the job better than you, but you know this... the job is yours, which you also already knew. What you may not know is..."

Capim materialized Arran right new to Reva, this was no ordinary feat, Capim had been pulling Arran for a few moments before he appeared in a rush of displaced air. It was startling and sudden, exactly how Capim wanted it to be.

"I've got eyes everywhere and I am never alone. I think we can accomplish much together."

Out of nowhere a small green bottle appeared, and by similar magic, two small tumblers were in his hand as well. Without wasting a motion, he poured two quick bolts of the Green liquid into each cup, holding one out to her. This little show had taken on a few spectators, rumors would flow like honey, and a knock called opportunity would soon come to their doors... it was all working out perfectly.

"So, yes, I agree to this arrangement shall we toast and get to work?"

Lifting the glass she nodded with a slight tilt to the side. "Agreed."

After lowering her glass she smiled devilishly. "So who do you think we should work on first?"

Capim returned the gaze, and the grin. "You said something about beating Ferengi at their own game..."


Capim Jothy
Merchant Shipmaster (provisional)

Riva Madhava
Club Manager


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