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Karrak's physical

Posted on 21 Nov 2014 @ 6:56am by Commander Karen Myles & Ensign Karrak

534 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Location: Sickbay, USS Achilles

The XO and the Security Chief were unavailable at the moment, so Karrak went to Sickbay to have his mandatory physical. The Academy had taught him the unofficial regulation they called the McCoy Rule. Namely, do not cross the CMO. When you are due there, go there without delay.

The Gorn entered Sickbay and looked for the CMO. "Enssign Karrak, Ssecurity Officer, reporting for my physical, Doctor." he said.

She looked up from a padd and have a slight nod. "I prefer to be addressed as Commander thank you Ensign." she motioned to a bio-bed and added. "Please take a seat." She walked over to retrieve her medical kit and took a deep breath. "Fortunately I have served with a Gorn before so this won't take as long as your likely used too."

"Is there anything that impacts your health that I should be aware of that won't be in your medical record?"

Karrak took his place on the biobed. "My apologies, Commander. I will remember to address you as Commander from now on." he said. "No impactss on my health sso far, of coursse this is my firsst tour of duty." He had no qualms about having a female command him. Of his people, the females were larger and fiercer than the males. If Captain Kirk had faced one of them, the outcome would have been quite different, and they commanded most of the ships, so he had no problems in that category.

"Thank you." She replied as she flipped open the medical tricorder and began to take her scans, it took her a few moments to take in the scans her eyes didn't leave the display on the tricorder. "Your vital signs are within normal range." She took a deep breath. "Although you haven't been spending enough time in a hot environment." She looked up. "You should speak to engineering about having the maximum temperature in your quarters raised and the humidity decreased."

She flipped closed the tricorder and added. "I am going to take a small sample of your blood for analysis and for our records." She replaced the tricorder and took out a hypospray. "Your arm please."

Karrak presented his arm. Yes, his room was too cold, and he would have to speak to engineering to have the maximum temperature there. He had been subjected to even colder temperatures in his training, but it was not normal for him. "I will sspeak to Engineering about that, thank you, Commander."

She pressed the hypospray into the presented arm and waited for the familiar hiss. "Well Ensign your preliminary scans show no problems." She paused for a moment. "Your blood will be anylized and catalogued tonight, if there is any issues I will send for you again." She took another deep breath. "Until then you are cleared for duty, welcome aboard Ensign."

"Thank you, Commander." said Karrak. He got up and left Sickbay.

She watched him leave and took a moment the ponder the odds of in such a short time to have served with two Gorn before shrugging slightly and taking the blood sample into the labs.


Commander Karen Myles, MD, PhD
Chief Medical Officer

Ensign Karrak
Security/Tactical Officer


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