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Brass taxes of OP

Posted on 07 Dec 2014 @ 5:40am by Lieutenant JG Kassi Denterius & Lieutenant Kordah Himars

2,465 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Location: Tour of Ops
Timeline: Backlog

ooc: well there is no gift better then the present when the current post one is in is on the hurry up and wait for people to post. So I figure, might as well, get things rolling for our two characters.


'Take it easy' Krodah repeated this phrase in his mind after departing sickbay and then later the Admiral's ready room

Krodah, knew that the Operational section of the ship he was in already had personnel and an someone who was knowledgeable and an firm head on her shoulders to get things done in an timely matter. At least that's what he gather reviewing an data pad the admiral handed him to review and speaking briefly with him on his newly appointed assignment on the Achilles. He even had to review his own request form on placing himself here on the ship. He knew he put in for Security/Tactical OiC (Officer in Charge), but, he would do this research on his own time. Now, he had an section, that he knew little about and what better person to ask for help is an fellow Bajoran.

First he had to find Kassi Denterius on an ship that can divide into three sections for use in combat. He walked over to Operation station of the bridge, to start his tour and lay of whats whats and who he is in charge of. Thou, all his personnel he was in command of, had names and images displayed upon they're personnel file. He wonder why the name tapes of uniforms of the past on Earth and other military armed services lost interest in this day and age. It made sense then to look at them, know who you were speaking too with out the aid of data pad and it was honorable and an sense of pride to tell those you were talking to of your family name.

"Excuse me" Krodah stated as he looked at the back of the head of an blonde haired woman standing there at Ops "Can you tell me where I can find, Lt. JG Denterius?"

Fingers moved with fluid ease over the console she was working on. Things for the most part had seemed to be quiet, something that allowed her the chance to play a bit of catch up on some of the work that had gotten pushed aside with everything else that had been going on. Brows furrowed, so in concentration she was that the voice that came from behind her caused her to jump slightly as she glanced back to the sound.

"That would be me." Kassi said after that moment of surprise as her gaze looked at the other officer with a hint of interest. She knew her tendancy to be shy had caused some to not realize who she was for the longest, but she'd been sure that at least most in her department knew who she was, even more so now with her having been over seeing things in that area. So with that thought, either this man was one of the new one's, or he's somehow slipped by her radar. Though she banked on the first one.

His mouth hanged open for a second, before closing it to shake his head. He felt dumb at this point and should have known better, when the second Ops chief would be at her station.

"Ah then my quest locating you came to a head rather quickly then" He returned with an kind smile and he extended his hand to her "I'm Lt. Krodah Himars. Your new section leader and i was wondering if you can give me a tour of ship and Operation sections. That's if you don't mind doing so?"

Taking his hand she gave it a shake. "Lieutenant Junior grade Kassi Denterius at your service." She said with a smile. "And of course I can." With the intro out of the way, Kassi gave a motion to one of the ensigns that had been working with her to let her know she was stepping away for a bit. Her gaze of blues looked at the man before her once more, studying him a little more. "I'm assuming you would like to do this now?"

"If that's alright with you and I don't mind the nickle tour either" Krodah replied, knowing that it can truly wait until she was finished. However the warrior in him thought 'sooner this is done and over with the better'

"I was just running some updated scans, Ensign Thomas can finish it up while I show you around." Kassi said with a warm smile as she moved to walk with him. She would of course start with the deck they were currently on before they would work downwards. "I've been trying to keep the paper work, that is on what is your desk now, caught up for you." She said randomly as they walked between places.

Krodah, for the life of him, didn't know why those two words 'Paper' and 'Work' never really sound good together. But, he understand the reasoning behind them. He wonder briefly if he picked up the notion of dread with those words along the way of service to Starfleet.

"Well, that's good to know, Kassi" Krodah returned kindly "Would hate to see large monster piles of paperwork upon an desk."

Krodah, knew something that Operational officers and crewmen did in Operation, he now realize that Operation use going to be an up hill battle for him and was glad that he had someone, that knows the ropes. He would state this to Kassi, in an more private part of the tour and hopefully didn't make an fool of himself in saying that he has limited knowledge of his new posting.

"So, is there anything I should be made aware of, you know ship wise?" asked the Klingon Bajoran

Wasn't a large monster, only a small one, she thought as she smiled to herself. It hadn't been the first time she'd found herself stepping in to help out, amazingly she rather liked doing it. But then she found herself, more often than not, throwing herself into work at times. Kassi thought for a few as they made there way to the next area of the ship. "Not really, I mean you've seen what we are currently going though. At least I'm assuming considering you are coming in though it all."

"Yeah I saw it" Krodah returned "Not going to say it was the best of times either. After all it was up against Klingons, then Jem'hada of years ago."

Kassi nodded as she listened to him, for the moment not overly sure what to say. In a way she was glad the task was showing him around. A motion to a couple different places as they walked.

"Hard times then and even harder times ahead" returned Krodah "of course, most of my earlier career is focus around Security and tactical, do to no small fact that I'm Klingon taught. That's an tale all it's own best shared over dinner."

Hearing his last statement a cant of her head happened as she eyed him curiously a moment before responding. "Then it seems we will need to have a get to know you dinner one of these nights." She said with that easy going smile of her's.

Krodah smiled and nodded his head "Yes one of these day indeed. But," he clapped his hands together and rubbed them together, noticing that the two were alone and felt it was time to be up front with Kassi "I have no experience in operations. Ask me things that deal in tactical and security, I can ace it. But, Operations, not so much, other then what I was briefly taught starfleet and the War Academy and I doubt Operation in starfleet is the same of that of the Empire. Isn't operations and Engineering the same?"

She couldn't stop the slight raise of brows as she heard him. Someone who knew nothing about Operations was now the Chief of the department, was were they thinking?? Welp, she supposed everyone needed a chance to try something new. But...Chief? A few questions went racing though her mind, though there were times that she remembered her place and this was one of those times. After getting over her initial shock, she smiled and responded. "Sorry Sir, you surprised me with that. Pretty much we are the jack of all trades, we do work close to Engineering."

"Ah I see" returned Himars.

He didn't want to say it, but, he felt that it would be wise not to hide the fact that he knew little about Opertaion up front and put it in the open. To someone that knew the lay of the land. Which, reminded him of something he read about human military factions on Earth centuries ago. He wonder if this was one of those ideas that the CO, felt he needed to become an better officer or give him better experience in the long run. But, when the Operations was Starfleet's answer to 'jack of all trades', that made far better sense then what he briefly learned.

"So for the most part, what I like to do on my off time, which is tinkering around with engines and so forth, I can apply to Operations?" asked Krodah

"I don't think I would tinker with the engines, Engineering Chief might not like that. But yes, we do tinker with many other things." Kassi said with a little chuckle before trying to get serious again a moment. "May I ask you an off the record question, Sir?"

"Go ahead and fire away, Kassi" returned Krodah

"Why did you decide to tell me?" She asked bluntly with slight cant of her head. "I mean, I will do what I can to help you out and get the grasp on it all. But.. I'm just being curious... "

"Ah" returned Krodah "well, I figure that you should know up front then later on down the road. Being second in command of the Operations, I have to relay on those under my command to help, as they relay on me in kind. I don't except to be baby carried and what not, just an friendly direction pointing and every so often an slap in the back of the head to remind me that this isn't Security. So, whatever it takes to make this department shine. "

"That I can do" Kassi said with a slight chuckle. "Anything else you want to tell me, or ask me... or shall we continue?" She asked as she studied him in her own way. She always enjoyed getting to know new people, even if she was shy at times.

"That's up to you, I'm always open to know more about people" Krodah returned with a grin "For I might end up writing an song or opera about my travels. I can see it now..." the warrior hands spread out as he briefly looked up to the ceiling and then back to Kassi "...the grand and honorable Blonde haired warrior Kassi slapping the back of the head of the hero, me, and directing him to points forward and stop acting like an warrior and more like an Operation expert. Fighting to keep this ship afloat with the aid of the dirty engineers or something to that line of effect. Besides, the more one knows about a person, the grander the tale to be spread and to be made into an legend"

Kassi couldn't help but to laugh as she listened to him, a sparkle in her eyes as she pondered this man singing Opera. Not that it was her favorite type of music, simply the idea of a Klingon mix singing music like that. Well, she supposed stranger things have happened. Smiling she gave a little motion onwards. "We should continue... and you can ask what you want of me."

Hearing Kassi laugh, had his spirit sorrowing. for he knew that the Achilles was going to be an good place to serve and with time, an noble home for the old warrior. he also knew, that today, he had found an friend he can turn to for advice or whatever that may come.

"Lead the way" he half stated and half sang which didn't sound overly horrible as the took off once more "I do have to ask this, do you believe in the prophecies or what not that our Bajoran halves are tied too? I'm asking this is because, I uh ummm not sure of it, but, I had an vision when I was in sickbay or before coming aboard, not sure which of an Bajoran woman with Blonde hair and no I didn't get an good look of the woman face."

She gave a slight glance over to him with that question. "I do, though I don't make it to Temple as often as I wish I could. But, that is part of the downfalls of being part of Starfleet." Kassi said as she walked with her Chief to show him around a bit more. "You should always remember your visions, even perhaps write them down in a safe place so not to forget them, and to keep track of them. If you are meant to know the woman in your vision, it will come back." A warm smile was given to the Klingon mix.

"Ah" Krodah returned with an nod and making an mental note to do so, after the walk about "Well, I haven't talked to an priest in nearly five or six years now. Just been far to busy, with matters of home"

"Well don't feel bad, I'm not the most faithful when it comes to that stuff myself. I find it's hard to when one is in Starfleet." She said with a slight shrug as she walked and pointed a few other things out to her Chief.

"Yeah, I can see the point there." Krodah returned as he looked around as things were being pointed out

Finally, she stopped and looked around. "I think that's about all the important stuff. Unless you just want to talk a bit more." She said with a smile as she leaned against the wall a moment and looked at him.

"ah the nickle tour is over. Ah darn" snaps fingers with an coy smile on his face "i was so hoping to poke around the engine with a pointy stick" he chuckled a bit "Sure, what should an lovely lady and an Ox of an warrior should talk about?"

Kassi laughed and gave a little shake of her head. "What ever you want, though yes... I do believe the tour part is over."

Lt. Krodah Himars
Chief Ops

LtJg Kassi Denterius


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