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Caught in the Act

Posted on 12 Jun 2014 @ 4:08pm by Lieutenant JG Suteyo Alahanu & Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Commander Anastasia Lyons & Lieutenant JG Telemachus Rahde & Civilian Capim Jothy

1,843 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Timeline: En route to Romulan Refugee zone


Capim was dozing loosely in his wardroom following the dream that was his live feed to Arran serving in the lounge. Arran was trying to make the Dalousi mixed bourbon but the patron kept changing the garnish forcing him to start over each time. Arran's desire to pummel the young Bolian was mounting. Arran nearly crushed the glass he was holding as he heard the Bolian breathe deep, as if to speak again mid mix.

The Bolian ensign changed his mind again. Arran nearly acted out his desires when Capim reeled him in. The Ensign was left stunned, as though Arran had been killed before his eyes. Capim limped out from the wardroom and waved to the young blue man, much to his visible relief. Capim limped past him too, "I Gotta go get the Yopa wedges from aeroponics, be right back." He pretended not to hear as the Bolian called him back, changing his mind to yet another garnish. Capim chuckled, he hoped this would teach the ensign to be more decisive. Arran re-appeared before the once again startled ensign to continue helping him, a low growl in his chest. Capim left the lounge, to stretch his legs and grab a crate from the cargo bay.

"Capim-Delta-Zed-One-Five." The cargo bay doors opened, lights turning on. Capim almost missed the dart of shadow, but thought nothing of it after a moment. He walked to the aisle for his personal effects, his herbal poke pouch was low, he just needed to retrieve the stasis unit keeping them fresh. Another fleeting shadow had his hair on end. Instincts and survival were compelling him to feel the eyes of someone watching him. He wasn't alone.

"Hello?" Capim's extra senses began to return data, there was a scared presence nearby, scared like a wounded animal would be, Terrified. His heart beating faster than it had since the war ended, he called out, "If anyone is in here please just say hi..."

The rush from behind him was the only warning he got. A terrible impact on the back of his skull made his vision wink out, he felt the thud throughout his body, and for a moment teetered on the brink of unconsciousness. It was by instinct he called for Arran...

The Bolian was reaching for his drink, finally finished, when Arran winked out of existence. The glass dropped and spilled all over the bar to an astonished ensigns surprise.

Arran and Capim shared knowledge, Arran's appearance was behind his attacker on purpose. Capim was hurt, Arran's own life was in peril! With a simulated effort and yell Arran wrapped his arms around the... in the split second before Arran would have squeezed the guts out the attackers mouth Capim saw the man in open light. It was Starfleet?! Arran changed his approach and lifted the man, slamming him down on the ground with a resounding impact.

Capim had gathered his wits again, he had Arran hold the man down, and he was doing so effortlessly.

=/\= Capim to Security, I've been attacked in Cargo Bay 2, Arran has the man detained, and I am hurt... hurry!"

=/\="On my way, security teams two and three to cargo bay 2 double time phaser on stun" Telemachus said

Suteyo heard his action team called, Team three responded instantly as did he. Bolting from his primary watch station Suteyo met at the Turbolift Junction nearest the Cargo Bay seconds later, the team had already largely assembled. Another Security officer was filling them all in, "... unknown assailant in Cargo Bay 2, only one person confirmed, internal sensors show two lifeforms, Halanan and Human. The third is a psychic projection, and is currently detaining the Human-" He stopped mid sentence and snapped to attention as Rahde emerged from the lift, a mere twenty seconds after the call. Their response times were on point Suteyo noted with some satisfaction.

Arran was wanting to crush the squirming Human, but Capim called the shots. Arran had taken a full mount straddling position and was ready to pummel the trapped man if he squirmed too far. Arran had begun to sit on the mans chest and furthermore began to push, delighting in the labored breathing, the subtle action going unnoticed by Capim. He also missed the small device the man had managed to get to his hand, a micro explosive. It was little more than a firecracker, meant for opening locks and destroying small devices nonetheless it startled Capim so bad Arran vanished. The man moved very quickly, sweeping Capim's legs from under him and disappearing into the dark room. Capim darted for the exit when the beam hit him square between the shoulders. It wasnt set to stun either, Capim collapsed with a short bark, his words cut off by the heat. Rigelian silk was worth more than latinum by weight but it had saved his life. The energy dissipation spread the effect over a wider area, reducing the intensity altogether.

Seconds later, the XO arrived with another security team, "Report!" as she took up position, phaser drawn as the doors to the bay opened.

Rahde stopped mid stream in one sentence to reply "-they are contained for now commander one civilian and the suspect, Suteyo I want a forcefield on either end of this corridor and and other exits from this bay." Rahde took a breath before continuing, "team 2 flank left, team 3 to the right, commander with me if you please,"he finished.

Suteyo was a step ahead, "Bulkheads already sealed at Jefferies tube junctions, looks like attempts are being made to lower Field at B-9 Jeffferies instersect. Forcefields in place already, signal scrambler activated inside but internal sensors have been reconfigured to detect noise, motion, heat. We can place hostile in top right corner, rear of the bay. Another signature from middle bottom level, likely the victim."

The teams reported in position, Suteyo continued, "Recommend Anesthezine, power loss, sensory grenades. We could enter from the maintenance shaft beneath the bay, there is ample concealment and will allow us to assemble."

Telemachus was both taken aback and impressed by his officers initiative, "Very good Suteyo, take the lead if you will" he said.

Inside the cargo bay the agent worked furiously, he knew his time was short. His tricorder was being hacked, the Lepton field it was generating was all that was preventing them from transporting directly to the brig. His handlers had assured him his cover story would pass scrutiny, but this was going to launch a real investigation. He was screwed, even if he got the Romulans their Fissile material his handlers would know about this. He considered for a moment the mini protonic-nuclear device he carried, it might not destroy Achilles but it would make them very very hurt.

Gas began to flood from the vents, he was out of time. The tricorder was compromised but he had fused the logic circuits turning the sophisticated device into a Lepton generator. He put on his mask, it had thirty minutes of air filtering at best. He finished the alteration to the bomb, and activated the dead mans switch. Crewman Lasko was a facade, and he shed the last vestige of his character as he shed the uniform. He held the comm badge close, its insignia now foreign and alien to him.

=/\= Attention Starfleet... I have an explosive and intend to use it should you attempt to breach this bay. Withdraw your gas, your teams, and allow for my escape. you have no choice, If I release this switch your ship will be wrought and twisted scrap metal."

Suteyo took point, the team was assembling at the access hatch, both the gas mask and the shield he had adapted from the jefferies tube access were making movement cumbersome. Armor was an archaic concept to most, but Suteyo found he preferred a 4 cm duranium plate between him and an assault rifle. he held on his forearm like a shield, though it was just an access hatch. Sciences had been working on an anti-lepton generator, the tech wasn't hard, but nobody happened to have one on hand. The four other members of the team silently prepared, Suteyo needed to check in as it was crucial they disable the device and hold the bomb in a transporter containment.

=/\= Suteyo to Engineering.

=/\=Tyce here.

=/\=We need the anti-lepton field generator as soon as possible.

=/\= No dice, you want a device that takes time, but I can modify the deflector, just gotta get the okay from the Chief. Stand by.

Suteyo heard Rahde implementing the action plan, the shuttle-bay was being prepped with a sensory disruption grenade in place at the helm of the flight shuttle. They waited as the XO and Rahde negotiated for time, when Suteyo felt his tricorder pulse.

Lepton countermeasure ready on his command. Rahde confirmed ready at the door. They cracked the seal along the floor, the manual release silent and forgiving of their movement. They entered without a sound, quickly spreading between the racks. The man was still talking into his communicator, masking their approach by the chatter of Rahde and Anastasia. Through his gas mask, the exchange took on an eerie sound, he was desperate to leave. Suteyo rigged the command sequence to initiate the transport simultaneously with the Lepton countermeasure.

Capim awoke with a gasp, the gas was suffocating him, and Arran materialized in a torrent. The rage was evident as he bounded impossibly fast for a physical being, even being shot phased him none. Suteyo saw the flash fire and hit the button to activate teh counter lepton field, swearing out loud as the plan fell apart. Arran ascended the tall racks and jumped to the man who leapt into the darkness barely missing the barreling monster. The Leptons fell, and the transporter lit up as the bomb he carried dematerialized, it was also a beacon for Arran, who descended upon the man in a fury.

Suteyo charged the scene, to no avail. Arran had killed him in the first hit, every other hit was out of spite. They rounded on him with lights shining and he wavered for a moment, ghostly... then he vanished as Capim succumbed to the gas. The device was disabled via transporter and returned to the scene. The crime scene.

=/\= Suteyo to security, situation nominal. Hostile is dead.

The team had already swept the bay for additional explosives and had Capim whisked to Sickbay as the holo-emitters were offline due to the particle storm they had created. He mused that twice now attempts on a crewmans life had happened, himself and Capim and now there was an actual body. The cold case was hot, there was a smuggling operation in the fleet, Achilles was part of it. He sighed as it also meant Intel was going to get involved. This man had a deep cover to get on board this ship, he would need their help to find out how and who was responsible.


Lt j.g. Investigator Alahanu

Capim Jothy

LT Rahde


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